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APProved For Release~~ ~~~~11~1 f10~11~0~4~ ~ N ~ 0 R`~ ~ T i 0 N" ` 0 N ~ 0 ~ ~ E T. BLOC INTERNATIONAL GEOP.NYS I CRL, ',COOPERA~' I ON App 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 R:?;CORD Copy PB 33163Z- 128 July 220, 1960 'OR ITION ONSOYZET BIRO INTERNATIONAL GE0PlhXSICAL CO I RATION - 1960 U. S. Department of Commerce Business and Defense Services Administration Office of Technical Services Washington 25, D. C. Published Weekly Subscription Price 012.00 for the 1960 Series Use of funds for printing this publication has been approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, October 28, 1959 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Di? ?NATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL COOPERATION PROGRAM -r 90Y LOCC ACTIVITIES Table of Oontente 1. GENERAL 1 II. ROOTS AND ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITES 1 III. UPPER ATMOSPEM 6 IV. METEOROWGY 15 V. LONGITU1E AND LATITUDE 17 Vi. SEISMOLOGY 20 VII. OCEANOGRAPHY 21 VIII. GLACIOLOGY 24 IX. ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC 26 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 ; CIA-FZC1r82-00141 R0002Q1280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 I. GENERAL Transfer of Oeonhvdioa Station Announced The geophysics station of the Institute of the Physics of the Earth imeni 0. Yu. Bhmidt which is located in the Petropavlovsk- Kenshatskiy region is being transferred. under the'jurisdiction of the Siberian Division of the Academy of Sciences USSR. This is being done in accordance with a resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR* (On the Transfer of the Geophysics Station of the Institute of the Physics of the Earth to the Siberian Division"'; Moscow, Yeetnik Akademii Nauk SSR, No 5, 1960, p. 88.) II. ROCKETS AND ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITES C~ of Tlevi_ si~on in_ Soviet Scaoe Research On 4 October 1959 a third cosmic rocket was suossssfully launched from the territory of the Soviet Union and sent to the region of the Moon. Its flight trajectory differed substantially from that of the two that had preceded it. The third cosmic rocket was to arrive near the Moon, curve around it, return to the vicinity of the Barth and transmit to our planet images of that part of the Moon's surface which cannot be observed from the Earth. The cosmic rocket put an automatic interplanetary station into an orbit around the Moan; it did so for the conduct of soientifio research and the transmission of images of the reverse side of the Moon. The station consists of an airtight container holding scientific apparatus au4 chemical power sources; certain scientific instrimente, such as solar batteries and antennas, are outside the container. Included among the apparatus carried aboard the station are devices which make it possible to transmit images for distanoen of a homdred thousand kilometers. How did such unusual television transmission come to pass? Before we answer this question, let's discuss the basic principles of ordiner terrestrial television. As is well known, all television transmission is accomplished on the basis of the following principle: the image of the object is broken down into an immense number of individual elements with-varying degree of brightness; information about the brightness of each 'of these elements is subsequently transmitted to a receiver. If the image is projected onto the screen of a camera tube, eleotrioal charges accumulate on each of the elements of the screen;. the value of these charges is proportional to the illumination of these elements. The image on the screen of the camera tube is transformed from an optical to an electrical image. An electronic beam alternately Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 CPYA-I?ved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 travels swiftly ovor all the elements of the screen, forming lines thereon, one above the other, and removing the charges, sending them into an amplifier and then into the transmitter. At the end of the 'radio link an electronic beam traces these same lines on the screen of a picture tube covered with a flucreacent material. The intensity of the beam and the resultant brightness of the fluorescence of the different points on the screen changes in proportion to the value of the charges of the corresponding elements of the camera tube. An image therefore appears on the screen of the picture tube. The quality of an image is appraised by its definition, that is, the degree of clarity in. the reproduction of small details. Definition can be expressed by the maximum number of elements of which the image is composed. In the Soviet television system images are broken down into approximately 400,000 elements. Another important index in television, transmission as the time expended in the transmission of one frame. In Soviet tele?rieion it is equal to 1/25 second. Finally, the third index is the frequency band of the television signal. The speed of change in the intensity of the scan-off beam