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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 \\L? Al INTELLIONCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT nie 111110010 bbiebbIl bablibill* WOMB Ibb les? ?*ad wawa el Use MOWS NOW Weds OM mew lag et Ohs 1111/1011410Zaws TM IS. IMO. Sms. IM sal $L?P it_ bs say "Maar to IMP asvIiImums payslillemml by Ims. 50X1 OATS Of 11110. PIACI ACQUISO USSR (Brest Oblast) 1, City of Brest 2. Subordination of Soviet Departments REPORT NO. DATI OIL Fire NO. Of MON INVIIWAINT NO. RINMINCIS 50X1 50X1 4 October 1954 9 IE0 ? TIN MCI remortons 1 no moor NS IMIONMVI. 50X1 PHI Arremsm or =woo f$ MO IRV Rif 0141111111) 1. SMART SUBJECT AND AREA CODES 3 -ce -o4c6 62i .43 1.2 7 . 41?! 225N 755.420 i 553 rif,L1 8550 225N 862 ?225N 864 N 1 04 .226 225N 135.31 225N ?eetinterisra--- sun NOW AIM I POI ICC SW& Wieliappos 4111*IbrNms b?ssIsil bp "ri fiel4 ilbilolbellso y61,414 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 )eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 COUNTRY ,PONgT/MITW:, REPORT NO. DEFECTOR RECEPTION CENTER WISI1 (Brest Oblast) SUMO' 1. City of Brest 2. Subordination of Soviet Fire Departments DATE OF INFORMATION PLACE ACQUIRED 50X1 50X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 DATE DISTR. 9 Alkalis t 1954 NO. OF PAGES 8 REFERENCES: 1. Population statistics over a period of years 500 As of November 1950, the population of Brest at approximately 100,000. ? no was unable to give any other past or present population figures. The 100,000 figure represented an estiMate based on size and comparison to other areas of the Soviet Union that he had visited. 2. Density of population in sections His activities were Conoentrated primarily in the business section of Brest, where all of the main government buildings, post office, militia and theaters were located. The majority of the population resided in the area surrounding this section. The most congested area was the northern seetion,of the city, where the railroad and industrial workers lived. 3. Segregation and other coexistent problems .No .major segregation of classes, ethnic groups or religious factions existed. The major ethnic group was Ukrainian. Density of built-up areas Beosnse Breit WAS primarily a transportation and transloading center, it was rather neglected as far as reconstruction of war damage was concerned, wag emphasis was, however, placed on the reconstruction of warehouses, depots and railroad lines that were destroyed during the war. Consequently, up to 1950, the only major improvements in the city were the rebuilding of a theater and electric power station. From his Personal observation, he stated that the city showed no signs of any extensive reconstruction ag build-up of any specific areas within it. ---CONIZRUNZIAL v in Part - Saniti7ed CODV Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 )eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 - 2 . Neighborhood differentiation To the hest of his knowledge, there appeared to be no postal or pollee sub-divisions in the city. No other information. 6. Street categories and condition, normal traffic In general, the city had very good streets, the majority of which were constructed of stone (inlaid rocks) or were surfaced with asphalt. The lone highway that ran through it (in an east-west direction) was made of concrete. In his opinion, all of the roads In the city as well as those leading in and out of it were adequate to support the limited amount of traffic that utilized them. The - bulk of the traffic through Brest was truck traffic, while the motor- mxi cycle was the most predominant means of transportation within the city. ons rue on features, by street category (features, width, drains, lighting) a. City streets All streets within the city were approximately six meters wide and bad curbs and drainage outlets. In addition, they were constructed so that there was enough space between the curb and walk In which trees could be planted. Streets were illuminated by eleotrio lights placed on the corner of each block. b. Main highway The main highway that ran through the city was about 12 m. wide. .Within city limits, it had all of the features of a normal city street. However, in the outskirts, it sloped from the center to permit the draining of water from it. 9. Street clearance, congestion, traffic control The city police (militsia) controlled all traffic within Brest. There were only two red lights in the city, and those were manually operated. Traffic regulations were lax in that there were no speed limits and no one-way streets to faoilitate faster through-traffio. Emphasis was placed on proper documentation of vehicles, operator's permits and general administrative controls rather than on driving safety and procedure. Ithere appeared to be no 50X1 serious traffic probleml in Brest due to the small number of vehicles there. 10. Institutes and government buildings See Enclosure A for location of government and' civic institutions. 114 Railroad offices The Main Administration for Railroads (Glavnoye Zheleznodorozhnoye U ravleniTs) for Brest was located in the city of Baranovichi LN 53-08, E 26-0,27. NAAR asw4 ^^..4.. 711ed all railroad traffic for 50X1 tbe Brest area. 1 I this city was the maim switching center for, all east-west traffic in the region. there were branch offices in Brest but could give no information on 'their location. CONFIppmptl, 50X1 in Part - Saniti7ed CODV Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 ? 3 - 12. Collection method of water supply He said that water within Brest was piped to homes from central rater supply point. Almost every home he had visited within the city was equipped with adequate water facilities. He was not able to give any information on meter systems or any other controls in distribution of water. He said the main supply came from the Bug River, which flows through the city. No other information. 13. Distribution of water supply No information. 14. Maintenance of water supply. No information. 15 Sewerage, collection and disposal No information. 16. Storm drainage 50X1 there was no storm drainage in Brest. 17. Industrial waste No information. 18. Garbage disposal No information. 19. Insect and rodent control No information 20. Electric current characteristics He said that 220 AO was used throughout the city. No e information, 21. Sour?, of ice manufacturing No information. 22. Ice storage No information. 