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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200410008-5 COUNTRY Latvia CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT CLASSIFICATION ?~,~ ~/V CONFII~NTIAL /SECURI1r fl -ION- __ INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT Varonis, Rubber Factory PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED BY SOURCE NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1 TNII 000U41N0 CONT41N1 INP00Yo TION 4/1100/X0 TNI NUTI4NAL 0100X11 01 TNI UNIT10 174,11. ?10X14 1'111 414X141 U0 TITLI 11, I107104I 7.. *00 704, 0/ 140 V.I. l00I~ 41 441X010. ITI T044/4I I I 1 0 N OI 0041. LOTION 01 I-TI 100 TIOTI TO 00 0101 I!? 1} 011 YY4y TX0IIIIN 110104 11 0ION 1It 010 1T L41. 0N0 01/000U0710Y 01 TNII room II 000X111710? SOURCE THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 1. The rubber fay. th:y "Ver nis" was found #d in 1920 in Raga, T -tvia, %e "actury is located on Brivib&s Street in Riga near the so-called Air Bridge (rail- road overpass), At first the plant was very small, but by 1944 it had expanded to 15 thousand square feet of factory grounds housed in two large buildings. Its employees numbered one thousand, 2. Articles produced at the plant Amount oar d v 4000 pairs 1000 d 300 n 1000 each 400 n up until 1941 were the followings Ar t is l e lubbers Boots Leather shoes Bicycle tires and tubes Hard rubber battery oases In addition, the-factory also produced conveyor belts, hot water bottles, stoppers, nipples, rubber gloves, and gas masks. 3. Fqui snt i ons isted of ten Large rubber mixers (awal zen") , two large vulcanisdti k t ou e lea;. 40 vulcanination presses, two ateam kettles, and the aorrespo;iing necessary molding forms, cutting knives, calendars for forming rubber sheets, and rubber cement rsixers. When the "oviets occupied Latvia in 1940, the plant was nationalised and by 1941 the trend to convert the factory into a plant which produced only one article was already noticeable. In other words the plant was to be Incorporated into the Soviet industrial system. This conversion was inter- rupted by the German occupation (from July 1941-1944t b , u when the SowietP regained control, the plant was ordered to specialize in conveyor belts only. Equipment from other plants was transferred to Varonis to 1"nrsa.* that the fact o y conveyor belts at the 50X1 X'_ 215 present time (December 1952). CLASSIFICATION 50X1 DATE DISTR. $ Jan 1953 CONFIDENTIAL /SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200410008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200410008-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION 5. The emphasis on conveyor" belt' production was brought about by the Soviet 'desire (evenin 1941) to exploit the oil deposits discovered in the 1930's in Zetonia. These deposits were discovered in a waste layer containing 1.1o33 - eral consisting of 60 % oil and 40 % stone. This mineral ceu be used for fuel by burning it directly or also by distilling the oil for use as machine oil. Rene the Soviets concentrated the production at Varenis in order to attain the necessary conveyor belts for transporting this mineral from the Estonian mines. The leather shoes department,. of course, has been shut down completely. - 6, One difference between the factory I (1920-194oi 1941-1944) Research facilities at the factory consisted of a laboratory Which Was setabs lished in 1939 in which were employed one chemical engineer and four assistants. This research was directed towards experimentation with different ingredients which combinedF with ibe rubber would result sic: ar erior product and also with the rogenergt oA of rubber, , as a lot of 4 e' r lused!~in -the" menafaow-,,.:_ turing was 'regenerated rubber: t?: exclusively, and now (1952) is the fact that formerly only natural rubber was used at the plant, but now the Soviets are using synthetic rubber almost CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200410008-5