can change in a wide range, depending on the form of the transmitted image. This is accomplished in such a way that there are no pairs of adjoining elements on the screen with identical charges. With the image broken down into 400,000 elements and the transmission time for one frame being 0.04 second, it is necessary for the beam to be able to change in intensity up to 5 million times a second. This means that the television channel should have an extremely great band width of 5 mc. Let's return to the problems of cosmic tele-Pision, to the trans- mission of images of the Moon's surface. One of the most important characteristics of any radio link is its resistance to static, that is, its ability to carry transmissions properly, whatever be the interference. What is involved. here is that other external electrical disturbances in addition to the useful signal arrive at the receiver; these make reception difficult and scmetimes make it impossible. The sources of static are extremely varieds transmissions by other radio stations, an electric streetcar operating in the vicinity, radio signals of cosmic origin, a vac'nim cleaner in use, a distant thunderstorm, the radioradiation from the Sun, and mfr others. Every electrical apparatus also has its own noises; these are due primarily to the chaotic thermal movement of electrons in different parts of the circuit, wires, etc. The struggle against static involves the creation of such systems as will permit the reception of signals at the input of a receiving apparatus which have a power identical to or even leas the: the power of the static. This is achieved in a relatively easy and simple yin men when we are dealing with ordinary terrestrial radio link ; the problem is considerably more complex, however, when we deal with transmissions from apace. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 CPA3-I?ved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 As is well known, the,Dower of the t ranlsmitter aboard the automatic interplanetary station was calculated in watts. At the time of its flight the station could turn, changing its orientation in space and relative to the Barth; for the continual reception of its signals it was therefore necessary that the transmitting antennas have a circular form. For this reason the radio signals were transmitted equally in all directions and their power, with increasing distanos from the station, decreased in proportion to the square of the distance. At distances of almost a half- million kilometlis the power arriving on one square meter of the Earth's surface was 10 watts. In order to visualize how small this signal is, the following example may be givens, if the transmitter of the automatic interplanetary station emitted a power equal to that of all the electric power stations of the world, the signal would still be several million times less in strength than the power needed to light the bulb of an ordinary pocket flashlight. That is why the reception of signals from the automatic inter- planetary station, in addition to very sensitive receiving devices and directional antennas, also required special methods for the processing and transmission of signals. This was true both at the station itself and on the Earth; #1 other words, a special static-resistant system had. to be developed. As is well known, static resistance can be increased by an increase in the power of the signal, the width of the transmission band, or an increase in its duration. Most circuits use one of these alternatives. It is clear that there can be no major increase in the power of the trans. mitter aboard the automatic interplanetary station. An increase in the band width is also infeasible. The latter is due to the reasons given below. Such insignificant signals as travel from the station to-the Earth can only be received by very sensitive receivers. The noise level at the output of the receiver depends to a high degree on the frequency band which it intensifies. If it is decreased by 10,000 times, for example, the noise level in the receiver itself will decrease by no less than 100 times. This means that it made sense to have a narrow-band transmission system in the automatic station, not a broad-band one. The narrowing of the band, however, quickly leads to a decrease in the speed of transmission. Here is how this happens. Let's assume that the frequency band of our supposed television network is net 5 mc, but is 500 o instead -- that is, 10,000 times narrower. If it to required that the quality of the image (broken down into 400,000 elements) be stable, the time needed for the transmission of one frame should' almost be a full 7 minutes -- not 0.04 seconds. Something similar applied in the case of the first cosmic rocket transmission. The use of special methods of processing, transmission and reception of signals could change only the degree of lowering of the speed of transmissions Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1, 11 CPYRG Uproved For Release 1999/09/08 m CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001 -1 But in a few minuteu