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Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400150001-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT CONFIDENTIAL COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Border Guard Troop Training DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED This material contains Information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States within the mean- ing of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.B.C. Bem. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorised person Is prohibited by law. REPORT DATE DISTR. 6 December 1954 NO. OF PAGES 1+ REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE, (FOR KEY SEE RIVSRSE) ARMY review completed. CONFIDENTIAL STATE ARMY rr NAVY AIR FBI ABC 7 f Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400150001-0 Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400150001-0 CONFIDENTIAL COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Border Guard Troop Training 25X1 DATE DISTR. 22 Out 94 NO. OF PAGES 3 DATE OF INFORMATION REFERENCES: PLACE ACQUIRED THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The Training Program l? the overall border guard training program. was Bet up in Moscow at the Chief Border Guard 25X1 Directorate (MV-Glavnoye Upravleniye Po raniohnykh Voysk) and distributed through the districts to the lower units. The districts, as lower unit headquarters, expanded and explained th"ogram in neceseary detail to the lower units. there were 25X1 very few changes in the pro ram from year to year. In general, the program was divided into political training and border guard service raini ig. The gaining Year 'formally, the training year began in November with the winter train- ;ibg season. In late March, April, or even May the spring-summer training season began and continued to September From S&ptember . tb November there was a break during Which there was no formal, uniform training. During this period, units reviewed and repeated s'UbJeots,in' which they had been weak during the previous training year. After each training season there was an inspection and examination period during which higher unit teams came to determine how well the various units had assimilated training. Unit Training 3. In addition to daily routine border guard duties, EM of the border guard had a three-hour training period five days aweek; there was no training period on Saturday which was devoted to inspection and administrative duties. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400150001-0 Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400150001-0 CONFIDENTIAL - 2 - 4. The monthly training schedule for border guard enlisted personnel totalled 60-65 hours of which 16-18 hours were devoted to political indoctrination. The. remaining hours were about evenly divided between general combat and tactical training, and training pertinent to border guard: duties. In the 22-2k hours of border guard training (pogranichnaya podgotovka) given each month, the following phases of activity were covered: border sentry duties, border guard unit CQ duties, the manning and operation of'soreens (zaslony), observation posts, secret observation posts (sekrety, patrols, handling of border orossers, operation of signal devices and signals in use at frontier posts and headquarters. . 1 Officer Training 6. Border guard officers had a formal training schedule which lasted a reinforced border guard routine (i.e, under various alert oonditiofs). Border guard officers enrolled in any type of military or civilian correspondence course (zaoohnj~kuri) were oxvused from participation, in the regular officers' training program. -routine (i.e. one not under alert conditions) and the operation of Officers' border guard training covered instruction on orgganization, administration, and operation at zastava and 25X1 komendatura levels, the operation of a normal border guard security three days a month, eight hours per day. The three eriods were called officer training periods (ofitserskaya ucheba). One-third of the training time Was devoted to the study of Marxist-Leninist principles and the remainder was about equally divided between and border guard training. Tactical training included the solution of problems, various tasks and, studies which were sometimes assigned individually and some- times assigned jointly. This a1i;p-included the preparation of "spot" writs called "letuohki" on various subjects. larksmanshiP. Training 100 o order guard troops but rather were aught to fire by rocket light. did not use any particular optical sight or sigh firing device marksmanship-training was taken very seriously in the border guar an the average border guard trooper 25X1 was tau ht to shoot well. Night firing was especially stressed in the bower guard'. the border pard personnel 25X1; Lmarksman. hip training given, Physical Trainins 11 'theemphasis which the border guard placed on p ys oa ra n ng the stress placee 11 25X1 on physical training was greater in he bor or guard than in the Soviet army. At sastava level it wats parried out under the CO's direction, Several hburs Were devoted to, it weekly and it fell under the general heading of "combat training". In addition, considerable "free time" on Sundays and holidays was devoted to physical training. ` CONFIDENTIAL" Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400150001-0 Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400150001-0 CONFIDENTIAL -3- 12. Komendaturas had no physical training instructors. Physical train- ing at detachment and district levels was supervised by physical training leaders (.fizruki) of the fifth (combat training) section who were officers. (The district "fizruk" was often a major.) Camouflage Training l3. in the border guard there were no installations to be camouflage an use of cover was taught rather than 25X1 camouflage. For example, troops were taught to take advantage of darkness by entering and leaving ambush (sekrety) at night. Recruit, 'training 14. New recruits were brought to the border guard district headquarters of the districts to which they were assigned and then distributed among the, various training oenters,,(uohebnyy unkty) which were under control and general supervision of the order guard district. At times, these centers were under thq immediate control of a district's sergeant's school but they were usually under the immediate control of the detachments (otryady). 15. The recruits' civilian clothes were taken away, they were issued uniforms, and received three or four months of basic training at, the centers. There was a training zastava where border conditions were simulated and recruits were taught the school of the border guard trooper. Exercises were both theoretical and practical. Training encompassed marksmanship, and duty, political and physical training. On completion of basic training the recruits were assigned to border guard line units-. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-00046R000400150001-0