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VN1., UM)5-I..F I MU--- JVV I r- V -:BLOU I ITTE.KNMt I'.I UNI ^L For Release 1-999/09/08: CIR-RD1382-00141 R00020R420001-h p ?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t% a ~ ~ CIMry , ( ('TKICnDMIMT Ap - av d For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 J PB 131632-111 SOVIET BLOC INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR INFORMATION November 21, 1958 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Office of Technical Services Washington 25, D. C. Published Weekly from February 114, 1958, to January 2, 1959 Subscription Price $10.00 for the Series Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 PLEASE NOTE This report presents unevaluated information on Soviet Bloc International Geophysical Year activities selected from fdreign- language publications as indicated in parentheses. It is pub- lished as an aid to United States Government research. SOVIET BLOC INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR INFORMATION Table of Contents Pale I. Rockets and Artificial Earth Satellites 1 It. Upper Atmosphere 10 III. Meteorology 12 IV. Geomagnetism 15 V. Arctic and Antarctic 17 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 I. ROCKET'S AND ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITES _I?ayka Experiment Discussed by Member of Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "Tomorrow is the anniversary of launching of the second Soviet artificial Earth satellite. "It was on 3 November 1957 that Soviet science and technology gained another great victory when they placed Sputnik II into orbit with a living organism as its passenger: a dog named Layka. This event was of great significance because it was the first step toward realization of man's dream to become master of the universe. "Considerable work has been done during the year dust past in deciphering data concerning physiological reactions of Layka. This data was transmitted to Earth by radio. Other experiments conducted, under, simulated conditions, contributed significant data for evalua- tion by biological and medical scientists. "Since space in the cabin holding Layka was limited, and since the weight of equipment and sources of food supply had to be taken into consideration, th6 data obtained, out of necessity, had to be confined to some of the most important physiological reactions of the animal, such as blood circulation, respiration, and reactions of the organism of the dog in general. Determination of circulation of the blood can be made by the function of the heart and the blood vessels. Activity of the heart was recorded on an electrocardiogram, which presented a graph-le tracing of electric currents produced by each contraction of the heart. Another important index of blood circula- tion is the degree of arterial blood pressure. Recordings of res- piratory movements were used to evaluate respiration of the animal. The general condition of "Layka" (excitation and inhibition) was secured by determining the main movements of the skin. "All movements made by the animal were converted into impulses of electric current with the aid of a potentiometric transducer. Temperature of the air and air pressure iu the cabin were recorded simultaneously with the aid of suitable transducer. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 "Layka was selected from a number of dogs, which were put through a long period of systematic training. From the time the rocket left the Earth to the time the artificial Earth satellite entered the prescribed orbit, the organism of Layka was subjected to action of great forces of gravity. Since all investigations, both abroad and in the Soviet Union showed that accelerations are more easily endured by animals and men if they act in a transverse line (chest to back), Layka was placed inside the cabin in ouch a way that accelera- tion acted on its body in the direction of back to chest. "It was possible to evolve three principal periods in the course of thds experiment with the second Soviet Earth satellite: 1. Prior to launching of the rocket, at the moment the animal was placed inside the hermetic cabin. 2. Beginning at the time the rocket was launched, but before the satellite entered the orbit. 3. The period during which the satellite was in orbit. "A thorough and long period of training; of Layka ensured the animal's calm behavior in the cabin prior to launching of the rocket. The function of the heart, blood pressure, and respiration were the same as those recorded under conditions normal for this dog. