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Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400350003-6 INFORMATION REPORT FORMATION R CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Sees. 793 and 784, the transmission or revelation of which In any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED Rumania Communist Activities Within Sovromtransport REFERENCES DATE DISTR. 4 March 1955 NO. OF PAGES 5 REQUIREMENT NO. RD SOURCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. ARMY review completed. STATE I ARMY NAVY g AIR FBI AEC (Note: Washington distribution indicated by Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400350003-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400350003-6 SECRET COUNTRY Rumania SUBJECT Communist Activities Within SOVROMTTRANSPORT DATE OF INFORMATION 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR. 26, Jan. 1955 NO. OF PAGES 4 REFERENCES:. 25X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION kground 1. In 1946, the Rumanian Maritime Service (SMR - Serviciul Maritim Roman) was reorganized, renamed "SOVROMTRANSPORT" (SRT - Soviet- Rumanian Transport), and remained as a Rumanian State enterprise. At this time, ocean-going merchant marine shipping consisted of only two vessels over 2 000 tn* and a few small craft averaging about 500 tn. From 1946 until 1954, SOVROMTRANSPORT expanded in both personnel and shipping. F_ -1 25X1 in July 1954, SOVROMTRANSPORT had 10 vessels over 2,000 tn. each and four other sea-going craft of approximately 500 tn. each. there were about 300 personnel available to 25X1 SOVROMTRANSPORT to operate the sea-going vessels. These persons] in the 35-45 year age-group, averaged six to eight years of school- ing, 15 years maritime service, were all Rumanian nationals. and were predominantly Greek Orthodox; about 90 percent were married and their families resided in Constanta. 2. From 1946 until 1948, there was considerable unemployment among Rumanian merchant seamen due to the shortage of available shipping and because SOVROMTRANSPORT had only two, large ocean-going vessels in operation. During the same period, all adult Rumanian personnel were required to align themselve6 with a political party. The Communist Party initiated an intensive recruiting program which offered work on these two SOVROM'TRANSPORT vessels to Party members of the merchant marine. Although the majority registered with the Rumanian Socialist Party in order to avoid Communist advances, approximately 20 percent of an estimated 1,000 seamen did join the Communist Party, prl.max" to be assured -of a ship's berth. During this period, the Communist Party also inaugurated -_S=FZ--- Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400350003-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400350003-6 SECRET ..2- a job-assignment program for those persons who had been documented as authorized seamen. In order to qualify as a fully-documented seaman, a person had to belong to the Communist Party and be issued a permit to leave the country. This permit was issued only to politically-reliable individuals and allowed seamen to work on SOVROMTRANSPORT vessels visiting foreign ports. The job-assignment program consisted of dividing the fully-docuent. seamen into five groups and rotating the groups aboard the two vessels. In 1948, when the Socialist Party merged with the Communist Party, a large surplus of avtible documented merchant seamen resulted; and, frdr19'48 until 1950, as more ships were made available to SOVROMTRANSPORT, each ship was assigned a permanent crew which was selected on the basis of political reliability. From 1950 until 1952, the i3suanoe of permits to leave the country was ex- tended to include individuals who, though not Party members, wo-,re mature in age, married, or had material reasons for not fleeing Rumania. This action became necessary because the Rumanian Govern- ment realized that a greater number of qualified personnel were needed to operate the. SOVROMTRANSPORT vessels than could be found within the Party's ranks. In late 1952, permits to leave the obuftry were even issued to younger unmarried merchant seamen not associated with any political part Strength 25X1 25X1 aboard three SOVROMTRANSPORT vesse s each ship averaged a 46-man crew and had a proximately 16 crew members, or one-third who were Communist Party members. Three of these were convinced and active members one of the three d er of the crew tc always included a political offioer. The remain o the 300 individuals associated with SOVROM- 25X1 TRANSPORT, only 18 could be classified as active, convinced Com- munists, 75 as nominal Communist Party members, and the remaining 207 as not associated with any political party or expressing a negative attitude towards the policies of the present Rumanian regime.1 Purges and Recruiting of New Members In 1952, all members of the Communist Party in SOVROMTRANSPORT were required. to report before a Party committee and, in the presence of s v W reliability of Party members and 25X1 approximately 20 to 30 percent of the Communist Party members in SOVROMTRANSPORT were purged 25X1 at that time. The individuals incldded in this category did not lose their right to work with SOVROMTRANSPORT but were merely dropped fror the Party rolls. 