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C I AtI"D X.SX0~U T-- tS UNULMbb I V A oo Z 5C LEFT I F I C I N~U[r,Tf-conjugate systems. Hence, the
authors expected that the esters of ethylphosphinous acid would also
react easily with ryr-unsaturated acids. In reality, the tests showed
that esterr of ethylphosphinous acid interact with acrylic and meta-
crylic acids more actively than trialkyiphosphites and esters of phenyl-
phosphinous acid.
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The ethyl ester of ethylphosphinous acid reacts more energetically
with acrylic and metacrylic acids than the n-propyl and n-butyl esters.
Thus, the reactivity of the various esters of ethyl phosphinous acids
in relation to oy(-unsaturated acids also depends on the radical size,
just as in other cases of the Arbuzov Rearrangement reaction. Constants
of the compounds synthesized are presented in one table.
27. Synthesis of Esters of o~-Ijydroxy- R, 9-dichloroisopropyl-
phosphirlic Acid
"On the Interaction of Dialkylphosphoric Acids With Al-
dehydes and Ketones. XXII. Esters of oC-Hydroxy-p,(3-
dichloroisopropylphosphinic Acid," by V. S. Abramov and
A. S. Kapustina, Kazan Chemicotechnological Institute
imeni Kirov; Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 29,
No 10, Oct 59, pp 3319-3321
This article presents a further investigation by the authors on
the interaction of dialkylphosphoric acids with halosubstituted ketones.
The condensation of symmetrical dichloroacetone with dialkyiphosphites
is studied herein. The reaction occurs at both room temperature and
on a steam bath without a catalyst, yielding the esters of cx-hydroxy-
3, 12-dichloroisopropylphesphinic acid. Reaction time ranges from 10
hours at 1000C to more than IE months at room temperature. The structural
formula of this series:
(RO)2Ij - C(CH2Cl)2
where R = CH, CH, CH C Hor iso-CH 32537, iso-3H7 , C19 4 .
The properties of the newly synthesized substances are presented
in a table.
26. Properties of Trihalomethylsulfochlorides Studied
"On the Properties of Trihalomethylsulfochlorides," by
K. A. Petrov and A. A. Neymysheva; Leningrad, Zhurnal
Obshchey Khimii, Vol 29, No 10, Oct 59, Pp 31+Ol-3 03
One of the characteristics and important properties of sulfo-
chlorides is their capacity to form addition products with olefins on
the short bond. This capacity has been used to synthesize 13-halo-
genated sulfides which possess high physiological activity.
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This article describes the reactions of trichloromethyl- and
fluorodichl.oromethylsuifochloride: with substances which have a
short bond. In contrast to other sulfochlorides, trichloromethyl-
and fluorodichloromethylsuifochloride react with difficulty with
olefins to form the F3-halogenated sulfides containing the trihalo-
methylgroup. Thus, trichloromethylsulfochloride reacts with cyclo-
hexene only after long heating at 120?C, whereas methyleulfochloride
reacts energetically even during cooling. Trihalomethylsulf ochlori des
react with allyl chloride under more severe conditions than with cyclo-
hexene. Addition products are obtained with propylene only at 100-110?
and under a pressure of 100 atmospheres.. Addition products were not
obtained at all with ethylene.
Fluory3.ehlorosul,fochjoride was obtained by two methods :
substitution of chlorine by fluorine in trichloromethylsulfochloride
with the aid of hydrogen fluoride and by the cleavage of fluorodichloro-
methylsulfodiethylamide with hydrogen chloride.
29. Reaction of OS-Oxides of PiperZlene With HCl Studied
"Interaction of Q(-Oxides of Piperylene With Hydrogen
Chloride," by A. W. Pudovik, B. Ye. Ivanov, and Z. M.
Zinov'yeva, Izhevsk Mechanical Institute; Leningrad,
Zhurnal Obshchey.. Khimii, Vol 29, No 10, Oct 59, pp
This experiment is another in a series on theoc-oxides of
piperylene being conducted by the authors. In earlier experiments,
they have 'covered the reactions of 0(-oxides of piperylene with water,
acetic anhydride, acetyl chloride and ethyl alcohol. Later, they
studied the hydration and isomerization of croxides of piperylene (3,
4-hydroxydopentene-1) and also its reaction with acetone, methanol,
and dit'thylami ne .
This: article describes the interaction of 3,4-hydroxydopentane-1
and 1,2-hyroxydopentena-3 with hydrochloric acid and hydrogen chloride.
Hydrogen chloride and 3,1i-hydroxydopentene-1 form the addition product
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30. Arylaminolyais of Pherlyld:Lchlorophosphazosulfonaryls
"Arylorninolysia of Phenyld:Lchlorophosphazosulfonaryls," by
V. I. Shevchenko and V. T. Stratiyenko, Dnepropetrovsk Met-
allurgical Institute; Leningrad, Zhur__nal Obahchey Khimii,
Vol 29, No 10, Oct 59, pp 31l.58_31
The reaction of phenyldichlorophosphazosulfonaryls with aniline
was studied. Phenyldianilinophosphazosulfoneryls were synthesized:
ArSO2N =P(C6H5)C12 + 'EC6H5NH2 -- 2C6H5NH3C1 + ArSO2N = P(C6H5) (NHC6H5)2.
The alkaline hydrolysis of phenyldianilinochlorophosphazosul-
fonaryls was also studied. The monoanilides of arylsufonamidophenylphos-
phinic acids, Ar.S02NH=P0(C6H5)(NFIC6II5 ), were obtained from the hydrolysis
of phenyldl.anilino- and phenylanilinbchlorophosphazosulfonaryls.
31. Method Described for Obtaining 2-Chloroalkyl Esters of Alkyl-
chlorophosphinous Acid
"Concerning a Method of Obtaining 2-Chloroalkyl Esters
of Alkylchlorophosphinous Acid," by S. Z. Ivin and K.
V. ICaravanov; Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshche Khimii, Vol
29) No 10, Oct 59, pp 311.55
Yields reaching 70% were obtained in the production of 2-chioro-
alkyl esters of alkylchiorophosphinous acid by reacting alkyldichloro-
phosphines with alkylene oxides:
+ R'FC1 -*RIP
The 2-chloroethyl and 2-chloropropyl esters of methylchlorophos-
phinous acid, the 2-chloroethyl, 2-chloropropyl, and 2-chlorocyclohexyl
esters of ethylchiorophosphinous acid, the acid chlorides of 2-chloro-
ethyl, and 2-chloropropyl esters of methylthiophosphinous acid were
synthesized and characterized.
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32. Synthesis of Diaryl Esters of N-phosphoric Acids of Aromatic
"Diaryl Esters of N-phosphoric Acids of Aromatic Amidines,"
by G. I. Derkach and A. V. Kircanov, Institute of Organic
Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Leningrad,
Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 29, No 10, Oct 59, pp 3424-3127
C-chlore-P,P-diaro.,cyis9phosphazoaryls reacts with ammonia,
diethylamine, and aniline to yield the diaryl esters of N-phosphoric
acids of amidines, of N;N'-diethylamidines, of N'-phenylamidines,
and of an aromatic series, according to the general equation:
ArCCl = NPO(OAr')2 + 2NHRR'-> NH2RR'C1+ ArC(NRR') = NPO (OAr') .
The diaryl esters of N-phosphoric acids of aromatic amidines
possess very weak basic properties and split during thermal cleavage
into the corresponding nitrites and amides of diphenylphosphates.
The physical characteristics of the newly synthesized products
are presented in one table.
33? Conversion of Sodium Salts of Dialkyl hosphates Described
"Reactions of Sodium Dialkyiphosphites and Phosphonates,"
by K. A. Petrov, N. K. Bliznyuk, M. A. Korshunov, F. L.
Maklyayev, and A. N. Voronkov; Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey
Khimii, Vol 29, No 10, Oct 59, pp 3407-3411
"Sodium salts of dialkylphosphites are -converted into the salts
of esters of alkylphosphinic acids by the action of small quantities
of dialkylphosphonates or alkyl halides."
34. Methods of Preparing Dialk 1 hosphates of Higher Alcohols Described
"Dialkylphosphates and Pyrophosphates," by K. A. Petrov,
N. K. Bliznyuk, and F. L. Maklyayev; Leningrad, Zhurnal
Obshchey Khimii, Vol 29, No 10, Oct 59, pp 3403-3407
" A method was developed for obtaining dialkyiphosphates of higher
alcohols by hydrolyzing chlorophosphates and by the reaction of phosphory
chloride with water-alcohol solutions.
"It was shown that dialkylphosphates and dialkylpyrophosphates
possess the capacity of alkylating aromatic amines."
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35. New Esters of Phosphonosuccinic al4d Phosphonopropanetricarboxylic
Acids Synthesized
New Method of Synthesizing Esters of Phosphinic and
Thiophosphinic Acids. XXXI. Addition of Phosphorous
and Ilypophosphorous Acids, Dialkylphosphorous Acids,
and Esters of Phosphonoacetic Acid to Esters of Maleic
Acid," by A. N. Pudovik, T. M. Moshkina, and I. V.
Konovalova, Kazan Branch of the Scientific Research
Cinephotographic Institute; Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey
Khimii, Vol 29, No 10, Oct 59, pp 3338-+k2
"Phosphorous and hypophosphorous acids are added to esters of
maleic acid after prolonged heating in the presence of catalysts.
"A number of new esters of phosphonosuccinic acids and phospho-
nopropanetricarbbxylic acids with the butyl, :Lsobutyl, and isoamyl
radicals in the eater groups were obtained by the addition of dialkyl-
phosphorous acids and esters of phosphonoacetic acid to esters of maleic
36. Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium in Nitrogen-Helium and Helium Methane
S stems
"Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium in Nitrogen-Helium and Helium-
Methane Systems;" by F. F. Khaxakhorin; Minsk: Inzhenerno-
fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 9, Sep 59, pp 24-29
"The volatility of helium in nitrogen-helium and helium-methane
systems in the temperature range 68 to 150.30 K and at pressures from
4 to 215 atm is calculated from the data obtained in an experimental
investigation of the liquid-vapor equilibrium of these mixtures.
At pressures from 40-45 to 215 atm, the solubility of helium
in liquid nitrogen and methane can be calculated with sufficient
accuracy by the Krichevskiy-Kazarnovslciy equation. The constants
for this equation were found for the temperatures investigated.
The volatility of pure helium was calculated in the temperature
range from 6 to 160?K at pressures of 300 atm."
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Physical Chemistry
37. USSR Research in the Field of Paramagnetic Resonance
"Investigations on Paramagnetic Resonance," by I. V.
Aleksandrov and N. N. Korst; Moscow, Vestnik Akademii Nauk
SSSR, Vol 29, No 10; Oct 59, pp 106-107
"On 1-5 June 1959, the Kazan' Affiliate of the Academy of Sciences
USSR and Kazan' University held the current All-Union Conference on Para-
magnetic Resonance. The conference was well attended. The reason for thiE
was that electronic paramagnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic 'resonance, in
addition to their importance in physics, have found applications in many
fields of science and technology.