the automivsio intea'planetrsry utution travel" a hundred kilomueto:r.3 ;,u4d no bytatern of oriantution. cv.r hold it all thizi time in a poeition in which the Moon's eurfaoe image will remain stable on the soroon of the camera Vibe, It is clear that a quality image is dimply impossible in such a oano at the time of tran.amis ion 'to the Earth. The solution of this i'r'*lem nevertheleoe appears obvious. It is necessary to photograph the Moon, proossa the film at the station, and transmit a fixed imago to the Earth from the resulting nagativa. This mathod is also good in that it is possible to transmit the same frame several times and the transmission regime can be speedod up as the Earth j.:, approached. Ln order to photograph the reverse Bide of the Moos it was above all necessary to turn the automatic interplanetary otatioa and the lenses of its cameras toward the Eaerth's surface at a fixed moment. At 0630 hours on 7 October '1959, when the station was sit'uate1 at a distance of about 65,000 lam from the Moon, the system of optical and grroeooptc uni+,te, complex eleo- tron?io computers, and controlling motors accomplished this operation; subea ently they maintained the au tonatio interplanetary station in the necessary position for the entire period during which the Moon was photo- graphed. Both lonoces of the camera operatrd for 40 minutes, directed only at the Moon. iDua?e this time its reverse aide was repeatedly photographed on a special 35 mm film at two different scales. After the exposure was completed the film entered a small de-,rice for automatic processing; there it was developed e;a.d Oared and then entered a c.ateettte for television transmission. Over tht command radio link f::?om the Earr?th to the interplanetary station went the cirri rs "Begin transreiasionl" The necessary power sources were switched on and the automatic systom began to operata, resulting in the coordination of the operation. of all the "silks of the television apparatus. The tranemissi.on bt:gau. The tra naP)xmation of the optical image of the Moon -- present on the film negative -- into a complex of electrical signals was accomplished by a. system with a camora tuba. Such an arrangement is called a eoataning..beam a,; stem. The light aor-roe is a well-foonxsed fluorescent spot on the screen of the spanning tube. By mean of deflecting devices tbia spot moves along the soree:a in ho_izontal and vie; tioal &treotione, tracing lines, one under the other, aorose the a3arsen. The image of this fluorescent spot is pro- jee'ted by means of a lens onto the t:rancmitted frame. The beam of light passing across the photo film is collected by an optical device -- a "collector" - onto the photocathode of a photoelectron multiplier. Since the spot of light fluucer aively passes over and makes fluorescent the different parts of the frame, a ta`.ev:ision efignal in received at the outlet of the photomulti.plier; thie signal changes in time, for the whole image. A mixed system for soanadng of the image was used in the television transmission from the autooatio intarplanetax-jr station. The horizontal sweep was 9lee3tr')r11J1, that is, it was aae;.mp fished by the electronic beam of the camera tube moving acrors the screen (-this corresponded to the movement of the fluorescent spot aoxoss the frame). .. 4 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 CftpC9~Rd For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 The vertical sweep was mechanical. The film was continually drawn past the camera tube at a slow rate of speed. Mixed scanning was used because during the time of transmission, equal to several minutes, the mechanical system of slow drawing of the film is far simpler, reliable, sad generally better than electronic vertical scanning. The desire to get the most detailed possible photographs of that part of the Moon that is invisible from the Earth required that the photographs be made with the Moon's disk fully illuminated by the sun, The absence-of shadows due to head-on illumination led to a decrease in the contrast in the negative, that is, to a decrease in the transparencies of its dark and light places. In order to correct this inadequacy of the negative, its contrast was artificially increased by the use of change in the brightness of the spot in the camera tube of the phototelevision apparatus. The signal, thus corrected, arrived at the input of the narrow-band amplifier from the photoelectron amplifier and after certain transformations was sent out into space by the transmitter's antennas. The signals, after reception and amplification, were recorded by apparatus of various types. Among them were special devices for the recording of television images directly on a film. The received signals control the brightness of its spot; the latter is focussed on the film by means of an optical system. The spot on the picture tube duplicates the motion of the spot on the camera tube; the film in the Earth-based apparatus moves at the same speed as on the automatic interplanetary station. Thus, the entire transmitted frame is "traced" on