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1 A-D ?.fi Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400290007-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Aircraft Factories in the USSR CD NO. 25X1 DATE DISTR. 7 APR X954 NO. OF PAGES PLACE ACQUIRED NO. OF ENCLS. 3 (LISTED BELOW) DATE SUPPLEMENT TO ACQUIRED B REPORT NO. TMII DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFILCTIMS TN[ NATIONAL DEFERS! 01 TN[ UNITED STATES, WITHIN TML MEANING OP TITLE IS SECTIONS 763 AND 764. Of THE U.S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REV!. LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO DR RECEIPT IY AN VMAV THORII[D PERISH 11 PRONISITED MY LAY. TNL EEPN9DVCTI ON OR THIS FORM It PAOMIIITEO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 1. The lot, 18th and 35th aircraft factories were located in the etty of Kuibyshev during World War II and for a while afterwards. The 18th air- craft factory had been evacuated from the city of Voronezh; this factory produced aircraft motors. The 35th aircraft factory had been evacuated from the city of Smolensk; before the war this factory was concerned with the experimental production of new types of aircraft (for testing) and with major repairs of all types of aircraft. The lst aircraft factor hnA been evacuated from Moscow to Kuib shev 25X1 met several engineers from 25X1 factory No 35 e ore an ur ng or ar and, on the basis of conversa- tions with them, learned that this factory was producing propellors for all types onventional'-' aircraft as well as other spare parts 25X1 In addition, from these same engineers that the above 25X1 factories were not return o their pre-war locations after the war\but remained permanently at the sites to which they were removed. New factories 25X1 were established at the locations of those which had been removed. For example, on the site of the 3 th factor in Smolensk, the new 475th air- craft factor6Lrg%lpffA~6d. 25X1 DISTRIBUTIO Air Force review completed. Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400290007-8 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400290007-8 2. Prior to World W the aircraft factory in Ribinsk produced M-103 aircraft motors. 3? type (19J+6-1947) The 21st aircraft factory is located in the city of Gorki; it produces fighter aircraft of the Lavochkin type (or possibly some other type of fighter). The 153rd (or 156th) factory of TsAGI (Central Aero-Rydrodynam.ic institute) located in Moscow not far from the breed plant name, after Stalin. Prior to World War II, this factory produced experimental-type aircraft exclusively. It also aided other factories produ,oing experimental-type aircraft by providing them with specialists and necessary materials. At the present time, this factory has the same function as it had before the war. The aircraft factory has brigades which include engineers, techni- cians and experts in various fields; these br~gadsa oonsist of 10-15 persons. The individuals are on the @taff 9f the factory and receive their pay from it although most of their time is spent at other factories. The TsAGI factory sends these brigades to various factories (for periods of 2-3 months and more) where experimental types of aircraft are to be constructed, and these indivifals occupy the central, directing roles in constructing the new-type aircraft. XQresv 3 the factories to whieb brigades are sent, select special shops which are Aperated by the brigades and appear to be secret; admission to the shops is restricted to persons working there. The 364th (or 354th) aircraft f> ctq'y is located in the Kb,ki district of Moscow. After the war, this plant prgdtced bomber aircraft of the TU-2 6. The 183rd aircraft factory 19 located in the city of 4.har' v y aircraft fan dates from _the pre war days; it may have been changed since Aircraft factory No 1 which to 1i ht@~. in the $ezinyonka distr y iyhya'hmy nrnannad Itlf2( -15-time 'i2hter ' aircraft in 1947-1950. 8. The aircraft factory located in the Gity of Saratov (probably No 11) is producing aircraft of the Yakolev type. 9. There is an air ft fan+tory in the city of Kazan which is producing bomber- tyDe craft. the aircraft are for Long Range Aviation. 10. The aircraft factory at Kpmsomoisk, on the Amur River, produces aircraft of the TU-4 type. This plant is one of the aircraft industry's large factories. 11. Aircraft factories) type of production are located in the following cities: Kiev, Leningrad, Molotov, Sverdlovsk, Kutaisi, Dnepropetrovsk, Tashkent, Serpuklov, Tbilisi, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Voronezh, Vologda, Voroshilovgrad, Irkutsk, Omsk, Ufa. Each of the listed cities with the exception of Moscow has one aircraft factory. 12. There are approximately 100 aircraft factories in the USSR which may be classified according to their production as follows: Aircraft construction - 30 Motor manufacture - 30 Instrument Building - 15 Spare parts - 10 Armament (for a/c) - 15 25X1 25X1 25X1, 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400290007-8 Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400290007-8 CONFIDENTIAL The above number of aircraft manufacturing plants may be divided in the following manner according to the type of`aircraft in production: Factories producing fighter - 15 Factories producing bombers and transport aircraft.- 10 Factories producing ground attack aircraft -- 5 13 Each aircraft factory devoted to fighter production makes approximately 650 aircraft annually; thus, 15 such plants make about 9,750 fighter aircraft of various types each year. Au'aircraft factory manufacturing bombers and transport aircraft completes-550 aircraft annually; therefore, the 10 bomber aircraft factories make 5,500 bombers and transport aircraft of various types each year. An aircraft ta,etory producing grotnid.atteck aircraft produces 600 I1-10 aircraft annually; all five factories produce a total of 3,000 aircraft each year.` Thus, the total annual production of all aircraft production plants is 18,250 aircraft of various types. )A. All aircraft construction plants produce simultaneously combat aircraft, combat trainers and primary trainers.' For example, the a;rorsft con- struction plant in the city of Saratov produced the following types of aircraft; YAK-9p (combat aircraft), YAK-9v (combat trainers), and YAK-11 (primary trainers). 15. The aircraft construction factory in the city of Kazan produced, the following types of aircraft: PE-8 (for Long Range Aviation), n=2 (for Frontal Bomber Aviation) and medical and liaison aircraft. 16. It must be noted that aircraft factories producing bomber-type aircraft also produce transports and other aircraft. (Reconnaissance and artillery- spotting units utilize different types of fighters, boMhere and ground. attack aircraft. Therefore, these types of aircraft were not mentioned above). Enclosure: (A) Sketch Map of the City of Kuibyshev showing the locations of aircraft factories Nos 1, 18 and 35. (B) Sketch May of the City of Smolensk showing the location of the Aircraft Factory No 475- (Q) Sketch Map of the Fili District of Moscow showing the location of the TeAGI Aircraft Factory. Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400290007-8 ENCLOSURE (A) Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400290007-8 SKETCH MAP OF THE CITY.OF KUIBYSHEV SHOWING THE LOCATIONS OF AIRCRAFT FACTORIES NOS 1, 18 AND 35 ENCLOSURE (B) SKETCH MAP OF THE CITY OF SMOLENSK SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE AIRCRAFT FACTORY NO 475 "If ? o Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400290007-8 ENCLOSURE (C) Approved For Release 2009/09/17 _CIA-RDP82-00047R000400290007-8 25X1 SKETCH MAP OF THE FILI DISTRICT OF MOSCOW SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE TsAGI AIRCRAFT FACTORY I Q 1s1( namtA atte+ Sul 14, Ji REMARKS: The TaAOI Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute) Aircraft Factory is located 1.5-2 km's southwest of the Bread Factory named after Stalin. A sign - "Factory No 153(156) TsAGI' - was mounted on the factory's gates during the war and after 1946. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/17: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400290007-8