"Just as in former years, particular attention at the conference
was paid to electronic paramagnetic resonance. However, nuclear magnetic
resonance was represented this time by a much greater number of investiga-
tions than on former occasions. This circumstance is gratifying. Until
recently, less attention was paid to problems of nuclear magnetic resonance
in the USSR than abroad, with the result that a certain lag developed in
USSR science in this respect. The conference at Kazan' demonstrated that
this lag will soon be eliminated.
"The conference was opened by an introductory address given by
Ye. K. Zavoyskiy, who analyzed the present-day status of work in the
field of paramagnetic resonance. Then reports were given on the investi-
gation of the structure of organic and inorganic substances by electronic
paramagnetic resonance methods. Of importance is the investigation of
magnetic properties of a number of crystals. Problems in this field
were discussed in papers given by representatives of Moscow, Kazan', and
Tbilisi groups of physicists (A. M. Prokhorov and coworkers, S. A.
Al'tshuler and coworkers, T. I. Sanadze, and B. G. Berlava). A con-
siderable number of theoretical investigations in the field of electronic
paramagnetic resonance were discussed which involved calculations of
spin-lattice relaxation times, quantitative evaluation of fine structure
spectra, and determination of the configuration of lines corresponding
to electronic paramagnetic resonance signals. One may note a paper by
N. N. Tikhomirova and V. V. Voyevodskiy, in which a simple and elegant
method of analyzing the configuration of such lines was given and a method
was reported for the determination of constants which characterize the
"Great interest was evinced in reports on the application of
electronic paramagnetic resonance in chemistry. It is known that measure-
ments of electronic paramagnetic resonance make it possible to determine
the structure of free radicals. It was emphasized at the conference that
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this method may t;:Lve new information on the di.str.ibution of electron
density in the radical, on the type of the interaction of tie radical. with
the environment, etc. Thus, a report by V. N. Ch:Lbr:Lk:Ln, S. P. Solod-
ovnikov, and S. I. Vetchink:Lrl brou~lit out that the ~'orlfi;uratlort of the
lines corresponding to electronic paramagnetic resonance s:iguals emitted
by dibenzyl chromium and its derivatives depends principally on the struc-
ture of the radical itself, while the solvent exerts only a small effect
on the configuration of the lines.
"Work by L. A. Blyumenfel'd and A. E. Kolmanson reported at the
conference demonstrated that electronic paramagnetic resonance may yield
much that to new In the .investigation of biological objects.
"Considerable attention was paid to the technique of nuclear
magnetic resonance measurements. Progress in the application of this
method of investigation depends on the development of a nuclear magnetic
spectroscope of sufficient resolving power. This problem was discussed
in several reports (by F. I. Skripov and others, N. M. Iyevskaya and co-
workers, Yu. S. Konstantinov and coworkers, L. L. Dekabrun and coworkers
and Yu. Ya. Shamonin). The discussion of this problem indicated that the
principal difficulty consists in the creation of a stable magnet with a
sufficiently uniform field.
"A considerable number of investigations dealt with the theory of
nuclear magnetic resonance. A. A. Kokin and G. V. Skrotskiy discussed
the development of the method devised by Kubo and Tomit as far as its
applications to magnetically dilute solutions and solids are concerned.
A lively discussion followed N. D. Sokolov's report concerning the effect
of proton exchange on the width of the line representing the nuclear
magnetic resonance signal. A paper by I. V. Aleksandrov concerning the
computation of the magnitude of chemical shi{ts was also presented.
"Reports by Yu. S. Konstantinov and P. N. Borodin and F. 1. Skripov
on the nuclear magnetic spectroscopy of fluorine presented extensive
experimental data which made it possible to establish that the relation
between the magnitude of the chemical shift and the electrical negativity
of neighboring atoms cannot be interpreted within the framework of present-
day theories.
"A number of papers on applications of nuclear magnetic resonance
in chemistry were also given. In this field, one must particularly note
a report by R. A. Dautov and coworkers concerning the investigation of
the structure of polymer molecules by the method of nuclear magnetic
resonance and also a report by M. V. Vol'kenshteyn and coworkers.
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"A paper by V. D. Korepanov on measurement of the relaxation time by
means of the spin echo was received with considerable interest. Mastery
of this method opens up new prospects in the field of nuclear spectroscopy.
A series of reports on nuclear quadruple resonance by F. I. Skripov and
coworkers must also be regarded as significant. This particular method
makes it possible to investigate electric fields in crystals.
"The conference demonstrated that an increasing number of USSR
scientific institutions are participating in research on paramagnetic
resonance. This is shown by the fact that not only Moscow, Leningrad,
and Kazan' scientific institutions were represented at the conference, but
also institutions located at Per,.,,', Krasnoyarsk, Sverdlovsk, Tbilisi, and
other cities.
"At the final session of the conference, a resolution was passed
which outlined a number of measures that would expedite the organization
of continuous [series] production of instruments required in work on para-
magnetic resonance. The resolution also recommended the publication of
a number of manuals on problems of pa).-amagnetic resonance."
38. Measurement of Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance at Low Temperatures
"Resonators for the Determination of -Electronic Paramagnetic
Resonance at Low Temperatures," by S. D. Kaytmazov and A. M.
Prokhorov, Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 5, Sep/Oct 59,
pp 107-110
A description is given of the design of resonators, by means of
which one can determine the electronic paramagnetic resonance at low
temperatures in the centimeter ( A, = 2.5 and 3.2 centimeters) and
decimeter ranges of wave lengths. The design is such that the sample
can be placed into the resonator after the temperature of the latter has
been lowered. The centimeter resonator range can be regulated for
different wave lengths. The dimensions of the resonator are such that
it can be immersed into a standard Dewar :'lank with a capacity of one
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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100470001-2
Radiation Chemistry
39. Hungarian Plastics Research Described
"Successful Experiments by Plastics Industry Researchers",
by Erzsebet Toth; Budapest; Magyar Nemzet, 18 Nov 59, P 5.
The Organic C:ie,, Industry arid Plastics Industry Research Insti-
tute in Budapest ma i.tlta.i.u:7 contact with 40 er,terpa:?;:, including the
Pearl Button Factory (Gyon6y-;ombgyar); Ikarausz [u vehicle factory];
the Medical Sciences University, which uses polye:otor resins for anatom-
ical preparations; the Leather Industry's Wooden Tb'f1uipment Enterprise
(Boripari Fakellekteri:telo Vallalat); and the Audio and Film Technology
Enterprise (Hang- es Ki.iroteclinika:L Vallalat)
At the institute, Gyozo Ferenczi designed a polyethylene acid
pump. Its frame is of cast iron and weighs 20 kilograms; all other
parts are of polyethylene and weigh a total of one kilogram.
One of the doors [in the laboratory] was marked with a "death's
head." It leads to the control chamber for the "cobalt cannon." Janos
Dobos, director of the department, said: "We recently placed into
operation, together with the Central Chemical Research Institute of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the largest radiation source in Hungary
to be used for chemical purposes." Using isotope radiation, new, special
types of very pure synthetic materials can be produced -- for example,
blood plasma substitutes. Polyethylene stable at 180 degrees centigrade
can be produced here by applying radiation, whereas, without radiation,
polyethylene can resist exposure to only 100 degrees centigrade.
[For information on radiochemistry, see Nuclear Fuels and Reactor
Construction Materials.]
Synthetic Fibers
Chinese Research on the Synthesis of Acrylonitrile Copolymer Fiber
"Copolymerization of Acrylonitrile and Polarized Vinyl
Chlori4e,' by Wang Hsiu-kang ( ), Ko Tseng-p' ei
( g ~), and Hu Ya-tung 01 Institute of
Chemistry, Academia Sinica; Peipi , Kao-fen-tzu Tung-hsun
(Macromolecular Report), Vol 3, No 2, Apr 59, Pp 32-33
The authors state that the development [in China?] of polyacrylo-
nitrile fibers has been hindered by the fact that polyacrylonitrile
is difficult to dye and requires a special solvent for spinning.
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Their investigation of the copolymerization of acrylonitrile and'oriented
vinyl chloride monomers, a project which is currently in the expanded ex-
perimentation stage, was undertaken for the purpose of preparing a re-
latively low-cost acrylonitrile copolymer fiber.
This article presents the conditions necessary for a good copoly-
merization reaction and for the spinning of the copolymer. The condi-
tions were established by the authors after numerous exper:L-;ients, they
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41. Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of the Distribution
Process of a Polydispersed Aerosol. Described
"The Distribution of a Polydispersed Aerosol in a Turbulent
Atmoci-here at a Lone; Distance From an Instantaneous ' Point
So?u cc:," by I. L. Y,1.1 ol ' ":zc' A. Ya. Pressmt%n, Institute of
Apps.*..d Geophysics, Ac,z,.. oi' Sciences USSR; Minsk, Inehen-
erno-zizicheskiy Zhurnal, ITo 9, Sep 59, pp 33-91
The article describes the qualitative and quantitative characteristics
of the distribution process of a polydispersed aerosol at a long distance
downwind from the source.
The relationship between the expressions for volume concentration and
Surface concentration of a polydispersed aerosol deposited from the atmos-
phere and boundary conditions on the surface of the earth is derived. Thus,
formulas -for'the volume and surface concentrations are shown to be essent-
ially different, depending on whether or not the "weightless" component of
a polydispersed aerosol is reflected by the surface of the earth.
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42. Method for increasing Range of Panoramic Receivers'
"Automatically. Adjustable, Filters Using Reactance Tubes for
Panoramic Reception," by N. I. Svetlov; Moscow, Radiotekh-
nika, No 9, 1959, pp 45-56
An effective method for increasing the dynamic range of a panoramic
radio receiver is the use of automatically adjustable filters in the
stages of the first i.f. amplifier of the wide-band channel. Electrically
adjustable reactance tube filters with two phase-shifts g circuits are
considered in this article. Appropriate formulas are given, and a method
for engineering computation of the filters is described.
Exploitation of a two-cycle band filter of this type in a panoramic
receiver showed that the dynamic range of the receiver increases several
43. Cold-Cathode Tubes
"Tubes Weighing One Gram," by T. Fetisov; Moscow, Izvestiya,
4 Dec 59
Cold-cathode tubes, in many cases, successfully replace more ex-
pensive conventional electronic tubes, electromagnetic relays, and even
transistors; Such tubes are about the size of a flashlight bulb, but
have'no filaments. The weight of a cold-cathode tube is from 0.5 to
1.0 g, and the service life is about 100,000 hours, as contrasted with
only 1,000 hours for a conventional vacuum tube.
It was in the USSR that cold-cathode tubes were incorporated for the
first time in various industrial electronic apparatus. Some of the Soviet
electronic apparatus contain as many as 1,500 cold-cathode tubes. About
one fourth of all the tubes in the series manufactured universal computer
"Ural" are cold-cathode tubes.
