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r,~: ~,c Approved For Release 2009/09/18 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400150005-6 _ t -~ CENTRAL .INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1N1=~RMATION REPORT This mate{tal contains lnformatlon aftecting 'the Na- ttonal Defense of the United States within i~he mean- ing of the Espionage,imwa; Title 16, U.B.C. Becs. 793 and 794, the tranamieslon or revelation o1 which in any mAnner to sa unaut!-orized person is prohibited by law. CONFIDENTIAL. 25X1 COUNTRY USSR . REPORT SUBJECT Supplementary Information on MVD Troops DATE DISTR.' 8 October 1954 DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED NO. OF PAGES 4 REQUIREMENT NO. RD 25X1 REFERENCES This is UNEVALUATED Information fN/ !0l/AC/ lYAL{fAt10Ni IN THI! RRORf AR! DlfINfTIVl. fN! A'-RAIlAL O~ CONTlNf 1! f!NlAiIVl, f~OR K!Y !f! R!VlR/!) Co entd. 1. Throughout this a^eport, for Main Directorate read Chief Dis~ectorate, In paragraph 2~ Vilnus ie~ correctly Vilnius; Shaulyai is correctly.. $iauliai. Comment 1, for ''"tYlat '1'n~Lc:rne~l Troops were or anized into a Maa g n Directorate-C}UVY" readNthat only Internal Troops -and Border Troops were organized into Chief directorates (aUVV and GUPV)". 25X1 ARMY review completed. CONFIDENTIAL STATE ARMY NAVY AIR FBI "'^" '"'--Fingfen dlsfribvfton indtcafed by "X"J field diMribufion by "#"J Approved For Release 2009/09/18 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400150005-6 V Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-000468000400150005-6 COUNTRY USSR C~WFIDEATTTAT. REPORT 25X1 DATE DISTR. 28: g~us~ 1954 NO, OF PAGES ~, SUB7ECT Supplementary Information on MYD Troops DATE OF INFORMATION PLACE ACQUIRED 1. Tomes of MVD Troops REFERENCES: 25X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 to differentiate between various types of MVD troops, M'YD operat ona un s, the were several types and varieties. First, err was the Border 4uard, 'which was represented as a Main Directorate (Ciavnoye tT ravleni a Po r chnikh Voysk - GIUPY), directly under the MVD. the various other t es,~vhich were all called ose y n er or troops" (vuutrenniki', in?lude (a) Operational Troops "for fighting banditism" ?~ i.e, to control internal disorder sueh'as from partisan anti-regime elements. (b) Railway Troops, (e) Internal Troops, (d) Troopanfor the Protection of Special ab~ects (VQyska ?khrany 4sobykh Obyektov - V000) who guard "lagers, prisons, military installations, etc.", a Convo Troops] and. possibly there were some others Eaoh of the F oregoing had a Main Directorates osoow, directly under the I'~.1. another type of MVD troops, one of the internal~wariet ~~'~?Wy ~~~- Co aen. fnu) riyA9LERFCOV, was the deputy for the Troops for the Prot ti f e? on o Special Ob~eets (VpOC). CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-000468000400150005-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-000468000400150005-6 COI~IDENTIAL ~- 2. MVD Operational Troops and A~TD Internal TrQooe to distinguish more clearl b t e w eep Internal Troops nu reran y yye Voyska) and Operational i!roo s O ti p pera vnyye Voyeka) sometimes ca~;led 3peoial Desi ation Troops ~'~oyska 0sobogo Idaznaeh- eniya,or "OzMaz"') it was quite difficult to ex lain this rat'~ier fine difference The 2d and 4th biv. 2. were AgVD Operational Troops; their primary ~?b was to combat Lithuania b d n an its and to bolster the newly reintroduced ,~?viet regime. A division of Int r roops (Vnutrenniye V?~rskli~, oomraanded up to 1951 by - a Col. PERSIKOV - in the. vicinity of arodno ~ g - - i Wh , n ite Russia had a similar mission. A^ aneth~~r+ ~.~,?.. ..~ w...... or thee? latter troo s ?arthqualce in Ashkhabad - - ~~ Intert~a~, Troops took command of all important Bites and inatall~tions in the city, including banks, h?spitals, sto.. They performed guard duty to preserve order and prevetat riotirr , lootin and pillage (of ahioh there was considerable amount). th? mission of the two types was urt about ode and t ame, preventio~a of mass disorder or, "The maintenance of revo ry order and the power of ~th? doviet government;. perational Troops wsr? to be found more in the ~newsr territories of-the doviet IInion, - such se Baltic countries, Bessarabia, the revently aogwired portions of White Russia, where their mission was to sump out or ke.p down anti-regime partisans. The 4th Regt. of Internal Troops stationed at Riev durin~_World War II had the sane function, the maintenance of order. e v lion strength to ba between 10,000 and 12,000 two divisions of O eration l 2 ` p a Tro~o s ? the 2d Div. n Vi lnus~ ovmmateded by a Qen VETROV (a f 44 . s o 19 , and tha 4th Div . in shaulyai, commanded by a sera. (fnu) P~YA9f3CRESt (as or 1980 . These were all the ~ operational troops in Lithuania, along tr angu ar ineea three regiments per division, threei~ea battalions per regiment three cos iss per battalion, three platoons per company. the component parts of these omits w widely coat ?re on garrison duty throughout Lithuania. th di i D~_Qovernment 9igaa Troops. MVD signal troops. were ca. Prayitel!stvenno~r _ ..~.,~+..a ~++ ~++@ ~overru~tential strategic Cable" 3. between Moscow and Warsaw was not d?ne by 1~IIVD troops but by a w?rkiag colu~an"~abochaya kolonna) under the direction of officer- spec3.alists from troo s ?t the MVD Capt. fnu KOLESNIROV as an engineer in charge of the pro ec n that area. GO1~A'IDE~TTIAL 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-000468000400150005-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-000468000400150005-6 ~~NF`IDE~f~IA~ _3-. 1~VVD Railaa~r Troupe there euieted another organization of ~ troops Qa led xailaay Troops" - ("ZZ~t~D4ROZffi+TYYE 9~~SKA~) . Thas? aere organized generally into "garris?ns" ?! three categor;Les, depetr~ding on the importance ?! the c-b~ect or area guarded. For ext~aple, an, i~portant tunnel a~i ht have a co any or a Plato?n sized unit to guard it. the Volga river bridge in the vicinity ?! saratov had lirst oategary garrison e! ooa~amy size. In the ones o! sa~aller bridges, a third oategory garrison o! about 30 men would bs a~eegned. In come oaseo, a oo an aot~id be assigned a nt~ber o! brid se. sb~Qry, .gguuarch might be ~t1113tdrized", but. bridge,,,. tunbel,, et~d oo~i~oatimn route. guards had to be 25X1 25X1 who were 'the black clad polioe-type iadividwale 25X1 ,arms a sa ?rs oltem eseu iA soviet statioAS by many l0rei ere. they were oalied 9tre1'tey (guard) or Dezhurnyye ~guare!): 25X1 e were only Railway Militia (police), Aot troupe. 0 25X1 the soviet militia in eneral were considered "s~ilitary'" or militarized", they were "hai! and halt'". Most 25X1 militia msn aere. ormer eerv oemen aad.oould if meoeesity demanded be converted into troops. COIQFIDFrN'~IAl~ Approved For Release 2009/09/18: CIA-RDP82-000468000400150005-6