the film. The relatively narrow band of the received television signal made it possible to a greater degree to magnetically record the signals. The signals of the image are recorded on a continually moving ferromagnetic film. As a r esult the film forms a recording which is magnetized differently in its several parts. One of the varieties of electron-beam picture tubes used was the skiatron tube. In contrast to ordinary picture tubes the skiatron screen is covered with a substance (usually ion salts of silver chloride) that has the property, after bombardment with electrons, of taking on a capacity (on a long-term basis) of not radiating light as we are accustomed to, but of absorbing it. Under normal conditions the skiatron screen is quits transparent before reception begins. But when the electron beam has ran across it, those places where it makes contact then become dark; the degree of darkening depends on the intensity of the beam at the moment of contact. The capacity of holding the received image for a long time is a peculiarity of the skiatron tube. The received image can be easily photographed directly from the screen, and in case of necessity it can even be projected onto a larger screen like an ordinary diapositive. The use of special methods of recording has made it possible in the future, when comparing images received by the different methods, to eliminate or correct the specific mistakes inherent in each of them individually. -5- Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Thum was accomplished history's first television transmission from outer space. The unique photographs received of the reverse aids of the Moon made it possible to make the first lunar globe. The transmission of images for a distance of 400,000 km confirmed the possibility of a quality television transmission from the outer roaches of space. This opens up immense vistas for the further study of the planets of our solar gyntem and inte3MIanet= space, ("Photo from Space", by Eng. V. A. Sokolov, Nauka i Zhizn', No. 3, 1960, p,, 8-10.) III. UPPER ATMOSPHERE "Some Problems of the Physics of Auroras" -- A Full Translation of a Soviet MIDOrt Spectral analysis is 0.28 of the effective means for investigation of the upper atmosphere. Its use for the study of radiation of the night sky (airglow) and auroras has enabled us to discover various micro. processes that arise as a result of photodissociation, ionization and recombination under the influence of hard ultraviolet, Roentgen and corpuscular radiation of the Sun, and many macroscopic processes and characteristics of the upper atmosphere, for example: temperature, inhomogeneities in atomic and allotropic composition, etc. In the Soviet Union such investigations have been carried on at, the Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and have been intensified in connection with the International Geophysical Year as the result of the development of high-quality apeo.itrographe, interferometers, and rapid-action ape otroelectrophotometers. Previously emissions of the night sky were usually recorded in the visible and near-infrared region of the spec rum (from 4,000 to 8,000 8.) with a tot 1 dispersion of several hundred IL per millimeter and a resolution of 10 I. For photographing spectra in this region it was necessary to make long exposurep on a single night or even on several nights. In so doing it was onlypoaeible to record several dozen emission lines. At the present time the region of spectral investigation has been widened to 12,000 and in the case of emissions of the night sky (airglow) it has booms possible, to out the time needed for exposures to one hour or even to /aev ral dozen minutes, insuring resolution to 2 8,with a dispersion of 80 1/mm. This success was to a considerable degree insured by the use of photocontact tubes - electronic-optical transformers, whose fluorescent screens are attached to a very thin mica window about 20A thick (the photography is accomplished by pressing a photoplate against the mica from the outer side of the transformer)'. Because of this we now have available a high-quality collection of photographs of spectra of the radiation of the, night sky. These spectra. contain more than 300 emission lines instead of the several dozen known earlier. Egpally abundant material has been accumulated on the speowra of brighter auroras. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA=RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 ,tFff Release 199/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141R000201280001-1 In a short article it does not appear possible to shed light on even the principal results of the observations mentioned above. We Will therefore limit ourselves to those conclusions which this newly-collected material enables us to make about the energy levels in the upper atmosphere, principally on the basis of the spectra of auroras. In reoenb years one of the principal problems of the physics of the upper atmosphere has been that of the sources of its heating and ionization. In order to explain the insigaifimant helium content in the Earth's atmosphere (helium liberated as the result of radioactive decay in the Earth's crust), even before the era of rocket research it was necessary to assume a temperature of several thousand degrees in the zone of dissipation of the atmosphere at a height of 500 to 800 km. At that time it was assumed that beginning at a level of approximately 100 km the temperature increases by 50 for each kilometer of height. As shown by Bates and Ohapman, with such a gradient there would have to be a very great flux of heat from the high parts of the atmosphere to the 100 km levell at that level, for the most part, there is an intensive cooling due to the microwave radiation of atomic oxygen, This flux of heat is reckoned at a value of about 1 erg/am"'2. red" o Later, by moans of rockets, it was possible to precisely determine tho intensity of the radiant energy of the sun ;fin the hard ultraviolet and Roentgen regions of the spootruml it then became apparent that the energy absorbed in the atmosphere above 200 km is inadequate to explain the necessary flux of heat. The first determinations of the deniV y of the upper atmosphere by means of ionization,[gauge7 to heights of about 200 km agreed with the temperature gradient of 50 per kilometero In order to escape the difficulty of explaining the great heat flux from very high regions it became popular to consider the atmosphere above the 200 km level as isothermal,. with a temperature no greater than 9000 K. ,However, such a point of view caused serious doubts because it did not correspond with certain observational data. It was natural to explain the heating of the upper atmosphere by the penetration therein of rapid charged and neutral particles `electrons, protons, and atoms of hydrogen and helium, as a result of the influence vi iae direct and indirect products of polar activity. Thus, there was talk of postulating fregpent auroras at very great heights and of long duration -- auroras impossible to distinguish visually without special apparatus. The assumption of such sources of heating was natural for the polar regions. These sources seemed less probable for regions in the lover' latitudes. We limit ourselves here only to problems having a direct relationship to the heating of the upper atmosphere. This first type of spectrum 'of auroras is the ordinary spectrum of the night sky with an enhancement of the red forbidden emission of oxygen from a state with a mean lifetime of 100 seconds and an excitation energy of 2 eve This emission is aoormpanied by a weaker forbidden emission of atomic nitrogen -- about 5,200k from a state with a mean lifetime of 26 hours and an excitation energy of 2.4 eve' The intensity of both emissions Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 CMed For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 oorr,lates with one another and with magnetic activity. The next type of auroral spectrum is that in which, in addition to the emission indicated above, there is noted the beginning of an intensification of the green forbidden emission of atomic oxygen from a state with a lifetime of I second and an excitation of 4.2 ev and emissions of neutral and ionized molecules of nitrogen and atoms of nitrogen and oxygen wit's'oonsiderably greater excitation energies -- up to 25 ev. And, finally, a further type of auroral spectrum is that in which, in addition to the above emissions, there are bands of an ionized molecule of oxygen with a somewhat smaller excitation energy -- 18 ev. The classification of auroral spectra given above can must easily be explained by the deep penetration of some active agent. The first type of aurora, usually faintly visible with the eye, corresponds to the radiation of very high rarefied layers of the atmosphere, predominantly of an atomio make-up, where the prolonged existence of metastable states is possible. The next clear and visually easily observable type of aurora with an intensified teen oxygen line and numerous emissions of a neutral and ionized nitrogen molecule is associated with regions of the atmosphere with molecular nitrogen. And, finally, the last type of aurora with the emission of ionized molecules of oxygen is in the region where molecular oxygen is present. The lower boundary of the auroras, easily determined by optical methods, is situated in a region where oxygen is in a molecular state. It has been found that a large'ia rt of the energy of radiation of an aurora is concentrated not in its bright and sharply defined patterns which occupy a very insignificant area -- but in the-surrounding weak and diffuse luminescence which fills immense surfaces above the Earth; the latter is hard to see due to the small contrast sensitivity of the eye when there is poor illumination. As a result of observations made outside the polar zone, in regions of the lower latitudes, it has been successfully determined that in:such areas there are also character- istic spectral types of radiation of the upper atmosphere during auroras. However, in an overwhelming majority of oases the types observed here are