It is probable that the cold-cathode tubes will,:'in.the future, replace
about one half of all vacuum tubes, relays, and transistors. L. N. Korablev,
who suggested a better method for utilization of cold-cathode tubes, and
a number of other organizations, and enterprises using such tubes have urgently
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requested a manifold increase in their production. ,At the present time,
in the USSR, the demand for cold-cathode tubes is. at several million units,
and it is expected that the demand will soon increase by several times.
~+~+. Hungarian Laboratory Produces 'et'rite Memory Units
"A Visit to the Iron Industry Research Institute," by Valeria
Bozsik; Budapest, Napszabadsag, 10 Nov 59, p 6
"According to Endre Nagy, Kossuth Prize winning mechanical engineer
and chief of the powder metallurgy department of the Iron Industry Research
Institute. "Some of the most important parts for modern signal equipment,
electric brains, and various control devices are the ferrite rings used in
memory units. These little rings, 2-7 millimeters in outside diameter,
store the data.
Photographs in source show the rings, about half the size of a
match head, and the "almost square" hysteresis loop, on a cathode ray
tube screen, for a "satisfactory ring."
Nagy continues by saying that "the Central Physics Research Institute
and the Beloiinnisz Signal Technology Factory use ferrite rings in build-
ing various pieces of equipment. At this moment, we are the only ones in
the country making them; we are using small-scale methods, but we completely
satisfy the domestic demand,.','
"The rings are made of powdered manganese, magnesium, zinc, and iron
oxide, mixed with materials which facilitate pressing, and formed into
rings. The rings are then fired at a temperature of about 1,300 degrees'
"We produced the primary materials with our own laboratory methods
and had-a relatively easy job because we got complete manufacturing
documentation on a trip to the Soviet Union...."
45. Hungarian Researchers Produce High Purity Tungsten Filaments
"Semiconductors Transform Technology," by Gyorgy Szigeti, Academ-
ician and First Secretary of the Lorand Eotvos Physics Society;
Budapest, Nepszabadsag, 22 Oct 59, p 6.
In September, 100 Hungarian physicists and 120 foreign physicists
from nine countries participated inthe colloquium at Balatonfured on
solid state physics. The presidium of the Lorand Eotvos Physics Society
has now:evaluated the results of the meeting.
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In the article, the author speaks in general terms about transistors,
silicon rectifiers, etc. Hungarian researchers, he says, have succeeded
in producing tungsten wire thinner than one hundredth of a millimeter
which does not change form during 1,000 hours in an incadescent a
temperature above 2,500 degrees centigrade.
Instruments and Equipment
46. Two-Degree..of-Freedom Vectormeter
"Vectormeter With Two Degrees of Freedom," by L. F. Kulikovskiy
and P. P. Kemeshis; Moscow, Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No 10, Oct
59, pp 28-32
Measuring instruments which determine the voltage and current vectors
directly are becoming-more widely'used. With the voltage and current
vectors obtained with the aid of this instrument, it is rather simple to
reconstruct the vector diagrams for various ac devices, as well as to obtain
directly the geometric locations of current and voltage vectors for a
circuit with variable parameters.
A vectormeter with two degrees of freedom was developed and built
at the Chair of Automation and Telemechanical Devices of the Kuybyshev
Industrial Institute. The main components of this vectormeter are:
annular magnetic circuit, toroidal 3-phase winding, round loop, mirror,
elastic rod, screen with coordinate graph, light source, compensating
circuit, illuminator winding, winding with a center tap, and phase-shift-
ing winding. The electric compensator -corrects the initialemf induced in
the loop by the residual magnetic-flux coupling. A beam of light, after
reflection from a mirror mounted on'.the',loop, strikes a screen from which
the radius-vector can be read. This vectormeter has the following operat-
ing characteristics: it draws power from a 220-v source; the maximum
current measured is 5 milliamperes; maximum voltage measured is 1.1 volts;
resistance of the loop is 200 ohms; current constant is 3.10-5 a/mm;
distance between scale and mirror is 220 mm; and induction in the gap is
620 gauss.
This vectormeter is intended for recording the current-vector hodo-
graph,.and the geometric locations of the current vectors can be recorded
on film.
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11.7. Research in Electrographic Methods
"Gre:,' Possibilities in the Field of Electrography," by I. Zhil-
evich, Scientific Research Institute of Electrography; Moscow,
Pravda, 13 Nov 59
The young Scientific Research Institute of Electrography at Vil*nyus
has proven, through extensive research, that electrographic methods of
image reproduction are applicable to many fields of science and engineer-
ing. The institute. has designed an electrographic device for reproduction
of documents in large number,,from transparent originals, blueprints, or
The institute, in cooperation with the Institute of Physics of the
Earth, Academy of Sciences USSR, has, designed an electrographic attach-
ment to conventional oscilloscopes for recording low-frequency processes
on semiconductor coated photographic tape. A special machine designed by
the institute has been installed at the Paper Plant imeni Yu. Yanonis of
the Lithuanian Sovnarkhoz for industrial-scale production of semiconduc-
tor coated photographic paper.
The author stresses the fact that the experimental facilities at the
Scientific Research Institute of Electrography, which is the only research
establishment of its kind in the country, are far from being satisfactory.
Therefore, there is an urgent need for expansion of experimental facilities
at the institute and the need for establishment of a specialized enter-
prise to manufacture electrographic equipment within the borders of the
Lithuanian economic region.
48. Recent USSR Work on Semiconductors
"Investigation of Semiconductor Materials," by B. T. Kolomiyets,
Doctor of Technical Sciences; Moscow, Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR,
Vol 29, No 10, Oct 59, pp 107-108
"The Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov and the Physico-
Technical Institute held, on 22-26 June 1959 in Moscow, the Fourth Confer-
ence on Semiconductor Materials, which was concerned principally with com-
pounds and solid solutions. More than 60 institutions were represented at
the conference.
"A considerable number of reports dealt with compounds of the AIIIBV
type. Among these materials, particular attention was paid to indium anti-
monide, aluminum antimonide, gallium antimonide, and gallium arsenide.
Considerable progress has been made in preparing these materials in a state
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of high purity. Specificallys.irddium, antimonide with concentration of
carriers derived from impurities amounting to 1012 - lol3cm-3 and a mobility
of current carriers amounting to 106 cm2/ volt.sec at 77PK has been obtained.
In addition to work done on the preparation of materials in a state of
ultimate purity, investigations have been conducted with the aim of clarify-
ing the role played by impurities.
"Another group of papers, which reported work done by chemists, dealt
with the results of investigations of different semiconductor systems and
phases. These investigations were concerned mainly with materials pro-
duced on-.'the basis of elemr.,nts belonging to the VI group of the periodic
system, namely, sulfur, selenium, and tellurium.
"The majority of reports were on the preparation and properties of
solid solutions of the substitution type and of materials of complex com-
position. The interest evinced toward this type of semiconductor materials
is due to the possibility opened up for controlling the properties of
materials by changing their composition. Considerable interest was aroused
by reports dealing with materials which have the structure of zinc blende
(sphalerite) and with vitreous semiconductors.
"Much attention was paid at the conference to problems involved in
the preparation and investigation of two-element compounds, a class of
substances which has been investigated to only a minor extent hitherto.
Among compounds of this type, antimony selenide appears to be particularly
promising from the standpoint of practical applications.
"Problems related to the thermodynamics of semiconductors were dis-
cussed in some detail. One may note that progress has been made in work
on the determination of thermodynamic constants of semiconductors.
"A number of reports dealt with the technology of the production of
semiconductors of simple, as well as complex, composition.
"The conference demonstrated that definite progress has been made in
research on semiconductors: the range of materials being investigated has
expanded, the volume of work being done has increased, and the quality of
the investigations being carried out has been raised.
"The conference made a number of important decisions with regard to
future development of research in this field and outlined the principal
lines to be followed in formulating the theory of semiconductor:;materials
and also in developing new substances for technical applications.
"It is planned to hold the next regular conference on semiconductors
at Leningrad in 1961."
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49. Now USSR Research on Ferrites
"Ferromagnetic Semiconductors," by Prof K. A. Belov; Moscow,
Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 29, No 10, Oct 59, pp 108-
"During recent years, there has been a greatly increased interest in
the new magnetic materials called -'ferrites,' which represent compounds
of ferric oxide with oxides of different other metals (divalent metals in
the majority of cases). Because they combine ferromagnetic properties
with semiconductor characteristics, these materials'soon.faund extensive
application in radio engineering, computers-;' 'automatic 'control,,etc.
"Investigation of ferrites is also very important from the scientific
standpoint. Research on correlations between their magnetic and crystal-
chemical properties will contribute much that is new in the development
of the solid state theory.
"The Third All-Union Conference, dealing with the physics,' physico-
chemical properties, and physical aspects of the application of ferrites,
was held at Minsk on 1-7 June 1959.
"As distinguished from previous conferences, the program of this
conference was the first to include reports dealing with the investiga-
tion of magnetic and electrical properties of single crystals of ferrites.
Until quite recently, only polycrystalline ferrites (produced by the
methods of ceramic technology) were subjected to study in the USSR. How-
ever, to obtain an adequate understanding of the nature of the properties
of ferrites, investigations must be conducted on single crystals.
"At the Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences USSR, large
single crystals of ferrites with a spinel structure are now being grown.
Magnetic anisotropy, galvanomagnetic phenomena, ferromagnetic resonance,
and rotation of the plane of polarization of electromagnetic waves are
being studied on these crystals. It was established that some single
crystals oi-;the manganese-magnesium ferrite exhibit a very narrow line of
ferromagnetic resonance absorption* (12-15 oersted) and a sufficiently
high saturation magnetization. Single crystals of the manganese ferrite
show a high specific rotation of the plane of polarization of electro-
magnetic waves in relatively weak fields.
"Research on single crystals of ferrites is also being expanded at
other USSR scientific institutions. The Institute of Crystallography
has supplied these institutions with the necessary equipment and drawings
and conducts consultations with them. Particular interest is being
evinced in the investigation of the ferromagnetic resonance characteristics
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of single crystals of yttrium ferrite with a garnet structure. The
Institute of Semi conductors, Academy of Sciences USSR, and the Institute
of Crystallography, Academy bf Sciences USSR, grow crystals of this
ferrite with a width of the resonance line amounting to 5-6 oersteds.
This makes it possible to approach the solution of the problem in regard
to the creation of a amplifier and generator of super-high frequencies
on the basis of materials of this type.
"A considerable number of reports were concerned with the investiga-
tion of the properties of ferrites of rare-earth elements (gadolinium an
others) which have a structure of the garnet or perovskite type. These
ferrites have very unusual magnetic properties. Experiments have shown
that these properties change to a considerable degree when a very small
number of iron ions are replaced by ions of other elements in the lattice
of rare-earth ferrites (Institute of Semiconductors and Physics Faculty
of Moscow University). It is quite obarious that in order to understand
the phenomena which take place in these ferrites, one must investigate
thoroughly their crystal-chemical structure.
