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Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage j e 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person Is prohibite25X1;w C-0-N F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L COUNTRY USSR (Azerbaydzhan SSR) SUBJECT Soviet Border Guard Training and Maneuvers DATE OF INFO. DATE ACQUIRED INFORMATION REPORT REPORT DATE DISTR. 19 May 1955 NO. OF PAGES 9 REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES This is UNEVALUATED Information ARMY review completed. C-0-N-F-I-D-E--N-T-I-A-L FN7 INFORMATION REPORT AEC (Note ,Washington distr i(Tian inditat. by "i"? Field distribution by ".) =7- Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 CONFIDENTIAL COUNTRY USSR (Azerbaydzhan SSR) DATE DISTR. 28 Apr 55 SUBJECT SOVi6t Border Guard Training and Maneuvers NO. OF PAGES 8 DATE OF INFORMATION REFERENCES: PLACE ACQUIRED THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Arrival at Basic Training Group four hours of scheduled-training in close ordercdrill. , 25X1 ary regulations, and political subjects. The rigidly-scheduled border guard basic train n eriod which lasted for 2 days (includ- ing week ends) Basic Training Schedule 2. The typical week day training schedule was as follows: 0530 Reveille 0530-0600 Physical training 0600-0615 Clean up period .0S7 +.UMUTAL 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 0615-0700 0700-0 30 Inspection o Political fo f uniform, weapon, and personal appearance rmation 0730-0600 Breakfast 0800-1200 Training 1200-1300 Dinner 130014o Rest period 1430-1500 Preliminary ir-iLfie instruction 1 00-1830 Training 1850-1900 Cleaning and ,d ieassembly of weapons x.000-2000 Supper 2000-2130 Political formation 213Q-22_QD' Free period 2200-2230 Evening parade 2230 Taps 3. On Saturdays, this schedule was adhered to through the breakfast period. There was no training after that b ut, instead, trainees spent the morning on work details. After dinner, all trainees were free but were not allowed outside of the otryad area. In the evening before supper, films were .shpwn for about 13'.houra. However, there was an evening parade at the.usual time. On Sundays, all trainees were free after the clean, period;but; although there were no details, they could not leave the otryad area. In the evening before supper, films were shown as they were on Saturdays. There was no evening parade and taps was at about 2000 hours. Organization for Basic Training The entire basic training group of 350 trainees was under the command of a border guard major who was assisted by a border guard captain. In addition, the training staff com ris d t p e he following border guard personnel= two political officers for the entire and a junior.lieutenant, and a senior lieutenant S cretara ylofutheant Komsomol Organization (Komsorg)?d 5. The entire training group was divided into ten trainin each commanded by a junior lieutenant, lieutenantor seniortlieutenant platoon commander, and a sergeant who was assistant platoon commander. Each platoon was again divided into six or seven squads-which,-were commanded by sergeants, corporals, or even privates-first-class. All training was supervised and c d on ucted by the above personnel. The only exceptions were on 'a few rare occasions when the otryad CO, ie border guard colonel0 and a ,i representative of the military tribunal ,('a border guard maj'orl`>conducted talks or lectures. In most cases, group trained by platoons. and tactical training was conducted by squads. Hrwpver, paysiorl iticl forma- forma- tions and special tasks r l a o ectures, theentire tr ini gathered in the club or lecture hall. B group was Description of Training Training was identical for all members of except when weapons were nonce d training group, received training with ca~bine$and s while ot some hersotrainedrwithes SMGs and HMGs; ??~~-~~~? vv.Luu wnicn recruits trained were determined by their ro~ected assignments. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 CONFIDENTIAL -3 Subject ,,Location Physical training Otryad area Hours per Week Remarks 3j Running, rope climb- ing, exercises on horizontal bar and horse. Political X for&&bion Club (Politfnfortatsjya) 6 Border Guard Training Club, field 10 Tactical Training Field Political education based on current events. Lectures and practi- cal training, study of plowed strip, identification of tracks left on plowed strip, various types of border guard patrols, practical application of border guard patrol duty, detention of illegal border crossers, lectures on various border guard devices, electrical fences, etc. In a few instances, t trainees practiced patrol duty at night, armed with carbines and blank shells. 10 Trainees carried gas masks, entreiiching tool, two wooden grenades, carbines, and blar,.y shells. They dug themselves into the snow, practic- ed squad attack,defensa tactics, camouflage, and reconnaissance. i_Ithis training never involved the use of live ammunition, real gas, or smoke- screens. There were a few lectures on the use of ;the gas mask but, .no;:_ lectures do 'the use' .of -g, 6;, . at.G mia weapons, atomic de- fense, or bacteriologi- cal warfare. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 CONFIDENTIAL Subject f re'1iminary Marksmanship Instruction Location Otryad area Hours per 25X1 Week,-,- Remarks 21 This comprised the follow- ing: (1) Daily PRI(trenazh) in the otryad area with the Field carbine and the LMG. (2) Additional preliminary ifl r e instruction with carbine, LMG, and two wooden dummy hand grenades. This took place in conjunct- ion with the tactical train- Firing Firing Range CONFIDENTIAL %_)J rz?u1J.minary rifle instruction on the firing range with blank shells. This was known as "ognevaya podgotovka" and was designed to teach trainees how to load rapidly (5 rounds in 5 seconds) and to accustom them to the actual firing of carbines and LMGs. This training also included the throwing of wooden grenades into a circle two meters in diameter located at..a distance of 30 M. The circle was marked off on the ground by digging a circular furrow with spades. All firing was done from a prone Position with slow fire. During h s basic training, ired as 25X1 follows: ree times with a carbine at bulls-eye targets, 100 m distant, with three rounds within one to two minutes. Trainees had to score 21 or better;a bulls, eye counted 10. (2) Three times with a carbine as in (1) above but at targets located at 200 m, with four rounds, and for a score of 24 or better. (3) Four times with the LMG at silhouette targets located 25X1 at 200 m, 9 rounds within 1-2 minutes. Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 CONFIDENTIAL - 5 - Sub4ect Hours per Location Week Weapons study Otryad area 6 (matchast) Close order Otryad area 4 drill Political Club Lectures Manuals and Regulations Otryad area Movies Club 31 Remarks Disassembly of the LMG and carbine and study of parts and mechanism; this was in addition to the daily period devoted to cleaning these weapons. Lectures and questions and answers on various subjects such as the `DQtob.~.,r? 1953 Party Congress, popular elections, and voting. Study of the following manuals: Garrison and Guard Dut anua s av am zone arault no omby uz Infantry at Manua o evo s av .. Pekhot Regulations an order-Guard (Ins ruk- 19-11 a seen a luzh y Pogran?c gykh arya ov . Almost all films were for 25X1 propaganda and entertain- ment. ment. 25X1 Border Guard Zastava in the Mountains which ri ep c e a popular uprising somewhere in the Far East it 1938 and showed how it was quelled by border guard troops; Silvery Dust, a propaganda film about an American professor who in- vented deadly dust or gas 'which;., he ; used.'for~ experi- ments on monkeys. When the professor tried to experiment on two Negroes, he was prevented from killing themj Tarzan, a film supposedly captured from the Germans according to a caption at the beginning of the, film also saw newsreels. Basic Training Examinations At the end of basic training, examinations were held for three days. All examinations and tests were held b efore a border guard district commission from border .guard district headquarters in Baku; this commission consisted of several border guard officers from the rank of lieutenant to colonel. 25X1 11 o icers o the Bor er Guar 0 ~rya~ CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 - 6 - were present but only as observers and bystanders. They participated in 25X1 no way in conducting the examinations. Examinations were taken by training platoons and were either oral or practical: there were no written tests. weapons an ass gnmen s. Individual questions varied with individual a. Border Guard Patrol Duty: -.Oral questions on the contents of the Border Guard Patrol Dut Regulations. "' b. Firing: From a Prone position with a LMG, nine rounds at a silhouette target located at 200 m, c. Weapons Test: Disassembly and assembly of the LMG according to the manual. d. Infantry Manual Test: asked to enumerate all military ranks 5X1 M Awr it e_L- t_ __ .- e. Close Order Drill Test: By squads. f. Tactical Examination: Oral questions on individual and squad defense, attack, and combat tactics. Some trainees had to demonstrate how to attack from a trench. g. Political Examination: Questions on the "O9toierl' 1953 Party Congress a d h. U on Communist leaders. Physical Fitness Test: Exercises on the horizontal bar. X1 all trainees passed the te t s s. Following the teats, the en re training group gathered in the l b c u where some of the trainees receiv- ed certificates of achievement for excellent marksmanship. B. Garrison Training Organization I. Followin the test described in paragraph 7 above, 25X1 The daily schedule at the 3d B d or er Guard Zastava comprised the following: ?order guard duty (eight hours),other training including physical training, weapons inspection, and other inspections (three hours) work details (two hours) ,political training (two hours ,ales and free time (two hours). On Saturdays and Sundays, there wassnoetrainin~'25X1 but the rest of the schedule applied. On1the average, members had; one or two days free a month 25X1 . Reveille was at o400 hours and taps at 2100 hours. guard patrols had to be carried out 24 hours a day, thHowev, ereehadbto beetworder shifts for training and work details in addition to the three daily shifts for the various border guard duties and patrols. A daily oral field order (bi0yevoy prikaz) specified which patrols were needed while a daily written field schedtle (bovevov raschY:t)' listed the specific duties for the ?rxi members , _ --_-.r , 1, vsu 1VVV LIVUI'.