6. In early 1954, the Communist Party again initiated a reoruitin ro.ram amon ersonnel of SOVROMTRANSPORT. 25X1 SECRET Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400350003-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400350003-6 SECRET _ 3 - Privileges Granted to Party Members Prior to 1952, only Party members were considered for promotion because of their political reliability. After 1952, because of a change in promotion policy, experience, education, and. ability were considered and promotion possibilities were equalized for all personnel. This change seemed'to put Party members at.a disadvantage because most promotions were given to men with the necessary occupational experience and technical abilities required for the new positions. These men were, for the most part, not communists. 8. From 1946 until 1950, the only other known opportunity offered to Party members which was not available to non-Party members, was the chance to participate in smuggling activities as part of a ship's drew; sailing in Mediterranean waters. During this period, all Communist Party members aboard SOVROMTRANSPORT vessels were allowed to bring blaokmarket medicines, cigarettes, and nylon stookin a into Rumania without custom control difficulties, Political Education 9. Each SOVROMTRANSPORT vessel had a library. All personnel were expected to take an active interest in the library andN,it was a known fact that the Political Officer checked the library cards to determine the ones who did not take advantage of this "educational" opportunity. At various times, personnel were notified of selected reading require- ments and were required to attend discussion periods of this selected reading. In this regard, the usual, procedure taken by crew members was to take out one book on each voyage, keep the book throughout the trip, dog-ear the pages of the book without reading the contents, and then sleep during the discussion periods or swing the.conversa- tion to other subjects.. 10. Every day aboard-ship, both in and out of-the home port, there was a scheduled meeting for all personnel during which the Political Officer talked about the 'genefits of Communism.. Soviet-Rumanian relations ship;,,, freedom of the .peoples, etc. These lectures usually lasted one hour. The audience was, not very attentive.. The only members of the crew who seemed to be impressed were the newly-assigned young boys. it was amusing to watch the change in attitude of the youths after they had made a few trips to Western countries. This educational program had no effect upon the older seamen for they had "seen the world" and knew what it was really like outside the Soviet sphere of influence. When the ships were in Constanta, the usual subject of these meetings concerned improving work to improve the country. Communist Organizations 11. Each SOVRONTRANSPORT vessel had a Union of Working Youth (UTM - Uniunea Tineretului Muneitoresc) group, composed of individuals from 16 to 24 years of age. Only those individuals who had belonged to this nation-wide youth organization for a period of time took an active interest in its program;a'u' possibly only two or three members were really interested. SECRET Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400350003-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400350003-6 SECRET 25X1 25X1 12. Every adult employee of SOVROMTRANSPORT was required to join the Rumanian Association to Strengthen Friendship with the Soviet Union (ARLUS - Asociatia Romana pentru Strangerea Legaturilor cu Uniunea Sovietica). Approximately 75% of the personnel of SOVROMTRANSPORT were members. The activities of this association consisted of a lecture program aboard SOVROMTRANSPORT ships once each month at 1300 hours. Each lecture lasted for about one-half hour and dealt with news from the USSR, building progress, factories and their accomplish- ments, etc. All material for these lectures was kept by the Political Officer on the ship. there was very little interest 13. Nature of Attitude Towards Communism of Employees SOVROMTRANSPORT could be classified as follows: 1 the attitudes of the' 300 persons employed by 25X1 Attitude Intense dissatisfaction Strong dislike Resigned dislike or distaste Voided approval No voiced sentiment Changes in Attitude Towards Communism of Employees 14. The typical change in attitude, from voiced approval to strong dislike, took place even among SOVROMTRANSPORT employees who-were Communist Party members. Most of the individuals joined the Com- munist Party in order to obtain special benefits. SOVROMTRANSPORT Communist Party members who failed to receive a promotion, special medical. or educational benefits became disillusioned and dis- appointed. Although they remained card holders, they refrained from taking any active part in the Communist Party program, 15. Another change in attitude from no voiced sentiment to a strong dislike was noticeable among those individuals who had their first opportunity to travel outside of Rumania and the Soviei, sphere of influence. This attitude change usually took place after several voyages. 1. L Comment: The figures given in paragraphs 4 and 13 are gener4l es a 2. Individuals 100 150 05 20 5 SECRET Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP82-00046R000400350003-6