"The conference paid much attention to problems pertaining to the
chemistry and technology of the preparation of polycrystalline ferrites;
a class of materials which is of great technical importance. The princi-
pal problem here is assuring the reproducibility and uniformity of the
properties of the ferrites that are produced. This is a very complex
problem because the properties of ferrites depend on many factors (the
purity of the initial oxides, the conditions under which the material
has been sintered, the pressure that has been applied, etc.). In con-
nection with this problem, one must regard as noteworthy work done at the
Chair of General Chemistry, Moscow State University, on the production
of ferrites by a new, 'nonceramic' method.
"A special subject of discussion. was formed by the information given
in a large number of papers that dealt with the investigation of ferrites
with a rectangular hysteresis loop. These ferrites are used for the
magnetic elements of computers. One must note the extensive work on
the behavior of ferrites in pulsating magnetic fields that has been done
by a group of investigators' at the Moscow Power Institute. Investigation
of the remagnitization of ferrites under the effect of pulsating fields
is of importance from the standpoint of application of the results in
work on the improvement of rapidly acting computers of small dimensions
and the development: of new computers of this type. Solution of problems
in this area is also of importance in connection with developments in
other technical fields.
"Reports on the investigation of static magnetic characteristics of
ferrites with a rectangular hysteresis loop (Academy of Sciences) Belo-
russian SSR) and also on the investigation of magnetic viscosity (Physics
Faculty, Moscow State University) attracted considerable 'attention.
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Discussions were held on results obtained in the investigation of ferrites
with a high coercitivity, which at present are receiving increased recog-
nition in technology as cheap and effective materials for permanent magnets.
In connection with this, one must note work on the investigation of the
domain structure of barium ferrites, which contributes to an understanding
of the mechanism of remagnetization of ferrites with a high coercitivity
(Institute of Metal Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR).
"Many papers were concerned with the investigation of electric and
galvaanomagnetic properties of ferrites. Knowledge of these properties
is of great importance from the theoretical standpoint. Many ferromag-
netic anomalies of :lectrical characteristics exhibited by materials of
this t?- may not be subject to relationships established for metals and
allo;?. Investigation- of the dependence of the specific conductivity
and of the galvanomagnetic effects (primarily, the Hall effect) on the
temperature and correlation of the data obtained with the temperature
course of the spont.;ieous magnetization in single crystals and polycry-
stalline materials will aid in- the solution of problems pertaining to
the state of the energy spectrum of -electrons in the materials in ques-
tion. The most interesting temperature range in this respect corresponds
to the region of magnetic transformation (Curie point), in which the
effects of the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic states of matter on
the electrical properties must be clearly expressed.
"In connection with this, one must note the results obtained at the
Chair of General Physics, Moscow State University, in the investigation
conducted there on the Hall effect in ferrites close to the Curie point.
In the report on the work in question, a method is described for the
determination of the so-called ordinary or classical Hall constant, on
the basis of which the concentration of current carriers in ferrites can
be calculated. Investigations of the anisotropy of galvanomagnetic phen-
omena in single crystals of ferrites and of the dispersion of electrical
conductivity and of the dielectric constant are also of importance for
the understanding of the mechanism of conduction in ferrites.
"A number of reports dealt with problems of magnetic spectroscopy,
magneto-optics, and the behavior of ferrites at super-high frequencies.
Investigation of these problems is of great technical importance because
it furnishes-information that is of value in connection with the applica-
tion of ferromagnetic semiconductors in high-frequency radio engineering.
"Several papers were concerned with the theory of antiferromagnetism
and of the magnetic anisotropy of ferrites (Institute of Metal Physics and
Institute of Crystallography); unfortunately, there were very few theore-
tical reports, which is a serious shortcoming.
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"On the whole, the conference demonstrated that both qualitatively and
quantitatively the scope of research on ferromagnetic semiconductors in
the USSR has widened considerably. However, a great amount of work still
remains to be done in this important field of knowledge because many pro-
blems of the-!theory of ferrites have not been solved as yet. It is nec-
essary to establish the nature of the rectangular characteristic exhibited
by hysteresis loops of manganese-magnesium ferrites, to formulate an ade-
quate theory interpreting the width of' he ferromagnetic resonance absorp-
tion line, and to expand research on the domain structure. One must also
greatly expand the application of neutronographic methods d'or the investi-
gation of the atomic and magnetic structure of materials exhibiting the
properties of ferrites and antiferromagnetics."
50. Crystal Chemistry of Piezoelectrics
"Some Problems of the Crystal Chemistry of Piezoelectrics " by
I. S. Rez, TsNILP. [Central Sci-Res Lab of Piezotgchnice, Minis-
try of Radio Engineering Industry USSR), Moscow; Leningrhd, Zap-
iski Vseso zno o Mineralogichesko o Obshchestva, Vol 88, No 5,
Sep Oct 59, p 624
The author of the report discussed some problems pertaining to the
crystal chemistry of piezoelectrics. Starting from experimental data
and general crystal-chemical considerations based on the concept of
structural types, the author formulated the following "genetic" princi-
ple: it is advisable to search for new piezoelectrics among substances
of a family at least one representative of which exhibits a pronounced
piezoelectric effect. In doing this, principal attention must be paid
to the investigation of different modifications of the typical struc-
ture, first, those modifications which tend to increase the degree of
assymetry, increase the dipole moment of the molecule, eliminate anti-
parallel packing of structural dipoles, reduce the density of packing,
and increase structural strains by reason of structural dipoles, reduce
the density of packing, and increase structural strains by reason of the
deformation of valency angles and shortening of bonds. The use of the
genetic criterion enabled?the author and his co-workers to discover more
than 425 new piezoelectrics by investigating substances in specially deve-
loped highly sensitive equipment designed for the testing of small samples.
The results obtained confirm the validity of the proposed criterion as a
means of predicting the suitability of substances as piezoelectrics.
Critical consideration of data obtained in the investigation of inorganic
and coordination compounds has indicated the following:
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(a) Compounds of a type exhibiting a piezoelectric effect contain
easily deformable atomic structures (pyramids, tetraheders, and oct-
aheders and combinations of these structures); difficulty deformable
atomic structures of the type of linear chains and plane triangles are
not conducive to the development of piezoelectric effect;
(b) Piezoelectric properties are apparently exhibited by substances
with predominantly covalent bonds;
(c) In cases of isomorphous substitution, the piezoelectric effect
which is due to the skeleton of the structure is preserved, being mod-
ified, depending on the nature of the atom or the radical functioning
as the subs-! ituent;
(d) The relationships outlined above also apply to organic compounds.
By applying the methods mentioned above, more than 20 types of piezo-
electrically active compounds were found which have a high percentage of
piezoelectrics in the "genetic series" derived from them.
[SIR note: This is an abstract of a paper presented at the Interna-
tional Session on Crystallography Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of
the Death of Ye. S. Fedorov (Leningrad, 21-27 May 1959).]
51. New Method of Growing Single Crystals of Germanium
"Growing of Single Crystals of Germanium in Salt and Oxide Melts,"
by V. N. Maslov, Yu. V. Granovskiy, and V. D. Samygin; Leningrad,
Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 32, No 11, Nov 59, pp 2571-2574
It has been established that it is possible to grow from melts con-
sisting of B2 0 and KC1 single crystals of germanium with a specific
resistance approaching 10-15 ohms X cm and a length of diffusion paths
of secondary carriers up to 0.5 mm. It was found that the fused salt
phase is capable of suppressing the effect exerted by extraneous cry-
stallization nuclei and of protecting the molten germanium, as well as
the growing crystal, from oxidation.
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52. Procedure for Growing Single Crystals in Vacuum or an Inert Gas by
Verneuil.'s Method
"Equipment for Growing Single Crystals of High-Melting Substances
in Vacuum or an Inert Gas Without a Crucible," by V. V. Dobroven-
skiy, Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences USSR; Mos-
cow, Pribory i Tekhnika Experimenta, No 5, Sep/Oct 59, pp 134+-137
Growing of single crystals by direct melting of a highly disperse pow-
der in the flame of an oxygen-hydrogen burner and subsequent crystalliza-
tion were already applied by Verneuil in 1902 for the preparation of
synthetic ruby crystals from aluminum oxide. At present, by applying this
method, single crystals of ferrites, spinels, mull.ite, corundum, and a
number of other materials are produced. However, the method in question
is not suitable for growing single crystals of substances which interact
readily with the gas phase during the process of crystallization and sub-
sequent cooling. The difficulties inherent in this method can be over-
come only by letting the. substances in question crystallize in vacuum or
in the atmosphere of an inert gas after a melt containing them has been
produced by subjecting an appropriate mixture to electric heating. Equip-
ment of is type that is heated by an induction current has been des-
cribed. By using this equipment, polycrystalline silicon could be obtained,
which was subsequently purified by vertical zone refining. For the purpose
of growing single crystals of silicon and of barium titan.te directly from
powder in vacuum or in the atmosphere of an inert gas, the author has
designed and constructed special equipment which is heated by means of a
graphite resistance heater. Temperathres up to 2,000?C are employed in
the operation of the equipment described. A new appliance for the uni-
form feeding of powder has been designed and forms a part of this equip-
53. Production of Plastic Scintillators With a Large Volume
"Preparation and Properties of Plastic Scintillators With a Large
Volume," by G. A. Kirdina and N. K. Pereyaslova, Institute of
Applied Geophysics, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Pribory i
Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 5, Sep/Oct 59, pp 47-51
Scintillator plastics exhibit a number of specific characteristics,
among which is a relativly short time of de-excitation amounting to
approximately 10-9 - 10-0 seconds, a high degree of transparency, high
mechanical strength, stability at elevated temperatures, and good work-
ability. Because they have these characteristics, plastic scintillators
can be used in experiments on the investigation' of cosmic rays, the inves-
tigation of properties of particles that form in accelerators, and in
the dosimetry of ionizing radiation. Scintillators with a large volume
can be used to advantage in highly sensitive intensimeters for p -rays.
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Thus, the development of methods for the production of plastic scintill-
ators with a large volume is of considerable importance. In the present
work, a method is described for "growing" scintillator polystyrene blocks
with a volume up to 10,000 cubic centimeters. The result of the determina-
tion of some characteristics of the scintillator phosphors prepared in
this manner are described, and details are given on the method of prepara-
tion. Before the purified styrene was subjected to polymerization by the
method described, 2% of p-terphenyl and 0.02% by weight of POPOP has been
added to it. The time of de-excitation of the polystyrene prepared in
the manner described was compared with that of polyvinyltoluene scintill-
ators prepared at the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research and that of
liquid scintillators representing a solution of terphenyl in toluene to
which POPOP had been added.