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 "During the second period, the animal was exposed to great forces of acceleration, exceeding by many times the force of gravity of the earth. At the same time, it was also exposed to vibration and motor noise. Deci- pherment of radio signals, received during this period, indicated that "Layka" was not restless in any way. Heart beats were three times greater than was noted at the beginning of this period; no pathological changes in the function of the heart were apparent. Higher frequency waves on the electrocardiagram, appearing during that period, evidently represent reverberations of contraction of muscles of the body. Respiration fre- quency, at the time acceleration was at its height, was three to four times greater. than it was at the beginning. This was mainly due, in all probability, to considerable compression of the chest caused by sharp increase in acceleration. Changes in arterial pressure corresponded entirely to those noted in laboratory experiments. "Over-all analysis cf data obtained revealed that Layka endured all perturbations, that took place from the time the rocket was launched to the time the satellite entered its orbit, in a very satisfactory manner. "The main feature that characterized the physical condition of the environment surrounding Layka, during its prolonged stay in its orbit, was a condition of dynamic weightlessness. Before the second Earth satellite was launched, weightlessness was studied in experiments in which animals were sent up in rockets and stayed up only 5-6 minutes. This part of the experiment was of special interest, because it was not yet known how the animal organism would react to prolonged action of weightlessness. Moreover, solution of this is significant for the stud' of physiology and hygiene of outer space. "The data obtained showed that with transition to a condition of dynamic weightlessness, frequency of heart beats and respiration and blood pressure began to return to initial state. However, it took approximately three times longer for those functions to return to original state than under laboratory conditions (on a centrifuge). This situation is quite interesting and places before researchers a number of questions connected with the peculiarities of reflex con- trol of functions of animal organism under conditions when the effects of the forces of gravity are absent. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 CPYRGHT "During the entire period of we:Lgtitlossneo s the prin~ipal function of Layka were satisfactory. "Results of the biological experiment with the secon Soviet Earth satellite proved that a highly organized animal organism s ccypable of enduring in a satisfactory manner, in a hermetic cabin, t le effects of the accelerations which are necessary to attain the speed that will assure entrance of a rocket-cabin into orbital rotation ound the earth. The second important conclusion reached is that a living organ- ism is capable of enduring in a satisfactory manner a pro nged con- dition of dynamic weightlessness. "Both these conclusions are important because they p sent a def- inite assurance that no unknown dangers will turn up or h e to be watched for when humans begin to travel in outer space. "Of course, many technical obstacles and many proble-rL remain yet to be solved. Some of those problems may eventually be s ved through biological and medical research. -Further perfection of i truments will enable scientists to make a more complete and more thoro i telemetric study of functions of animal organisms travelling through pace. "Long range plans for flights into outer space consi of the development of devices which will guarantee return of an. is to earth. Experiments to develop such devices are important because if animals can be returned to earth, evaluations then will b possible of harmful effects of cosmic radiation not only on animal themselves, but, also on their descendants. A n mabe.r of other long an short range scientific projects are being contemplated,- "The time is ripe to unity all scientific knowledge the field of cosmic biology and medicine. This can be done by orgt zing research establishments of specialized nature within the framework f the Acad- emy of Sciences USSR or within the framework of the Acade of Medical Sciences USSR. This would create a possibility for expe ing solution of such questions which, like the experiment with Layka, a necessary stages on a complicated road toward realization of the pr PAg nf 1C_ V.. invasion cosmic s " ("Prior to Incursion of Man Into Outer Space," by V. Parin, Active Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Moscow, Izvestiya, 2 Nov 58) CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Use of Photon Motors for Space Ships Discussed by Soviet Engineer Interplanetary rockets capable of spanning the vast distances to other planets are possible in principle, says Yu. Sushkov, Soviet engi- neer. Such rockets must be propelled, for example, by photon motors developing thrust through light pressure. Einstein's theory of relativity includes the law of the interrelation of masses and energy which states that the liberation of energy in any process is accompanied by a decrease in the mass of the matter involved in the process. The greater the decrease of the macs, the greater the liberated energy. At present, nuclear reactions in which matter is fully annihilated are known. In this reaction, one form of matter -- a substance is trans- formed into another of its forms -- electromagnetic radiation carries the released energy away with it. The use of this type of reaction in rocket motors presents the possibility of making future interplanetary flights. Modern rocket motors create thrust by the pressure of gases on the walls of the combustion chamber. In annihilation-type reactions, matter is fully converted into radiation and consequently does not have gas- forming products from the reaction, which makes it impossible to obtain thrust by the usual means. Therefore the thrust in such a motor must be created by the pressure of electromagnetic, and in particular light radiation, formed