23 Cold storage No information 24. Transient Services In 1950, there was no city transit service of any kind in Brest. Taxis were the only means of public transportation available. There were about taxis in the city. 25. Explosive storage No knowledge. CONFIDENTIAL IThno-Inecifiari in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 50X1 50X1 26. Storage areas for munitions CONFIDENTIAL - 4 - 50X1 a historic fortress near the Bug River and fortifications in various sections surrounding the city were utilized as storage areas for food and munitions during the war. He aloe heard that during the war the Soviets destroyed all of these fortifioations, which were underground, and that they had toyer rebuilt them* 27. Hospitals, location, type and capacity Minor injuries that did not require hospitalization were treated at a polyclinic (name unknown). This clinic was also the main examination center for the city license bureau. All driver's license applicants had to get 4 nhvsical examination there before they received their licenses. I what type of patients were treated there. He had no other information about hospitals in this city. ? 26. Billeting potential the billeting potential of Brest was poor in that there were no large hotels, pensions or other large struotures that could be converted into living quarters in case of an emergency. There were no large casernes in the vicinity of the city. No other information. 29. Major bakeries, restaurants, commissaries To the best of his knowledge, there were no large bakeries in the city. There were, however, many small bakeries that made bread and pastries, but he never had the occasion to purchase these items and so could not give the bakeries' locations. Brent had no large restaurants. Most places were a bar-restaurant combination, catering primarily to the drinkers. Being the only station change for Soviet personnel returning from Germany and Poland, the city had much transient trade. Officers and EM had a 10-hour wait for trains going east, and, as a result, they usually went on .a drinking spree there to celebrate their return to the USSR. Soviet soldiers knew the city as a center of prostitution, and during 1949-50, there were many prostitutes there. Friends and taxi drivers told him that the VD rate among troops returning to the USSR via the city was great. There were no large commissaries, in Brest. 30. Laundry, baths The city had a large public bath (Gorodskaya Banya) Which was open every day except Sunday. This bath house was available to all classes of people and provided them with hot and cold water, steam baths and massage facilities at a very inexpensive price. He had no information on laundries. 31. Functionp of the police 50X1 the police force was divided into various departments. Traffic control had the reeponsibility of checking all motor- vehicular operation, license issue and traffic control in the city. The riot or alert department kept order at workers' meetings and checked documents withlm the city in an effort to find subversive elements. The investigation department investigated all criminal acts committed within the city. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 50X1 CONFIDENTIAL . 5 . He believed there were many other departments within the police atraCture* but he said these operated, in general, on a minor Scale since they had no authority to arrest military or govern- lent officials. Their main function therefore, was to keep order among the civilian population. .32. Police stations, jails and prisons See Rnelosure As 33. Special police control areas Mere were no restricted areas in Brest othe eentrol cheek o 50X1 or?er was pa roiled oy nva Isomer Troops. He could give no other information. 54. Other police controls No information. 35. Fire department See Enclosure A for the location of the city fire department. While he wao_lai_the_aitY,_there_re never a fire to his knowledge. 50X1 Therefore, the me o use o fight fires. 1 50X1 he was in an apartment that was situated above a fire etation. From conversations with the firemen, he learned that they were members of the military service. He was told that the fire departments in the UM were under jurisdiction of the NO and that the chief of all fire-fighting units in the NUR was, in 1950* Gen. Maj. (Thu) BOODANOV. He presumed that the Brest fire department was organized along the same lines. He could give no information on strength or duties of a fire department. 50X1 there was a railroad fire department vision was responsible for fighting fires in railroad installations. No other information. 3. Fire-fighting equipment No information. 37. Water supply for fire fighting 50X1 ?3ver blook within the city had a water hydrant, these were to be used for fighting fires. Be could give no ot er information About the hydrants, 36. Effectiveness of the fire department No information. 39. Civil defense 10 claimed that he never heard of any civil defense measures or organizations in the city. He believed that no civil defense organization existed in the 1160. 0. Headquarters posts No information. OONMENTIAL 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 npriaccifian in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 CONTENTIAL 41 Equipment adequacy No information. 50X1 42. Shelters first aid stations and evacuation plans 50X1 shelters or first aid stations nor heard of an evacuation plan in Brest. 43. Emergency communications No information. 44. Workers employed in major industry There !Tore no major industries in the city. it wag nrimarilv a transportation and transloading center. 50X1 about 801 of the working elan were people employed in some aspect of railroad operation and maintenance. - 45. Source Of raw. materials No information. 46* Markets No infOrmatiOn. 1. 50X1 According to Webster's Ng! Colluiate pigtionary, e pe u ,on of Brest was 55,374 in 1939 Enolosure; A. Pinpoint Locationsof Insta11atiOns in Brest CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 UUAI CONFIDENTIAL? -7 - sg?Onneharegnambanonr???????...???????????????Iwohnnearim CONFIDENTIAL Enclosure A )11(Lati City Plan, BRUT, ISM Piret edition Number 4435, dated 1943 CONFIDENTIAL Bug River 4irt..100.8.?????????11,1m...1????????????????????????111Innellaut Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8 bUX1 CONFIDENTIAL - 8 - CONFIMINTIAL Enolosure A ispomq 1. Party headquarters buildings 3-stor7 briok bldg, sise unk. Communist Party had its meeting and lecture halls there. 2. Interns, (DP) oeuPe Area WAR INTIWOAss A-A by .a three- Moterwhigh-ooncrete wall. displaced persons fram Poland and UOBR satellite oonntries, who were once Soviet (Attu*, and wished to return to the NOR, were detained and ()hooked there for political reliability. No other information. 3. Warehouse and transloading area. No other information. 4. lire departments 5. Public bath house. 6. MOT polio headquarters. M I DEM I: A / 50X1 50X1 50X1 norlaccifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/28: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400120006-8