54. Fourth Conference on Radioelectronics To Be Held in 1960
"Third All-Union Conference on Radioelectronics" (unsigned art-
icle); Gor'kiy, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy -'Radio-
fizika, Vol 2, No 4, 1959, p 666
Among the recommendations made at the Third All-Union Conference on
Radioelectronics in Kiev was the proposal that the regular fourth confer-
ence of the Ministry of Higher Education USSR on radio engineering and
electronics be called in November 1960 in Kharkov.
55. International Conference on Microwave Links, Budapest
"International Scientific Conference on Microwave Links" (unsigned
news item); Budapest, Magyar Nemzet, 11 Nov 59, p 5
A 4-day colloquium on establishing microwave links began Tuesday,
10 November 1959, at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; it was organized
by the Technical Sciences Department. of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
and by the Signal Technology Association (Hiradastechnikai Egyesulet).
Twenty-five foreign guests from the US, England, France, and Austria are
participating, in addition to those from the Soviet Union and the People's
Geza Bognar, Kossuth Prize-winning academician, read the opening. address
Tuesday before an audience of about 300. Papers were then read by L. Lewin
(London), H. Dobesch (Berlin), and Sandor Csibi and Peter Rona of the Tele-
communications Research Institute (Tavkozlesi Kutato Intezet).
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H. Schulanke (Berlin) opened the afternoon session. Papers were then
read by Gyorgy Pribelszky, Tibor Hoffmann, Andor Budincsevics, Andras
Dallos, Tibor Horvath, Janos Nagy, Janos Erdelyi, and Gyorgy Gellen of
the Telecommunications Research Institute.
"International Conference on Microwave Links" (unsigned news
item); Budapest; Nepszabadsag, 24 Nov 59, p 9
At the recent Budapest International Microwave Conference, Soviet
Academician V. I. Siforov reported on his theoretical research aimed at
eliminating conditions which disturb radio reception. Lewin of England,
De Castel of France, Prosin of the Soviet Union, and Beckman of Czecho-
slovakia read papers dealing with problems of atmospheric scattering of
radio waves,_thus contributing to a technical solution of relay stations
far removed from one another. The paper of the absent Simon (France)
read at the conference also dealt, with this problem. The Germans Dobesch
and Schulanke discussed mathematic&l problems pertaining to signal tech-
nology. There were 10 foreign papers and 21 domestic ones. Tibor
Hoffmann (Hungary) read- a paper on molecular amplifiers.
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Automatic Control Engineering and Computers
56. Application of Computers to Automation
"With the Aid of Computers," by B. Bukiya, Tbilisi Scientific
Research Institute of Instrument Building and Automation
Equipment; Moscow, Promyshlenno-Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta, 29 Nov
Various electronic computers for the control of industrial processes
are now in the process of design at the Tbilisi Scientific Research Insti-
tute of Instrument Building and Automation Equipment. Such special elec-
tronic computers are now being designed for the control of blast-furnace
operation, for cupola furnace operation, for the regulation of electric
power distribution in power networks, and for automation of oil refining
and other chemical processes.
It is planned to design more than 100 such special control devices
during the current Seven-Year Plan.
57. Application of Computers in. Rail-Transport Automation
"To New Victories on the Labor Front" (unsigned article);
Moscow, Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Svyaz', No 11~,Nov 59, pp
The article contains the following passages:
"In conjunction with the introduction of new 127-ton rollerbearing
cars to rail transport, the retarding efficiency of the gravity classifi-
cation yards must also be increased. The use of new braking devices will
increase this efficiency without necessitating any changes in the length
or grade of the tracks.
"The TsNII(Central Scientific Research Institute of Rail Transport)
and Giprotranssignalsvyaz' have developed methods for automatic retarding
of cars on mechanized gravity classification yards by utilizing computers
and radar-type car speedometers. The TsNII system is now being tested at
the Losinoostrovskaya station's mechanized gravity classification yard,
and the Giprotranssignalsvyaz' system is being tested at the mechanized
gravity classification yard of the Leningrad-Sortirovochnaya station.
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"At present, the signalization and communication administration em-
ploys 2,570 engineers and 7,240 technicians. This year, the schools of
the Ministry of Communications will graduate 413 engineers and 1,656
technicians for signal., centralization, blocking, and communications
services. The number of such graduates will increase each year. In addi-
tion to the departments at the Leningrad and Tomsk institutes, new depart
ments of automation, telemechanics and communications will be established
at the Institutes of Rail Transport in Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Tashkent, and
58. Hungarians Use Analogue Computer to Solve Power Net Problems
"A Visit to VILLENKI," by Geza Simonffy; Budapest, Muszaki
Elet, 29 Oct 59, p 13
For the past 6 years, the Electric Energetics Research Institute
(vT_LLENKI) has operated a model of an alternating-current power net.
'T'his apparatus, which is essentially an analogue computer, has been used
for several examinations in connection with international cooperation
in power distribution.
Electrical Engineering
59. Low-Frequency Electronic Converters
"2-0.5 Cycle Electronic Frequency Converters for Electromagnetic
Stirring Installations of Arc Furnaces," by N. S. Siunov, M. G.
Rezin, Ya. I. Drobinin, and Ye. M. Glukh; Moscow, Elektrichestvo,
No 11, Nov 59, pp 41-43
The first experimental-industrial are furnace with electromagnetic
stirring of molten metal was installed in 1956. A low-frequency (2-0.5
cycle) two-phase current was fed to a stator winding mounted under the
bottom of the furnace. The bottom jacket of the furnace was made from
nonmagnetic steel. The rotating magnetic field created by the stator in-
duces an eddy current in the molten metal, which, in turn, creates a dyna-
mic moment sufficient- to stir effectively the molten metal in the furnace.
A very effective low-frequency electronic converter was designed
at the Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M. Kirov in cooperation with
the "Uralelektroapparat" plant. This electronic frequency converter
incorporates 12 rectifiers assembled in two groups of 6 each and inter-
connected into a three-phase counter-parallel circuit . Eadi cf the group cf' tree
rectifiers conducts current during one half of the cycle, while the group
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of other three is cut out by the grid bias. An independent grid control
for each three rectifiers is achieved with the aid of a static phas regu-
lator. A group of six rectifiers feeds one phase of the two-phase winding
of the stator. A selt7n-rheostat, which supplies power -to -the magnetizing
winding of the phase-regulator, acts as a transducer for obtaining a low-
frequency sinusoidal current. The selsyn-rheostat is driven by a 20-w-dc
motor through a reduction Gear. One mercury-arc rectifier of RMNNVV-1,000
X 12 type with 12 insulated anodes and 4 independently controlled grid
circuits was used in ono industrial installation carrying 2,000 ampere
current per phase of the stator at a frequency of 2-0.5 cycles. An
electronic frequency converter of ?t-his -type will be installed at the
Verkh-Isetsk metallurgical plant for electromagnetic stirring of metal
in a 25-ton furnace. This type of frequency converter can be applied to
furnaces up to 180 tons capacity.
60. Revision of Design Methods and Specifications for Dam Construction
"For Further Progress in Hydroelectric Construction," by V. S.
Eristov, Ministry for Construction of Electric Power Stations;
Moscow, Gidrotekhnicheskoye Stroitel'stvo, No 11, Nov 59, pp 1-4
The Ministry for Construction of Electric Stations, in cooperation
with its design, scientific-research, and construction organizations, has
reviewed the blueprints and estimates for the 22 hydroelectric stations
now in construction and concluded that a reduction from 47 to 39 billion
rubles, i.e., about of the original estimates, can be secured by
applying more progressive engineering principles.
The suggested progressive measures are of the following nature:
lowering the presently accepted unjustifiably high design safety factors;
reduction in the volume of gravity-concrete dams by incorporating wider
joints which help to lower the back-pressure (Bratskaya, Krasnoyarskaya,
and Bukhtarminskaya stations); switching from gravity type dams to arch
types (Ladzhanuri) which require only about one third of the concrete;
replacement of some of the concrete members of the dam by other locally
available materials; an increased water discharge per unit length of the
spillway section of the dam, thus reducing the total length of the concrete
section of the spillway: elimination of the conventional generator room
(Kremenchugskaya and Dneprodzerzhinskaya); increasing the size of individual
hydraulic turbogenerators, which p?rmits and increase in total capacity of
the station without additiona. investment (Krasnoyarskaya and Bratskaya);
elimination of some dispensable work in preparation of water reservoir
(Stalingradskaya, Bratskaya, Kremenchugskaya, and Votkinskaya); and a
decrease in the capacity of concrete mixing and other auxiliary facilities
(Bratskaya and others).
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Surveying, Prospecting
61. Book on Interpretation of Dimensions of Aerial Photographs
Izmeritel'no a Deshifirivovaniye Aerosnimkov v Pole kh
Usloviyakh (Dimension Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
in Field Conditions), by N. G. Kell', Laboratory of Aeromethods
of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Publishing House of the
Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow, 1959, .124+ pp
The book acquaints the reader with the geometric and geodesic pro-
perties of aerial photographs and the most efficient methods of utilizing
these properties in field conditions.
The principal protion of the book is given to dimension interpretation
of aerial photographs used in different geological-geomorphological opera-
The book is intended for a wide group of specialists and researchers,
topographers, geologists, geomorphologists, etc.
62. Earth's Magnetic Field Utilized by New Method of Geophysical Prospecting
"Geophysical Prospecting Improved", (unsigned item); Moscow,
Izvestiya, 1 Dec 59
A new method of geophysical prospecting is reported as having been
developed in the Lvov Institute of the Geology of Useful Minerals of
the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. The new method is based on the
use of the natural pulsations of .he Earth's electromagnetic field. The
advantage of this method consists in the fact that it dispenses with the
need for cumbersome power apparatus. This will reduce the cost of pros-
pecting many times in comparison with existing methods requiring the
creation of artificial electromagnetic fields.
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63. New Instrument and Machine Building Standards
"Important Problems in Development of National Standards and
Specifications" (unsigned article); Moscow, Izmeritel'naya
Tekhnika, No 11, Nov 59, PP 1-3
The article contains the following passages:
"During the next 2 years, machine building specifications covering
the whole range of instruments, attachments, dies, and other technical
equipment of general use should be worked out; and during the next 3-4
years, the machine building standards and specifications to cover
common machine units and parts and the most important mass-produced equip-
ment for mechanization and automation should be worked out.
"During the first half of November 1959, the Committee on Standards,
Measures, and Measuring Instruments at the Council of Ministers -USSR has
approved the standardization program for 1960.
"In 1960, for the first time, the standards for radio-engineering
measuring instruments, such as tube voltmeters, standard signal genera-
tors, heterodyne and resonance frequency meters, pulse generators, and
meters for percentage of amplitude modulation, were worked out."