during the reaction. Electromagnetic radiation is emanated in peculiar forms, which have received the name of quanta or photons. Hence the name of quantum or photon motors has been given to motors creating thrust through radiation pressure. The operating principle of such a motor is as follows. The reaction takes place in a "combustion chamber" and the photons which are formed are de-Clected by means of a reflector to one side in a parallel beam similar to the Jet of modern reactive motors. The pressure of light on the mirror creates the reactive force of the thrust. At present we are confronted with extremely small values of light pressure. Thus for example, the force of the pressure of solar rays act- ing on a ship flying in a cloudless sky would measure a hundredth part of a gram. Annihilation reaction will make it possible to obtain a light pressure of any magnitude. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 A consideration of certain scientific and engineering problems on whose solution the possibility of creating photon motors depends reveals three related problems. The first is the transformation of matter into radiation. At present, antiparticles can be produced in elementary par- ticle accelerators. The encounters of antiparticles with electrons fora photons. These reactions will be of practical value when scientists can find economical methods for producing antiparticles and develop methods for their accumulation and storage. The second problem is -the conversion of the wave lengths of the radiation. The reason for this is that "firm" short wave gamma radi- ation is formed in the reaction. At present, there is no known material from which it, would be possible to make mirrors for reflecting gaz a rays. Therefore, along with the search for methods of reflecting them, it is necessary to work on the conversion of gamma photons into light photons, that is, on increasing the wave length of the radiation. The cooling of the mirror and the "combustion chamber" is the third problem. For the light pressure on the mirror surface to consist of one atmosphere, the necessary flow of energy must be about one million kilo- calories for each square centimeter per second. Therefore, the mirror is photon motors will be greatly heated even if only a slight portion of the radiation energy is converted into heat. These problems are an indication of the difficulties faced in the creation of a photon rocket motor. The question arises whether it would be possible to build a photon motor using regular thermonuclear reactions. Theoretically, it has been shown that a photon thermonuclear motor in which a kilogram of hydrogen is converted into helium each second can develop a thrust of 210 tons. A rocket motor in which the pressure of the gasforming products of a thermonuclear reaction is used to create thrust with the expenditure of the same amount of fuel can develop a force 17 times greater. This example shows that in all cases when matter is not fully con- verted into radiation, the photon motor appears to be less advantageous than rocket motors, the thru.3t of which is created by gas pressures. Preference will be given to the photon thermonuclear motor only in case it proves to-be technically easy to achieve. The problem of fuel. storage aboard a rocket whose motor will operate continuously for a period of several years is also to be considered. Cal- culations show that without the use of matter obtained from surrounding space, interplanetary flights are impossible. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Cosmic matter will be gathered by special collectors and fed into the "combustion chamber," where it will be converted into radiation. How will this be done? For the accomplishment of annihilation reactions it is necessary also to admit "antimatter," together with the usual sub- stances used. If "antimatter" is found in much smaller quantities in space than the usual matter, there remains only one answer -- to develop some principally new method, unknown to science at present, for convert- ing matter into radiation. Up to now, such a method has not been devel- oped and interplanetary flights are unrealizable despite the presence of operating annihilation reaction motors. The creation of a photon motor will open a new perspective in space travel. Such a motor using a kilogram of fuel for annihilation reaction each second, will develop a thrust of about 30,500 tons. To escape from the solar system, the rocket must burn a quantity of fuel measured in thousandths of a percent of the initial weight of the rocket. Interplanetary flighty will be made at a speed near that of light.. One of the conclusions of the theory of relativity is that the closer a ship travels to the speed of light, the slower time passes on it in relation to the passage of time on Earth. CPYRGHT from the Earth to the nearest s ar, its speed increasing up to the halfway mark and from that point decreasing so that the weight of all the bodies on the ship would equal their weight on Earth. In this case the craft would reach its goal in 6.15 years. The ship's passengers would age mly 3.6 dears. If the motors' thrust were increased so that the apparent weight on the ship would be three times greater than the "terrestrial" weight, then the passengers would achieve their goal according to their own clocks in 1.77 years while on Earth, 5.15 years would pass.