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Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 ' `Sti1 ? iNF01RMATION FORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, --- 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by25X1 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L COUNTRY USSR/Austria/East Germany SUBJECT Soviet Army Unit Histories DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED REPORT DATE DISTR. 17 October 1955 NO. OF PAGES 7 REQUIREMENT NO. RD 25X1 REFERENCES ARMY review completed. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L STATE # X ARMY L Yt X NAVY X AIR FBI AEC (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 CONFIDENTIAL REPORT COUNTRY USSR/Austria/East Germany SU83ECT Soviet Army Unit Histories DATE OF INFORMATION PLACE ACQUIRED THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION qqNl?Zpg IA, DATE DISTR. 7 September 1955 NO. OF PAGES 6 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 CONFIDENTIAL -2- 1. Information a. History of,82d How Brig The brigade was activated sometime in the early part of WW II. At this time, it was located generally on the Manohurian..Border and was subordinate to the "Special Far Eastern. Army". The brigade was then sent under strict security to the western Front and placed?in reserve at KLIN (5620N-3643E) near MOSCOW. It participated in several campaigns and fought its way to KALININQRAD. The. brigade was slowly changed over from a horse-drawn to a vehicle-drawn type during and following the war. After WW II, the unit was sent,to MULINO from KALININGRAD and was quartered in dugouts while the personnel''built a permanent camp. The latter was completed in 1948. The brigade earned only the Order of the Red Banner. It was not entitled to the title "Guards" since its unit banner had been burned or lost during combat. b. History of 13th Gds Mecz Div. The full title 'of the division was "The 13th Gds POLTA78KAYA Mecz, Order of Lenin, Twice decorated Order of the Red B4tzner, Order of SUVOROV, Order of KUTUZOV, Division'. it was, allegedly activated 'in,io4i y , the CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 CONFIDENTIAL -3- 25X1 75th (?) Airborne Rifle.Brigade in the vicinity of TIM.(5132N-37o8E) Kurskaya Oblast and* participated in 'the defense of the towns of TIM and S1CHIGRY (5152N-3655E)', for Which it was awarded -the .Order of Lenin. Its also received the title,. "Guards" and was immediately redeeignat.ed as the "13th .Gds Rifle Div" . During -the " war years it was 'commanded by :Gen Lt .(fnu) RODIMTSEV, then a colonel. In 1942 it was sent to the STALINGRAD area 'and became subordinate to the 62d Army. It participated in the defense"of - STALINGRAD and was awarded its first Order of the Red Banner,' The Division then went into the offensive and was awarded a second Order,of the Red Banner for seizing an between POLTAVA and STALINGRAD. It also participated in the seizure of POLTAVA and for this was awarded the honorific title Po,ltavskaya". The division fought on to KIEV, seizing a number of villages along the.way, and continued onto YASY (4710N-2737E), Rumania. For the latter actions, it received the Order of Suvorov. The division then moved northwest and seized a large area south 25X1 of WARSAW, for which it was decoratedwith the Order of Kutuzov. The offensive c rri d th a e e division on to th stmingf eor o BERLIN. Following this the unit was sent in the direction of'PRAGVE, but it. received orders while en ro t t u e o continue qn to VIENNA itdhtm nsea, were i reained. a. History of the 459th Mortar Regiment The full title of the regiment was "The 459th Novograd-volineki , Order of the Red..Star, Mortar Regiment". It had been activated not far from MOSCOW during the early part of WW II. It participated in the seizure of NOVOORAD-VOLINSKI j, for which it was ' w onorific title of the same name. the regiment was awarded the Order. of , e regiment participated in the Soviet offensive almost up to the gates of BERLIN; then it was re-routed to the south in the direction of the Carpathians'.' It subsequently returned to its present location. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 CONFIDENTIAL -4- In the regimental Lenin P611tiCa1.Dayroom, there was a .p, arently locally made, which depicted the history of the regiment 'ea its act;t at n cUnc erueath %this map'` there was a picture album depicting the wain e'xploits' of the regiment. b. History of the 20th Mtrzed Rifle Regiment The 20th Motorized Rifle Regiment., 25th Tk Div, fought together with the 459th Mortar Regiment. The former had been formed. initially as a rlf25X1 brigade. a. History of the 76th Meez Regt, 6th Mecz?Divl 25X1 25X1 It was formed as part of the 6th ads Mecz'Div.during the early part of WW II, It was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the honorific title of "Suvorov`" and other unknown decorations.. it participated in the Soviet offensive as BERLIN and was then allegedly sent along with the rest of the same It subsequently` returned to it present location. the regiment was a,rifle, unit during the 25X1 war. b. History of the 6th ads Mecz Dive, 'R d Banner" Division. the 6th Gde25X1 was known as the 162d Sep 25X1 25X1 ,Special Garrison Bn in BOERNICKE 524ON-1 East Germany. This unit 25X1 had no unit history as such. It was activat'ed'in 1948 or 1949 initially 25X1 in the, BERLIN-VARDEN area and then moved to its present location in the spring of 1953. This unit had no unit colors (Znamya) and 25X1 ha never *6een redesignated. 25X1 Information 25X1 a. History of Unidentified Artillery Regiment b. History of the 45th Ode Mecz Regt a een orm --as a- a regiment near, STALINGRAD in the early part of the war and was subordinate to the 13th Ode Mecz Div, which was "a rifle unit at that time. The regiment had earned the order of'the Red Banner and other unknown decorations during the war. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 CONFIDENTIAL _5_ c. The 135th Sep Air Warning Bn This unit had been activated on 1 March.1952, accor ng to an order that had been read Information a. History of 42d BG Det2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 The full title of the unit was "The 42d Red Banner Border Guard Otryad". This unit was activated in 1921 in the same area it occupied at the time of the lecture. In 1921 the unit was engaged in fighting renegade bands. For destroying the 400-man ALIPINSKAYA bandit group it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. During WW II, the Otr ad.con- tinue.d to and the Soviet-Iranian border Information a. History of the 8th Shock Army the Army had been the 62d Army During WW II and the 2 Ar had fought near LENING and carried the offensive into Germany. b. History of the 93d Sep Security Bn the 117th Rifle?Regt of its border security duties. 7 ? Information a. History of the 735th Seu Radio-Comm Bn 2x1 the 735th Sep Radio-Communications Bn had no extensive unit a ory as,suc.. This battalion was formed on 5 Dee 53 in BADEN,'Austria and continued to remain in the same location. The unit did not even have a banner (znamya), in opinion, a unit 25X1' could be given a banner (or colors) not earlier.than one year following its activation. 25X1 b. Unidentified Army Signal Regiment s unit had been formed in NOVOSIBIRSKC 2 in 1942. From 1942 to it-took 1945 part in several unknown WW II campaigns and finally halted in BADEN. The placard stated,that there were five Heroes in the unit (their names were shown) and that five members of the unit in- cluding a female soldier, had been. killed inaction, CONFIDENTIAL 2FV1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 It was formed in 1952 in MEININGEN allegedly to-relieve Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00046R000500290004-1