64. Rocket Drills Rocks
"Rocket for Drilling Rocks," TASS' Kishinev, Sovetskaya
Moldaviya, 11 Sep 59
"This automatic rocket is intended, not for interplanetary flight,
but for use on earth, for sinking d wits into solid rock with the aid of
a flaming jet at supersonic velocity. the motor of this rocket, in
which liquid fuel is used as in jet aircraft, does not liftthe rocket into
space. The powerful high-temperature gas torch, which is ejected from
the nozzle of the rocket at a velocity of 2,000 meters per second, strikes
the rock and breaks it into tiny pieces. Drills can be made which were
unattainable with drilling equipment available before in mining practice
The self-propelled, thermal-drilling device was designed by Kazakhstan
scientists in cooperation with engineers. As distinguished from existing
thermal drills, the new machine is completely automatic."
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65. Hungarians Report Soviet Development of New Structural Glass
"Sital" (unsigned news item); Budapest; Muszaki Elet, 29 Oct 59,
p 10
A new material named "Sital" (Szital) has been developed in the glass
laboratory of the State Glass Industry Scientific Research Institute of
the Soviet Union. The primary material is a glass of a peculiar structure;
it is microcrystalline, the particles being approximately one micron in
size. This microcrystalline structure, which is responsible for the
properties of the glassy material, is produced through heat treating.
Sital is four times stronger than glass; it is harder than high
carbon tempered steel; it is not brittle; and it is lighter than aluminum.
Its electrical characteristics are better than those of ceramic materials.
It has very high heat resistance and does not soften even at 1,400 degrees
Ball bearings made of this material have proved long lasting, even
in aggressive media at high temperatures. Sital is used for containers,
machine parts, pipes, and fireproof walls.
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66. Soviet Cyberneticists Visit Hungary
"Soviet Cyberneticiate Visit Hungary" (unsigned article);
Budapest; Magyar Nemzet, 25 Nov 59, p 3
According to an announcement in source, M. A. Gavrilov, head of a
laboratory of the Institute of Automatics and Telemechanies of the
Academy of Sciences USSR; V. P. Smiryagin" chief of the electronic
cOnuter utilization department" of the Computer Center of the Soviet
Academy; T. I. Milchenko, chief engineer of the department; and D. I.
Golenko, scientific worker, arrived in Budapest for a 3-week visit
at the invitation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencee.
The guests will study the work of the Szeged Mathematical Research
Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and will discuss plans
for joint work in the coming year. The Soviet cybernetieiste will also
visit the Mathematical Research Institute of the Acadegr, the Cybernetics
Research Institute, the Technical University, and several institutions
and plants.
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67. Review of Book on Antibiotics
Puti Izyskaniya Novykh Antibiotikov (Methods of Searching for
New Antibiotics), by G. F. Gauze, reviewed by M. M. Mayevskiy;
Moscow, Antibiotiki, Vol IV, No 5, Sep/Oct 59, pp 110-111
Guaze's book provides data on the methods of searching for anti-
bacterial, antiviral, and antitumorous antibiotics. It contains five
chapters, eah followed by a bibliography on the subject discussed in
the chapter. Chapter 1 contains information on the different soil
microbe-antagonists, and on the ecological significance of antibiotics.
Data on the classification of the microbes which form the antibiotics
is provided in Chapter 2. Proper classification of these microbes, the
author states, is essential to the success of the search for new anti-
biotics. Chapter 3 deals with methods of isolatiny antibiotics from
cultural fluids and methods for determining the chemotherapeutical
properties of the antibiotics. Methods of searching for and developing
antiviral antibiotics are discussed in Chapter 4. Considerable space
is given to the problem of utilizing bacteriophages in the search for
antiviral antibiotics. The fifth and final chapter of the book deals
with the problem of the search for antitumorous or "anti cancerous"
antibiotics. Research work done by the author is described in this
Aviation Medicine
68. Possibilities of Human Space Flight Discussed
"A Human Being in Outer Space" (unsigned article); Moscow;
Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, No 80 (1828), 6 Oct 59, p 2
Laboratories of many scientific research institutes are concentrating
their attention on developing conditions which will be tolerable for a
human being traveling through outer space in a rocket. There are many
researchers, in the Soviet Union who are busy trying to develop an in-
flight feeding system. This statement was given by Gr?A. Arutyunov, the
director of a laboratory working on this problem.
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Scientists are familiar with the use of concentrated food in flights
of short duration, lasting from 2-3 hours to several days. A food prepared
from products that have high food value and a lower fat content than that
required by people on earth is recommended. It must contain normal amounts
of protein, carbohydrates, and vitamin. The bulk and weight of a human
astronaut's food must be kept at a minimum and it must not spoil easily
(concentrates, canned food).
Feeding may be achieved in a satisfactory manner by the intake (every
3-4 hours) of smaller quantities of food than are required on earth.
The intake of food under condition of weightlessness is particularly com-
plicated. A human being cannot drink water from a glass while he is in
a state of weightlessness, because "weightless" water acquires spherical
shape. Poured out of the glass, it will hover in the rocket in the
form of one or several ellipsoids. Water must therefore be drunk through
a-special dispensing container with a tube attachment.
Since food particles may fall "down," float through the air, and
enter human nostrils, mouth, eyes, and ears under condition of weight-
les cress, it is advisable that food placed in the cabin consist of solid,
compact pieces.
Food intake will have to be different when an oxygen mask is worn.
The food must be in liquid form and must be prepared from highly nourishing
products. Concentrated soup in puree form and made of highest quality
meat, chocolate, fruit, and cream is recommended. Equipment should include
a jar with a tube attachment; food passes through the tube and through a
special valve in the oxygen mask and enters the mouth without interfering
with respiration. The equipment used to feed the dog Layka operated on
this principle.
The assimilation of food is very important. Researchers outside the
Soviet Union have suggested 100% assimilation can be attained by compound-
ing synthetic mixtures consisting of amino acids and carbohydrates. The
Soviet scientists, however, prefer to use natural products enriched with
amino acids.
How can a man survive in outer space if his flight should last several
months? The rocket can hold only a-limited supply of water and food.
There are two ways to solve this problem. (1) resorting to chemicals in
supplying the necessary food -- proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins
can be formed from products of nitrogen metabolism, and oxygen can be
separated from carbon dioxide; and (2) using microorganisms and algae as
food for humans. Fifteen varieties of algae which can serve as food for
humans are'known to scientists. Chlorella is believed to be the most
valuable; it not only can serve as food, but also possesses the exceptional
capability of transforming carbon dioxide into oxygen. The fact that the
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Japanese have used algae as part of their normal diet is sufficient proof
that they do not disrupt digestive functions and do not harm the human
All that can be said about satisfying the human organism with water
is that water can be obtained from the air in the cabin. Water in the
cabin precipitates on chilled surfaces and can be used for drinking.
Drinking water can also be obtained by the use of chemicals.
Contagious Diseases
69. Tick-Borne Encephalitis and Polio in Slovakia and Attempts to Combat
7M. -
"Invisible Carnivores," by Helena Libikova, Institute of Viro-
logy of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; Prague Priroda a
Spolocnost, No 18, Sep 59, pp 8-11
The Institute of Virology of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in
Bratislava, which studies virus diseases affecting man and possibilities
of combating these viruses, has a section for research on neuroviral infec-
tions. Presently, 11 scientific workers, five of whom hold a degree of can-
didate of medical sciences or of biological sciences, work here.
The research work of this group has concentrated its efforts for
the most economical and fastest progress. Therefore, the section has
selected only one project -- research on tick-borne encephalitis virus,
which has a rather high incidence in Slovakia. The virus is found in
natural foci in small firested or forest-steppe areas in Slovakia.
In 1951, Roznava and its surroundings experienced an epidemic of
tick-borne encephalitis. Information obtained in research on this disease
determined the basic direction for the section's research on neuroviral in-
fections. Up to this time, it was.the dominant opinion that the disease
might develop in man only after the bite of an infected tick. But
since several hundreds persons in Roznava and the surroundings were
affected with the disease who had not come into contact with ticks showed
that this opinion was untenable.
The Roznava epidemic brought about large scale research work. The
Institute of Virology brought in,specialists from the Czech lands and
from Slovakia, and within 3 years it was determined that a natural focus
of tick-borne encephalitis exists in the Roznava vicinity. The virus
was iso7.ated from the ticks and antibodies were discovered in the blood
of roe bucks, rabbits, foxes, wild boars, and in small mouselike rodents)
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and also in the serum of birds, cows, goats, and sheep, thich. uneans that all
these animals had been hosts to the virus for some time. In determining
how the virus was transferred from the natural focus to the several hundred
persons who were ill, detailed epidemiological study showed that most of
the patients drank poorly pasteurized milk in which goat milk was also
mixed. It was further determined that the goat milk carried the virus.
Dr. Gresikova has shown that both sheep and goats eliminate the tick-
borne encephalitis virus in their milk whether they are infected by sub-
cutaneous injection or by experimentally infected ticks. The milk of
these animals shows a higher concentration of virus than their blood.
This is not true in cows, where only small amounts of the virus get into
the milk. The virus will live in milk for a considerable number of days
and will also live for some time in soured milk; it viii be active up to
2 months in butter and cream when these products are stored at 4 degrees
centigrade. It can withstand temperatures of about 50-60 degrees centi-
grade, but is quickly destroyed by boiling. Dr Malkova has determined
that chlorine preparations can destroy the virus.
Doctors Macicek, Nosek, and Ernek of the institute have studied the
relationship of the encephalitis-carrying tick to wild animals. It has
been shown that roe bucks, rabbits, sui'.010uselike animals can receive
large quantities of virus subcutaneously or intracerebrally without be-
coming infected since theyhave natural immunity. However, the virus
circulates in the blood and lives in the brain for some time without
producing any signs of disease. In experimentally infected'. chicks
the virus sometimes causes a chronic preliminary brain inf amnation, while
in ducklings the virus circulates in the, blood after infection, and in
lizards it can lead to serious illness following subcutaneous infection.
Since slices of brains and other organs are a source of information,
the section's histologist, Dr Albrecht, constantly assists all the other
members of the collective.
In working on the problem of tick-borne encephalitis, the section
discovered a virus in eastern Slovakia responsible for inflammation of the
brain and spinal marrow of horses. This virus was hitherto unknown in
Europe. New information on antibodies of the virus, found in humans
and animals, is being obtained constantly.
Much attention was also given to the virus-tick relationship. New
methods of feeding ticks on infected mice and of carrying the virus from
animal to animal via ticks were introduced. The first successful attempts
of Dr Rehacek to grow tick tissues as a basis for research, since the
viruses multiply in tick cells, are pioneering.
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Since the use of white mice for experimentation is expensive and
space-consuming, the work of the last half year has been concentrated on
trying to find the best riethod of growing tissue cultures. The first
results look very promising. It is hoped that this procedure will soon
replace the use of mice. Only then will it be possible to expand the
research to the extent required. This use would also simplify the
virological diagnosis of tick-bornr, encephalitis in kraj and okres
hygenic-epidemiological stations.