`3. Lo o uo hours, one patrol or two men each. was on border guard duty on each flank. From 2000 to 0100 hours, one move patrol of two men each was on duty on each flank. From 2000 hours to 0490 hours, three men alternated as zastava guards there were two zastava COs each on duty for 12 hours. There were also other details such as checking passengers on the train. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 CONFIDENTIAL -7- 11. The first sergeant did not serve on patrols and such types of duty but only checked patrols and posts. He was always accompanied by another EM. The other two sergeants went on patrol only twice a week for eight hours at a time. One private first class, in addition to being the secretary of the zastava .omsomol organization, participated in all border guard duty and training and was exempt only from work details. The cooks had four hours of daily border guard duty and participated in all training, the meals served to his unit 25X1 did not require muo preparation. The dog trainers only served on work details directly related to dogs, The horse groom, in addition to train- ing and taking care of the horses, had only four hours of daily border guard duty. 12. In view of the above and in order not to interfere with border guard patrols and work detai s conducted at various times of the day and personnel could not all a ti p r cipate simultaneously but too eir training whenever possible. All training was normally given by the three sergeants. Sometimes, the zastava CO conducted border guard duty training. The political officer normally conducted all political lectures and the officer for line matters super- vised preliminary rifle instruction and firing. Subjects 13. Garrison training 'con slist ed 25X1 ofc the; f,oll wd go subjects. ad Physical Training: Thirty minutes in the morning or after dinner]:th'is consisted of exercises on the horizontal bar and running. b. Political Training: many lectures on the Indo- nese war and lectures on possible aarp_ aL" c. Border Guard Duty: Refresher lectures on border guard patrol regulations, d. Preliminary Rifle Instruction: In weapons assigned to each soldier e, rrz.ring: unit fired on the average of twice a month on the 25X1 carbine from various o I- ii J-U "-LVU VAC LOA I P sirions prone, kneeling,and standing), six rounds of slow fire at targets located at a distance of 25X1 200 or 300 m. A limited time was allowed for firing unit had to pract ce nig firing and the men were ordered to simulate two-man patrols with carbines T t , wo argets suddenly appeared at 50 or 75 m and they had to fire six 25X1 rounds at these targets. f. Tactical Training: Usually with blanks. The EM also practiced 25X1 digging foxholes. g. Weapons study: s-uuaiea the weapons assigned to them. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 Approved For Release 2009/09/15: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500080002-6 h. Miscellaneous: CONFIDENTIAL -8- march in full field equipment. There were also three five-kilometer cross-country runs in athletic dress guara troops not on border guard duty went on a 2 r 25X1 25X1 Examinations 14 25X1 m ons were norms y se e u e wise a year - in the spring and in the fall. The examinations were Riven by representatives of the border ~flrl.rrl rli ai-r+f n~- L5X I c m i i ?..b o m ss on merely spot-enecked the k2d Border Guard Otryad, inspecting and examining only the zastavy of the 3d Komendatura. Practice Alerts 15. About four times a month, the CO of the 3d Border Guard Zastava called a practice alert. Each time, the CO gave the zastava CQ advance notice of his intention to call an alert at a certain time and the C.Q. then called the alert as specified by the CO. Normally,alerts were called at about 2300 or 2400 hours. Two types of alerts were called alternately: either the alert "to the guns" ('v ruzh;-P't)) or the alert "into combat' ("1c boyu"). In the case of an alert of the first type, the CQ called out during the night, zastava to the guns!" All troops not on patrol then fell out in front of the barracks. They were fully-dressed and equipped with weapons and pack. Crew-served weapons such as LMGs were also taken along. The zastava CO then ordered the troops to double-time about one kilometer down the road and back andhe double-timed with them. After this, the troops again formed in the zastava area and the CO inspected their equipment