---. "At present, the creation of an annihilation reaction photon motor seems to be the work of the very distant future. However, the vigorous and more accelerated development of science and engineering during recen years, and in particular the su -f ""rnoton Rocket," by Yu. Sushkov Aug 58) veer; Moscow, Sovetskaya Aviatsiya, CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Soviet Brochure on Space Ships Reviewed A 72-page brochure, Korabli Mezhplanetnykh Prostransty (Interplane- tary Space Ships), by Yuriy Semenovich Kryuchkov, presents some problems which arise during flights in terrestrial space and the means for their solution. The leading role of Soviet scientists and inventors in the development of astronautics for science and in the development of designs of interplanetary motors is cited. Kryuchov briefly considers the forces and resistances a rocket must overcome to get beyond the Earth's field of gravity and indicates the most characteristic conditions of flight in cosmic space. The princi- ples of rocket motors and basic dynamics are very briefly set forth. Tsiolkovskiy's formula for calculating ships' velocities is given, and the importance of the calorific value of fuel mixtures and oxidizers is discussed. In addition, Kryuchkov stresses the point that multistage rockets and nuclear propulsion in one form or another have special value for cosmic flights. Kryuchkov discusses future interplanetary craft, the methods of organizing flights, take-offs and landings, sources of power, rocket guidance during flight, safeguards against meteors, and other problems. A small amount of information on certain designs of apparatus for creating artificial satellites and apparatus for interplanetary flights is given. Finally, specific concrete, problems for a flight to the Moon and around it from a special base built earlier on an artificial Earth satellite are presented. The characteristics of flights to Mars, Venus, and Mercury and other planets are discussed, as well as flight conditions beyond the limits of the solar system. A review of this work, by M. Ti-n feyev, appeared in the newspaper Sovetskaya Aviatsiya. Timofeyev says that the scope of problems touched by the brochure .is sufficiently wide and that the work can be useful for a general knowl- edge of the problems of interplanetary flights. However, Timofeyev says it is regretful that it contains such significant shortcomings that they should be pointed out. Timofeyev doubts very much that categorical statements are permis- sible on how apparatus will appear (p 56), how breaking approaches to the. Earth will be performed'(p 46), how landings must be made (p 47), how rockets will be controlled during the flight (p 49), etc., because the development of interplanetary craft, as yet, is still in the stage where it is only possible to express assumptions. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 The author presents contradictory date without corrections and tol- erates a number of errors. It is inconceivable, for example, why it is necessary to use 175 jet motors if a rocket is accelerated only up to a speed of 140 kilometers per second and to an altitude of 900 meters (P 53). On page 13, the author indicates that the reactive principle of motion was discovered by Newton in 1686, when in reality, powder rockets (the author notes this very fact on p 15) and other devices using this principle were known long before this time. On pagt 25, the author gives the speed of exhaust gases from a nuclear reaction motor as 15,000. meters per, second, while in Table 6 on the same page, the velocity is shown as 8,500 meters per second. On page 27, the "Maximum Velocity" of the exhaust gas from an atom rocket is again described as 15,250 meters per second. No attempt is made to explain either the differences or how these velocities were obtained. The author in different places gives different values for the flight speed necessary to overcome the. Earth's attraction, giving no explanation of them and without indicating the starting altitudes. Thus, on page 8, this velocity near the surface of the Earth is indicated as 11,200 meters per second, on page 58, as 3,000 meters per second, and on page 66 as 3,129 meters per second. Timofeyev concludes his review by saying that these and other short- comings not set forth in his review are evidence of the necessity for more careful editing of similar brochures before publication. A bibliography of 12 works is given at the end of the book for those desiring a more detailed knowledge of other subdivisions of astronautics, such as the biology of cosmic flights, radio control, astronomy, etc. ("Interplanetary Space Ships," by Yu. S. Kryuchkov, Moscow, 1958, 72 pages; and "Interplanetary Space Ships" review by M. Timofeyev; Mos- cow, Sovetskaya Aviatsiya, 31 Aug 58) Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 II. UPPER ATMOSPHERE Plenum of Commission on Physics of Planets:.HelQ in Kharkov The plenum of the Commission on Physics of Planets was held in Kharkov, 20-22 May. Astronomers of a number of USSR observatories, repre- sentatives of the Astronomical Council, and Chan Yu-che, director of the Nanking Observatory, took part in the work of the plenum. The reports which were made almost wholly concerned the results of observations of Mars in 1956 and