Protective inoculations against polio were begun in 1957 in
Czechoslovakia. In the research on serums, Dr Pesek devised a simplified
test on plastic trays with small depressions: the results were identified
according to the color reaction caused by the effect of the viruses on
the cells. From this it was known that small children in Slovakia came
into contact with all three types of polio sooner than those in the Czech
lands Bohemia and Moravia
and, overcoming an inapparent infection, form
antibodies. This information made it possible to select the age groups
most suitalbe for inoculations.
During the polio research, the problem of Coxsackie and ECHO viruses
was also inve sL-igated. Dr Mayer, working for several years, demonstrated
some types of these viruses among patients. Before this it was not
known that such viruses occur in Czechoslovakia.
Dr Zemla heads the new biochemical laboratory which was established
in the last 2 years in the section for research on virus infections of
the nervous system. The biochemical laboratory has already taken its
first steps: the glucose consumption of growing cells in relation to
time and to various medium conditions was determined for HeLa cells,
where polio and tick-borne encephalitis virus is known to multiply. The
present attempts devote attention to other components, e.g., phosphorous
compounds, which are important in the material change of cells. These
components are an important structural unit of virus particles.
70. Bulgarians Develop Blood Expander
"Hydrolysate," (unsigned article); Prague, Ceskoslovensky Cerv-
eny Kriz, Nov 59, p 8
According to the above source, the Institute of Hematology and Blood
Transfusion is Sofia has produced a hydrolysate by chemically and thermally
processing the beef cable blood. The new product is suitable for use in all
cases where the intake of food through the mouth is impossible and when it
is essential that the patient's strength be restored, such as prior to
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surgery or in post operative situations. The hydrolysate is said to cost
only 1/100 that of human blood and in many cases can actually replace
the use of human blood completely.
The institute is also working on a protein blood substitute. Work
has been in progress on this product for the past 4 years. The blood
substitute has biological characteristics which correspond to the Soviet
BKZ blood substitute.
Another aspect of the work conducted at the institute is the accelera-
tion of the work leading to blood preservation techniques, and particularly
the preservation of red blood corpuscles through the' um of hydrolysate.
Immunology and Therapy
71. Immunogenicity of Inhalation Vaccination
"The Problem of the Effectiveness of Inhalation Vaccination,"
Report I. The Effect of the Inhalation Method of Vaccination
on General. Immune Reconstruction of the Organism," by A. I.
Maslov, District Hospital and Military Medical Order of
Lenin Academy imeni Kirov; Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii,
Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, Vol 30, No 11, Nov 59~ pp 15-18
In introducing this article, the author states that recent achieve-
ments in the study of aerosols in general and medical aerosols in particu-
lar have revealed new possibilities for more intensive study of the in-
halation method of vaccination. In the research described, the depth of
penetration and fate of particles ranging in size from 5 to 30 microns in
various branches of the respiratory tract were studied. In the first
series of experiments, white mice were vaccinated aerogenica]iy with a live
B. prodigiosum aerosol produced by a special sprayer; a table shows the
dimensions of the particles "livered, the quantity of particles (in
percent), and the weight of particles (in percent according to the
weight of the solution used). the mice were exposed for 5 minutes in
an aerosol char^ber in 'which the density of the aerosol was 50 million micro-
bial cells per liter. The effectiveness of the method was then tested by
seeding ling sections from the mice on meat-peptone agar and calculating
the number of colonies produced. Several other experiments were per-
formed; the extent of general immune reconstruction in the experimental
animals was determined by immunization and subsequent challenge with
Gertner'a bacillus.
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Comparison of the results of the inhalation method with those of the
subcutaneous and intranasal-oral methods are presented in a table. The
author concludes that the inhalation method of vaccination guarantees
intensive, general immune reconstruction of the organism to which it is
administered, but that a high concentration of vaccine and rather prolonged
exposure of the animal to the aerosol are required.
72. Lithium Therapy of Psychic Disturbances
"On the Therapy of Maniacal States of Different Origin and of
Certain Psychic Disturbances in Organic Cerebral Affections With
Lithium Salts," by M. I. Botvinnikova, Hospital imeni Skvortsov-
Stepanov; Moscow, Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii imeni
S. S. Korsakov, Vol 59, No 10, Oct 59, pp 1222-1223
Lithium carbonate in doses of 0.5-1.0 gram two or three times per
day 'was administered to ten .patients suffering from different foxms of
psychoses : three of the patients suffered from manic-depressive psychosis,
one froi., infectious psychosis with maniacal syndrome, one from vascular
affection of the cerebrum with psychic disturbances, five from organic
affections of the cerebrum with psychic disturbances. A calmer state was
observed in all of the patients at the end of the first week after
therapy was begun. Irritability decreased, the behavior of the patients
became more normal, they became interested in their surroundings, and
their sleep improved. Five of the patients were discharged. No adverse
effects were rioted in any of the created patients.
73. Contraindications to Use of Rauwolfia serpentina Preparations
"On the Problem of Indications and Contraindications in the
Therapy of Patients Suffering From Hypertension With Rauwolfia
serpentina Preparations," by N. N. Kolotova, Ye. M. Kucherenko
and T. P. Chuberk3.s, Chair of Hospital Therapy, Vinnitsa Medi-
cal Institute; Moscow, Sovetskaya Meditsina, Vol 23, No 10,
Oct 59, pp 112-115
Rserpine was administered to 42 patients suffering from hypertension.
Serious complications developed in three of the patients: two developed
myocardial infarction, and the third developed a disturbance in cerebral
circulation. The author considers three possibilities: (1) reserpine
had no relation to the development of the complications; (2) reserpine
was the direct cause of their uevelopment; and (3) under certain condi-
tions reserpine was the contributing factor. Further experimental re-
search irs needed to ascertain whether reserpine may cause complications
when used in hypertension. On the basis of the data obtained, however,
the author recommends that care be exercised before reserpine and other
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Rauwolfia serpentina preparations are used in cases with expressed coronary
sclerosis or chronic coronary insufficiency; expressed sclerosis of the
cerebral vessels with chronic insufficiency of the cerebral circulation; and
increased tonus of the vagus nerve.
74. Diphtheria Toxin Exposed to ITitrasound
"The Effecto of Ultrasonic Waves on Diphtheria Toxin," by G. I.
Stepanchenok-Rudnik, Ye. I. Nekhotenova, V. A. Blagoveshchenskiy,
and P. V. Pavlov, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology
imeni Gamaleya; Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i
Immunobiologii.. Vol 30, No ii, Nov 59, pp lid-119
"An investigation was undertaken to explain the action of ultrasound
of varying frequency and amplitude on diphtheria toxin and the effect of
purifying the toxin on its sensitivity to ultrasonic waves. The following
diphtheria toxins were selected for the investigation: (1) natural toxin
which had been kept for some time (18 Lf/ml, Kf--1 hour and 15 minutes,
MLD--0.0028 ml); (2) fresh natural toxin (3OLf/ml, Kf--one hour and 20
minutes, MLD--0.0006 ml); (3) toxin which had been purified by ammonium
sulfate precipitation (3OLf/ml, Kf--30 minutes, MLD--0.02 ml); (4+) toxin
purified by the precipitation of the natural toxin at the iso-electric
point (pH 14.0) with 30% trichioroacetic acid (38 Lf/mi, Kf--120 minutes,
MLD--0.008 ml). A Soviet UL-1 apparatus in which a barium titanate
piezoceramic disk served as a source of sound waves was used for the re-
search. Exposure to sound was carried out in special trays with nylon
bottoms. The apparatus was provided with a cooling system, which made it
possible to keep the temperature of the toxin being exposed to ultrasound
around 2500.
"The action of ultraso is waves at a frequency of x+00 and 2,1+00 kc and
a sonic pressure of 5 v-t m', and also at frequencies of 800 and 1,200 kc
and pressure of 10 vt/cm for 30 minutes (in certain cases for 90 minutes)
had no effect on. the toxic properties of the diphtheria toxins investigated;'
the values of the Lf, Kf, and MLD of the toxins exposed to ultrasound were
not changed. Purification of natural toxin by precipitation with a~nnonium
sulfate or trichloroacetic acid did not affect the sensi-'%-.ivity of the
toxin to ultrasound."
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Pharmacology and Toxicology
Effect of Cholinolytics on Suprarenals
"Effect of Certain New Cholinolytic Substances on the Function
of the Suprarenal Cortex (Clinical-Experimental Investigation),"
by T. A. Mel'nikova, 0. P. Zaplatina, and N. M. Kostygov,(Lenin-
grad), Chair of Pharmacology Leningrad Chemicopharmaceutical
Institute and Surgical Section of the Oktiabr Railway Hospital;
Moscow, Proble Endokrinologii i Gormonoterapii, Vol V, No 5,
Sep/Oct 59, pp 1E-19
A report on the results of research work conducted to determine the
effect of anicaine and tropacine, new cholinolytic preparations on the
hypophysial-adrenal system is presented. Anicaine is the diphenyl acetic
ester of piperidyl ethanol and has the following structural formula:
Tropacine is the hydrochloride of the tropic ester of diphenyl
acetic acid. Pharmacological investigations have established that both
preparations stimulate the secretion of cortical hormones. The applica-
tion of the preparations is recommended in cases in which the use of the
adrenocortiotropic hormone is indicated.
76. Papaverine Therap,~ of Disturbed Cerebral Circulation
"On the Intravenous Application of Papaverine in Acute Distur-
bances of Cerebral Circ:ulation," by R. A. Tkachev, L. I. Alek-
sandrova, and E. S. Prokhorova, Imtitute of Neurology, Academy
of Medical Sciences *USSR; Moscow, Sovetskaya Meditsina, Vol
XXIII, No 10, Oct 59, pp 106-109
Papaverine was administered to 60 patients suffering from acute dis-
turbed cerebral circulation. The. patients arrived at the Institute of
Neurology from half an hour to 2 hours after the appearance of the
disease symptoms. AU were afflicted with hypertonia in the sclerotic
phase. Papaverine was administered in doses of 2 milliliters of a 2-
percent solution intravenously together with 10 milliliters of a 40-
percent solution of glucose once a day. In all cases the drug produced
a rapid therapeutic effect. On the basis of the data obtained, the
authors recommend the application of p epa rin in .xypertonic cerebral
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77. Neur& eptic Drugs in TFierapy of Neuroses
"Eeriment,of the Application of Neuroloptic Drugs in the
Therapy of Neuroses," by L. I. Maricheva, Psychoneurological
Hospital imeni I. P. Pavlov, Leningrad; Moscow, Zhurnal
Nevro atolo ii i Psikhiatrii imeni S. S.'Korsakov, VolLix,
I0 10, Oct 59, pp 9 -120
A report on the results obtained in the application of aminazine in
combination with psychotherapy in the therapy of patients. suffering from
different types of neuroses is presented. Aminazine administered in the
initial stages of the psychotherapeutic treatment relaxed tension,
fear and alarm and helped to normalize sleep and the appetite. It made
the patients more amenable to psychotherapy. Small doses of the drug,
0.025-0.075 gram tyro or three times a day, are recommended.
78. Rhodanine and Its Derivatives
"Pharmacology and Toxicology of Rhodanine and Its Derivatives,"
by, Zlakowska, Acta Polon Pharmac. (Poland), 1958,
15, ids 6, -- (? (from i et jygry Zhurr,.a1 -_ Kb a Biolo iche-
"krra. Khiim ya), No 22, 25 Nov 59, Abstract No 303 64., by R.
"Investigations were conducted of 12 rhodan_-Lne derivatives. Rhodanine
itself and its methyl and ethyl derivatives, its closest analogues, were
found to possess great"st toxicity (LD50 162-228 milligrams per kilogram
of body weight); its phenol and acetate derivatives were found to be consi-
derably less toxic (LD50 3,520-1.0853 Lsij milligrams per kilogram of
body weight in experiments or, mice). Most of the investigated compounds
produced functional and histological hepatic and renal modifications.
Some of the preparations :rre found to be capable of producing hypergly-
79. Derivation of Q,uartenasy Ammonium Salta
"Derivation of Quarternary Ammonium Salts From New Types of
Initial Materials," by V. P. Erekaycv; Moscow, Institute of
National Economy imeni G. V. P1ekhanovc; Moscow, Meditsinskaya
Promyshlennost' USSR, Vol XIII, No 10, Oct 59, ppi 20-2
The article describes a new technical method of deriving quarternaxy
ammonium salts from synthetic high molecular alcohols produced at the
Shebenskiy combinat of synthetic alphalitic acids by the oxidation of
petroleum hydrocarbons, and from phenol and phenol mixtures. The
quarternary ammonium slats thus obtained have a bacteriostatic and, tatic
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effect on 17 species of microorganisms; they are also bactericidal to
:staphylococci, Bacillus cola, Proteus vulgaris, and have a fungicidal
effect on yeastlike fungi.
80. Bettex Use of Medicinal Plants Urged
"Better the of hbd .final R u Ma bertal Aesoiaoes;' k~Prof V. Asatiani,
Corresponding Member of the Academy of 6ciennces Georgian
SSR; Moscow, Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, No 80 (1828), 6 Oct 59,
The author of this article states that scientists of the Tbilisi
Clhemicopharmaceutical Scientific Research Institute have taken into con-
sideration the decisions of the June Plenum of the Central Committee
UPSU and have outlined more clearly the tasks with which they are con-
fronted: the development of new preparations against cancer and hyperten-
sion., the search for effective cardiac., styptic, and astringent drugs,
cost reduction and improvement in production of a number of medicaments,
the promotion of effective supervision over production, and the evaluation
of medical preparations, etc.
The primary effort is being channeled toward the exploration of wild
flora of the USSR. There are many regions in the USSR where the medicinal
plants and resources have not yet been explored. An expedition sent in
1959 to Makharadze Ray-1n returned with rich herbariums of medicinal
plants. Much material. has been collected by the institute as result of
numerous other expeditions. The personnel of the institute made 5,000
Analyses under field conditions, and 15,000 plants were collected. About
!EO rayons were explored; thickets of medicinal plants in these rayons
were charted and their approximate supply was indicated. Since thickets
marked on the chart no longer exist, the institute is endeavoring to take
measures to preserve planets that have medicinal value.
The institute is giving considerable attention to collecting and
examining folk remedies used in the Georgian SSR. These remedies have
been used for centuries and handed down from generation to generation.
Some remedies used by various racial groups have been tested in various
departments of the institute, and their effectiveness has been 'tried
out in clinical practice. These remedies will soon be in production.
The department of pharmacobotany at the institute has accelerated
its efforts to examine those plants which are important as raw material
for new drugs. Results cf these efforts will be turned over to the
pharmaceutical industry so that production of new drugs can begin in 1959.
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Decisions of the Jtue plenum also served to encourage the biochemical
h:,*rd ^al., and anal;yytical departni its of the institute to i:.tensiy their
-l;-Ay of the chemical corn,poaition and properties of various plants.
The coffee factory in Batam and the c:herricopharmaceutical factory in
'irbilisi are important segm.nts of the chemical industry of the USSR. The
Batu'm factory was established after I. G. Butateladze, director of the
institute and member of the Acaderr ? of Sciences Georgian SSR, formulated
a process for obtaining caffeine from scraps of tea shrubs and waste pro-.
d:!trts of the tea industrr. The institute was therefore in a posit?io . to
o ooperat to seJ:j 71.t:h the factory from the ve?.V- beginning of its operation.
S 1e:ntists of the institute have developed a method of purifying caffeine
-without using lead salt,, thereby reducing the cost of caffeine production.
ley peod.iet;e of cs.ff'ei:ae have bees. usal to make thealbinum arrd vitamin: P.
The, riajiufacture of the lb.lm.w1 from by-prrod,;icts of caffeine saved a urge
amoux:.t of tarr.)i:w for the co'uabry. There still is great shortage of IX- CJSSR.
seas ial--Z fr effs,~tive cardiac drags, the scientists of the
is ~,~ri,tr.~ts discovered that Digitalis ci.liare is a valuable source of raw
mab-:~r.:La.l for steroid preparations. A drug called tribestris, which in-,
:~r as ~s the acidity of gastric Juices, was derived from a plant called
Tr :tfal%a . This plaint also is a aourose of very valuable steroid saponi s .
Diosgenin is one of the compori ::rts of sago.:,?c:: it is used in medical i .??
d:ustry as a raw material for the synthesis of cortisone and other medical
preparations. It was f'nand that an effective drug agaList den ton yCoeis
caa be derived from T.:?ibz7us. Tribulus was foaad. to be ?cidespread in the,
Georgian SSfi .
Scientists of the ?hilisi i,'`zemi copha:!~a:::eutical Scientific Rese:ar :h
Institute are searchi?::g for ::~::?tM steroid c:o:qp:ja:r7.s-s also from other
of souther.: flora,. T-16 is being carried on L close coop(.:rati)n
?Mith the p3i. F ion Re:ccarch `".i cph:r aceutic:al T~t:;t
While. making a study of astriigents;, scientists of the i .ttit'~~te
found out what phai nac;ologica1 and clinical diff. erL c e fe st? s
exist among tazy-' .ns of vaZ?ious oxgisi s. This opens up new prospects for
their therapeuti% use.
P."L .t col.le ::t. rrs of other depa." tnu-~w.ts of the i:- stitute ha:se also
been sucor ssfuJ. in their -4ro.rk.
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81. Fulfil]axei.t of Seven-Year Plcn
" 6Te ;,hall Fulfill the Seven-Year Plan Ahead of Schedule, " by
L. A. IIayorov, l,Ioscow Chord copharm aceutical Plant imeni L. Ya.
Karpov; Moscow, YIeditsinskayy'a Progrshlerinost I SSSR, Vol XIII,
No 11, Nov 59, PP 9
The Idoscou Chemicopharmaceutical Plot t imeni L. Ya. Karpov fulfilled
the 8-month plan of 1959 by 18 Au?ust and increased production_ by 22 per-
cent over the corresponding period of 2.953. The plant :Is primarily engaged
in the manufacture of vitae n.s and oait.t'aiotics. The production of vital ir.
D_2 has been increased more than threefold over that in 1958. In 1959,
thce plant be[. an_ the production of new antibiotics: grizemyn, fumagilline,
col;yr!arcine, cricine, and eulevonaycetin. Improved methods of production,
are beiizj introduced in the plant. The plant will successfully fulfill
the Seven-Year Plan , vrhich envieaSes the douolin of production by the
plant without conNiderabl;y increasing its facilities or person:lel.
82. Pressure Trauma Studied
"Ali Analysis of Factors Causing Barotrauma of the Ears Z?Then
E,cuased to Iri,,;h Pressure., " by A. P. Velitskiy and V. I.
Voyr%chek, Clinic Cf Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases of the
IIilitary Medical Order of Lenin Acadel'jy imeni S. M. Kirov;
I icv, Zhu~zsowL 'Jc"~s~y>'?_, Nosov klh, i Oor1cwfkh Bolezni No
Sera/Cc'; 59, pF 2 3-?3O 5,
The author of this article states that the results of observations
of 1.10 student divers be'i;vreen. 20 mid 25 years of age showed that pathology;..
ical processes in the o:>e and :_e:sopha? -yr x facilitate the appearance of
be.rota-minas of the ears ?in. per,ata^i3 exuosed to high-pressure conditions.
Barotr,atu:i ;?r:as u sua_l y observed in persons with pathological proces,sees
which ob,trur:ii,c:c? ventilation of 'th'.e tyraeoailii c cavity, such as a deviated
.1`U_o$Iiio ~"''!.t li.'tis, ,;:!d r,+r:;i;~,l?rha1 etlti:.
To pre?ce:l;; baro :!'c;.tr~~, divers should be carefully selected and
sub jecsted to #:: prior to each submersion. In examining each
diver, must. be paid to the condition of the nose and
r_asopll sl _,_~:, wcI the p.r.nea:L?:..lity of the Eus'!; tubes.
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Hyp-~t1mr.nit' Produced by 60,r)
of tho M eex? m:L t of the I TLYpr t;he,1c Effeo.t of Carbon
Dioxide Pt, id the 10a of (;02 fo:r Pr-~dueix g Deep I ypot hersnia in
Warn? -Boded 'trS i. S. Rc pir , Department of General
PathologJ', L?istitute c;f 1;`i. lr:x'irm:atai.:. Medicine, Academy, of
Science )s u- SR; ;Musi.uw, Pato:Lo ichew? Mir Fiziooioogiya i ] speri-
rn tesl'M^ rz `:(,rauiya, No 5, Se0 t 59, pp 6-56
The aivi hor ;)f t1,,is axticl d.i;ao-:urise i t~ t~~~ riar~:~!ts conducted on 72
rabbl.ts to deter. `ne the effect of various concentrations of C0)2 (5%,
10, 15%p, =td 20%) in the inspired air o: body temperature and on thermore.-
gul.atior... The i ~Jaral~~i-,io of air Alich ront,ai ed. between 15% and 20% Cot
r-3 u1t^.:d, the on4rpressl.o? . cf p'Lyzic,3:L : s .d chemicaa. thexz regxlati r
reartioi2s. '_?'!:.:;.F, ?caz:, c;tt;:l;Jc-;d 15? a drop c~;s;Ziv? i3:. heat production, by =i cu-
L tr? tr~rra)r at all F~ c arc :~ of physical c;"r.1_t1i ng, axed by an i::!rrease in heat
emir'::io . i':tc. t'r" Jm.r rdiate asr~riromn:'wt . The d tractioxc of thermc?reegu1,a,..
Lion was n t cor ,ec.ted with the, geu,az 2. toaesthetic effect of C02p did not
de-perd or. LCYpa::c: ~ai. ~, .9;.-td r?