investigations of the eurfaee of the Moon. V. V. Sharonov, on the basis of a con pari8On of colorimetric and photometric observations of Mars which he conducted in the Tashkent Obser- vatory, with the results of laboratory study of the reflective capability of samples of the covering from Earth deserts according to a method of brightness-color, diagrams, established the absence of a re- lation between them in regard to brightness and light. The surface of Mars was somewhat darker and considerably (approximately 0.6) re;1der. N. P. Barabashov revealed the principal results of absolute photographic photometry of Mars in six parts of the spectrum which he conducted jointly with I. K. Koval' at the Karkhov observatory. It Nas estaba lashed that the dimensions of Mars' south polar cap decxased in a paral- lel manner in all rays of the spectrum; fluctuations in the brightness of the south polar cap bore one and the same character in all thg inves- tigated parts of the spectrum. Color readings, of the center u:.' Mars' disk in the course of the entire period of observations changed very in- significantly and on the average consisted of im.6 (magnitude). Some photometric results of parts of the surface of Mars obtained by the Department of Astrobotany, Academy .of Sciences Kazakh SSR, on. the AFM-3 electrophotometer of the AZT-7 telescope, were presented by K. I. Kozlova and Yu. V. Glagolevskiy. In the opinion of A. N. Suslov, the intensity of 02 telluric lines undergo such a marked fluctuation that it must be taken into account in observations of the planet. The results of a spectrophotometric study of Mars conducted in the Crimean Astrophys- ical observatory were given in a report by N. P. Barabashov, V. I. Yezer- skiy, and A. T. Chekirda. Noting the necessity for expanding the instru- mental basis of planetary investigations, N. P. Barbashov brought up the question of the organization of a planetary institute. N. D. Kalinenkov reported on details of spectrophotometric observa- tions of the surface of Mars which were conducted in Kazan, and B. A. Bronshten and 0. B. Rzhanitsyna reported on. the results of photographic photometry of the bright region of Argir [transliterated from the Russian] from 60 photographs of Mars obtained on the refractor of the Stalingrad Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Planetarium. The change in the brightness of the bright region of Argir proved to be different in different parts of the spectrum, and while in the blue rays from this region it was not generally noticed, in the red and yellow rays a marked (1.5-20% during days) increase in brightness was observed. An electron-optical transducer was used for the first time in the Main Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo for photographing Mars in the infrared rays (A A 84o and 983 millimicrons) (M. M. Butelova, A. A. K,alinyak and L. A. Kamionlo). Chan Yu-che reported how the Nanking observatory intends to engage in the joint work on the investigation of planets and already looks for- ward to using the experience of the Kharkov Astronomical observatory in the current year to conduct photographic observations of Mars. The principal material on the latest investigations of Mars conducted abroad were presented by V. V. Sharnnov. The results and the prospects of investigations of the Moon were discussed in a number of the reports. N. P. Barabashov's report, dealing with the most immediate problems and methods of investigating the Moon, set forth the preliminary results of complex investigations of the Moon by different methods'already begun -- spectrophotographic, polarimetric, radiometric, etc. B. Yu Levin and S. V. Mayeva spoke on the principal results of'theo- retical investigations of the thermal history of the Moon and Mars which they conducted on the supposition that the content of radioactive matter in them corresponded to the content in meteorites. A hypothesis of the gravitational differentiation by observation data (the value of themoment of inertia) for Mars was not verified. Consequently, convections ceased heating at the stage when the matter was very viscous, and therefore rel atively small iron inclusions did not collect in the nuclet.s but remained distributed throughout the whole. In B. Yu. Levtn's report "History of the Rotation of the Moon and the Geological properties of its Matter," arguments were presented in favor of the theory that solidification of the Moon came about in condi- tions of free rotation, and that the rotational deceleration of the Moon came :about later as a result of a substantial dissipation of energy which accompanied tide? deformations of the solid Moon by terrestrial attraction. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 N. N. 8ytinskaya's report which was read by V. V. Sharonov, contained a development and new bases for an earlier presented theory by the author on the nature of the lunar cover. According to this hypothesis the ultra- basic and basic bedrock is covered by the products of the recent action of the impacts of meteorites which caused the formation of a certain crust of a slag-like nature. A. V. Markov reported how an apparatus was set up at Pulkovo for ob- taining thermoelectrical measurements of the temperature of a narrow belt of the lunar surface. It was proposed to conduct these measurements in a parallel manner with radio astronomical observations. The first results of the work with this apparatus were presented (Yu. N. Chistyakov)'. The prospects of the investigation of the thermal radio emission of the Moon was discussed by N. N. Kaydanovskiy. On the basis of electro- polarimetric observations of features of the lunar surface conducted by Ye. K. Kokhan at the Abastumansk observatory, using light filters, it was established that in blue rays, the degree of polarization was found to be greater in cosparison to other partprof the spectrum. N. P. Barabashov and I. K. Koval' acquainted the gathering with the preliminary results of investigations of the lpblarization of the Moon, using light filters (both by photographic and photoelectric methods). The necessity of calculating differences of the degree and location of polarization of lung-- features during their simultaneous-spectrophoto,,.. graphing, was shown in a number of exanglea by Yu. N. Lipskiy. The reports of T. A. Polozhentseve, V. G. Teyfelya, A. N. Sergeyev, N.?P. Barabashov, V. I. Yezerakiy, and V. A. Fedorets were devoted to a determination of the values of color contrasts of the lunar surface by a photographic spectrophotometric method. All present arrived at the conclusion concerning the presence of marked color contracts on the lunar surface which reached a value of 0.2-0.3 on the scale of the color index. ("In the Astronomical Council, Plenum of the Commission on Physics of Planets," by A. T. Chekirda, Candidate of Physiocomathematical Sciences; Moscow, Vestnik Akademil Kruk SSSR, No 8, Aug 58, pp 113-114) III. METEOROLOGY Soviet Meteorological Instruments Described Soviet barographs and thermographs are among the finest meteorolog- ical instruments for graphically following changes in the temperature and pressure of the air. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 'T'hermographs are used at meteorological stations to record regularly the temperature of the air. The sensing element of the Instrument is a movable bimetallic point which is mechanically connected with the record- ing apparatus. The recording apparatus is enclosed in glass to protect it from the elements. The instrument sensing element is inside this glass case. Two types of Soviet thermographs are made: the M-16 c for 24-hour service and the M-16 H for weekly service. The recording drum of the M-16 c revolves once every 26 hours, that of the M-16 H once every 176 hours. These thermographs have a range of minus 35 to phis 45 degrees centi- grade. The timing mechanism of the M-16 c thermograph 'has a deviation of plus or minus 5 minutes per 24 hours, that of the M-16 H thermograph of plus or minus 30 minutes per week. The dimensions of the instrument are 360 x 195 x 135 millimeters. Soviet meteorological stations use the M-22 c (24-hour) and the M-22 H (168-hour) barographs for continuous measurement and recording of atmospheric pressure. The sensing elements of these instruments are me- tallic vacuum chambers. Atmospheric pressure is recorded in a manner similar to that used for recording temperature. It is recorded on a specially preprinted paper band on a recording cylinder ?~,.ch is turned by a time mechanism mounted in the apparatus. The barographs have a range of 960-1,050 millibars. The accuracy of the timing mechanism and the period of revolution are the same as for the M-16 c and the m-16 H. The instrument will give accurate readings in temperatures from minus 10 to plus 40 degrees centigrade. The barographs' dimensions are 225 x 195 x 135 millimeters and weigh 3.5 kilograms. Soviet barographs and thermographs are equipped with a year's supply of'recording paper, replacement recording springs, and special ink. The new Soviet automatic radio rain gauge M-4 is one of the many new meteorological instruments which have unlimited importance for observa- tions in mountainous and inaccessible areas. It is designed to measure rainfall and to transmit the information to the nearest meteorological station by radio. The instrument works on the principle of converting the determined amount of rainfall into radio signals in the form of let- ters. The apparatus is made up of two parts, one for measuring, the other for transmitting, which together form one unit. This unit is supplied with a removable cover. The upper portion of the cover comprises an opening with an area of 500 square centimeters which catches the rain. When it rains, the drops caught by the opening flow through a funnel into the measuring element which is divided into two parts, one for col- lecting the raindrops, the other for drainage. When the collecting bucket is full (capacity is 50 cubic centimeters, which represents one mil- limeter of rainfall) the balance of the bucket is upset, it tips, ana empties out. The bucket then returns to,its original position thus as- suring the continuous operation of the instrument. - 13 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 The number of times the bucket tips is automatically counted by an electrical device. A coding device converts the number of oscillations into radio signals (letters) which are transmitted after every second tipping ~~f the "boat." Each transmission consists of a call sign, which is different for each instrument, and signals indicating the amount of rain that has fallen. The signals are deciphered according to code tables. The intensity of the rainfall can be determined by the time lapse between individual transmissions. The instrument may be located as much as 50 kilometers away from the receiver. The transmission equipment requires a 24-volt battery, a 440-volt plate battery, and a 4.4-volt heating cell. The transmitter's antenna is 12 meters high. The BM.-1 barothermohygrometer is designed for measuring atmospheric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity indoors (in storage rooms, in work shops, etc.) It consists of the following parts: The barometric part, which consists of a sensitive measuring element, reacts to even the slightest changes in atmospheric pressure. It is a self-regulating vacuum chamber, a metallic pressure measuring device. Changes in its lift are transferred to the hand of the instrument by means of a very precise and a very delicate mechanism. The degree and tendency of these changes in air pressure during a certain period (24 hours, for example) may also serve as orientation points in making weather forecasts. The hygrometric parts consists of a sensing element which reacts to changes in the relative humidity of the air. It is a "Kapron" fibre ("Kapron" 200), whose length varies with humidity. A sensitive mechanism transfers these changes to the Indicator. The thermometric part measures the temperature of the air by means of a precise capillary pressure gauge, which iq affixed to the scale of the instrument. The barothermohygrometer measures air pressure from 700 to 800 milli- meters mercury, temperatures-from zero to 40 degrees centigrade, and rel- ative humidity from 30 to 100 percent. The instrument wgighs about 0.6 kilograms. Its dimensions are 105 x 155 x 70 millimeters. The case of the "B14-l" is an attractive one made of synthetic material. ("Soviet Meteorological Instruments," by J. Langer; Prague, Kridla Vlaati, 16 Sep 58, pp 26-27) -14- Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 IV. GEOMAGNETISM Harmonic Analysis or Geomagnetic Data The traditional treatment of the results of magnetic observations includes the isolation of the solar diurnal variations Sal S , Sd, and SD- Ordinarily it is customary to consider the difference Sd - Sq equal to SD, the net perturbed daily solar variation. Stated another way, 3d Sq _ SD is considered the result of the action of factors caused by magnetic storms. The question of the accuracy of this identification is examined here in connection with results obtained by V. N. M.tkhalkov (Trudy TGO, No 4 (5), 1950; Ibid, No 9 (10), 1954; Meteorologiya i idrolo i v Uzbekistan [Meteorology and Hydrology in Uzbekistan, , Tashkent, 1955 . The initial material used was the mean diurnal variation of three components X', Y', and Z of the magnetic field of the Earth for an 11- year cycle of solar activity, from 1922 to 1933, from 17 magnetic obser- vatories located between 640 north and 48? south geomagnetic latitude. Fourteen observatories are located in the northern hemisphere and three in the southern hemisphere. A list of the observatories is given. The diurnal variation is considered a function of the geomagnetic latitude I and of the loco geomagnetic time tM, inasmuch as the perturbed variation depends more on and tM than on geographic latitude and local solar time. In the conversion from the geographic to the geomagnetic coordinates and times, use is made of formulas given by B. M. Yanovskiy (Zemnoy Magnet- J= (Terrestrial Magnetism), GIZ, Moscow, 1953). After allowance has been made for acyclic variations, it is seen that the diurnal varie4fion of the components of the magnetic field of the earth represents for each observatory a periodic function of the local time with a 24-hour period. A harmonic analysis is then made to determine the spectra of diurnal variations according to trigonometric functions with periods of one, one-half, one-third, etc., day. For this purpose, the diurnal variation is broken down into a Fourier series with a number of terms which give, for practical purposes, a sufficient approxi- mation. In the formulas, X' represents the northern geomagnetic component, Y' the eastern geomagnetic component, Z the vertical component of the geomagnetic field, and tM the local geomagnetic time. The harmonic analysis is made of the diurnal variations which were average for the year and for the season (winter, equinox, summer), for Sq, Sd, and SD-variations. The results of the harmonic analysis of the average annual diurnal variation are tabulated. - 15 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 A comparison of the results of various seasons shows that there are definite seasonal differences in the diurnal variations. The amplitude of perturbed diurnal variations X', Y', and Z in winter, for example, are 25 percent below 'the yearly, and those of the summer approximately the same as the yearly. In comparison with the yearly value there are also considerable differences in the phases of the diurnal variations in winter and in summer for the middle latitudes. The amplitudes of the perturbed diurnal fluctuations during the equinox are, for example, 20 percent greater than the yearly values. There is, however, no appreciable difference in phase in comparison with the yearly values. All this was confirmed by a graphical comparison of the results of the analysis. The diurnal variation of the perturbation is actually very close to a sinusoidal 'S with a 24-hour period, but the component "Sq, both in amplitude as well as in phase, is close to "Sd,?so that the amplitude difference "Sd Sqq is negligible. Furthermore, the amplitudes and phases of this difference do not reveal a definite dependence on latitude. The results if this analysis thus confirm the conclusions of Mikhal- kov. It is shown that if a sufficiently long series of observations is conducted, then, in the harmonic analysis as well as in the calculation of the voltage and current functions for the perturbed diurnal variation, it is possible to limit the calculations to the separation and use of only one first harmonic 'Su, rather than the aforementioned SD 2 Sd - Sq. It is further shown that, with a calculation by the Mikhalkov method, the voltage and current function will'possess a longitudinal symmetry in regard to the meridional plane. In calculations by earlier used methods a small amplitude and longitudinal asymmetry was observed, because a harmonic of a higher order was taken into account in the diurnal varia- tions. This asymmetry, however, is very slight -- not greater than 10 percent in amplitude and not greater than one hour in latitude displace- ment. The conclusions reached are deemed worthy of use in future treat- ment of IGY data. ("On Methods of Mathematical Treatment of the Results of Magnetic Observations (Harmonic Analysis), by M. G. Antsilevich, In- stitute of Mathematics and Mechanics, imeni V. I. Romanovskiy; Tashkent, Izvesttlya Akademii Nauk UzSSR, Seriya Fizikomatematicheskikh Nauk, No 2, 1958, pp87-3 - 16 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 V. ARCTIC AND ;MARCTIC Further Exploration of Antarctic Interior by Soviets According to a radio report from Mirnyy, the principal column of the overland sled-tractor train left the Pravda Coast on 23 October. The traverse party included 22 polar scientists, headed by A. Nikolayev, Can- didate of Technical Sciences. Some of the drivers, mechanics, navigators, and radiomen had already previously taken part in a continental explora- tion party, at the time the station Sovetskaya was established in Feb- ruary 1958. The new train consists of six caterpillar tractors and one "Pingvin" oversnow vehicle. Mobile huts, an electric power station, radio station, and a navigator's hut, are installed on the eight metal sledges, which also carry freight for the interior stations. The course of the train is set for the station Komsomol'skaya. At this point the train will meet with the scientists of a group which ar- rived earlier and is now conducting research work in the interior. At Komsomol 'skaya, the train will be 'divided into two?columns: one will deliver freight to Vostok, and the 'second will proceed to the pole of relative inaccessibility. Seismic research will be conducted on the way, as well as research in the fields of glaciology, meteorology, terres- trial magnetism, and gravimetry. The Soviet scientists will establish a new scientific station in the area of the pole of relative inaccessibility, which is to operate during the summer period. ("Today in Antarctica," Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 25 Oct 58) Soviet Transantarctic Flight to McMurdo The Soviet scientists visiting the US antarctic base McMurdo were given a hearty welcome. They were met by Rear Admiral Dufek, chief of the US antarctic operations; the chief of the Central Antarctic Weather Bureau, Grey; and the Soviet meteorologist P. Astapov, who had flown over specially from Little America, where he wintered with the US antarctic expedition. The Soviet scientists spent one day at McMurdo. They became familiar with the work of the US scientists, and also visited the New Zealand sta- tion, Scott, situated near McMurdo. - 17 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6 On 26 October at 0020 hours, the Soviet plane took off on its return flight. This time, the course was almost on a direct line back to the Pravda Coast. After a flight of 8 hours 20 minutes, covering a distance of over 2,500 kilometers, the plane landed in Mirnyy. During the transantarctic flight, the scientists conducted obser- vations to determine the elevations of the antarctic ice sheet in regions where no human explorers had set foot before. No mountains or crevasses were observed in the region between the station Sovetskaya and the south geographic pole. The whole flight of over 6,500 kilometers was supported by Soviet and US radio operators, who continuously followed the course of the flight, supplying the plane with necessary weather data. ("A Coura- geous Flight," Transantarctic Flight of Soviet Polar Workers, Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 28 Oct 58) When the Soviet plane was scheduled to take off from McMurdo on its return flight to Mirnyy, the weather report announced a cyclone which was penetrating into the central regions of Antarctica. This could com- plicate the return flight, and it was decided therefore to change the route and fly a different course, i.e., directly across the mountains and unexplored regions of East Antarctica, from the coast of the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. ("Over the r-l.acial Wilderness," Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 30 Oct 58) USCOMM-DC-55385 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200420001-6