at high levels. Spectra corresponding to lower heights are rare phenomena in the low latitudes. It should be noted that the first type of aurora, with a characteristic intensification of the xed forbidden emission of oxygen and forbidden green emission of nitrogen, is customary in the region of Moscow even in the absence of any visually detectable auroras in regions with higher latitudes. In the region of Murmansk there is often a weak diffuse luminescence of the entire sky in which intensified green emissions of oxygen and emissions of ionized molecules of nitrogen are clearly detectable. The conclusion suggests itself that either the energy of the corpuscles over the low-latitude regions is less than over the high latitude regions, or their depth of penetration is less due to the geomagnetic barrier. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 AppO(?RrjRelease 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 From the distribution of intensities in the vibrational-rotational hydroxyl spectrum it is easy to determine the temperature of the surround- ing medium. A sample of such a spectrum, recorded by N. M. Shefov, is shown in Figure 1. We discovered that even at a level of about 100 km, where the hydroxyl radiation arises, the temperature increases from approximately 2000 K over theaagion of Armenia to 3500 ir, the vicinity of Murmansk. Near Leningrad it is possible to note an increase in the rotational temperature of hydroxyl for emissions coming from the north side of the sky in contrast to emissions from the south. This difference is still greater over the region of Murmansk. By use of an interfero- meter one may easily determine the spectral width of the emission line, and, ooneequent]y, the temperature of the radiating medium. Figure 2 shows samples of photographs of the interference picture of auroral emissions as recorded by T. M. Mulyarohik. It has been determined that at the time of pronounced auroras in the region where the mentioned emissions originate, the temperature increases by several thousand degrees. The increase in the temperature of the upper atmosphere at the time of an aurora was also discovered over the region of. Moscow from a a tudy of the emissions of ionized molecules of nitrogen whose rotational temperature during auroras is sometimes several thousand degrees. As we know, the radiant formations of auroras have a very great vertical extent, sometimes exceeding 1,000 km. In this case it is extremely characteristic that the intensity of luminescence of a ray at different heights is not subject to any substantial change, Inasmuch as the concentration of neutral molecules of nitrogen drops sharply with height, the maintenance of the intensity of the ray can be explained only by an increase in the flux of the ionizing agent. In the investigation of auroras an effort was originally made to explain them by the penetration of rapid electrons into the Earth's atmosphere. In the last decade, however, after the discovery of wide emission lines, shifting into the blue uegion of the spectrum in the case of observations in the magsetio zenith, it has become popular to explain this p.'ienomenon by the movement to the Earth of rapid streams of hydrogen atoms ejeotett by the Sun. The use of sensitive apparatus with high resolving power makes it possible to accomplish a regular recording of wide hydrogen emission. At one intensity or another it has been possible to record the emission in almost all forms of auroras. Hydrogen emission usually occupies extensive areas of the sky and is to some extent associated with the clearest formations of auroras. As a rule, it may be observed for several hours before the appearance of a pronounced aurora and sometimes ceases; without its appearance. Such an unoonnentrated luminescence of hydrogen is easy to explain by the disruption of movement of protons around the magnetic lines of force as a result of their effective ovoroharge with atomic oxygen. Figure 4 shows a sample of the hydrogen spectrum and the lines of hydrogen emission in comparison with a spectrum oontaining an ordinary hydrogen emission of atmospheric origin. It is extremely -9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 CPYRGHT For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 interesting that the maximum intensity of the hydrogen in the magnetic zenith corresponds to the very low velocities (3,000 km/sec) of intruding atoms of hydrogen; this is difficult to collate with the time lag in the appearance of the hydrogen emission relative to the characteristic formations of solar activity. The observed line of the hydrogen emission ma~ be due only to the dispersion of the velocities of the corpuscles -- and these cannot be the primary partioles ejected by the Sun. Although a broad hydrogen emission of one intensity or another is observed at the time of a majority of auroras at any stage of development, nevertheless the majority of bright auroras with strong molecular emissions is not accompanied by such hydrogen emission, A broad hydrogen emission, as a rule, is most commonly observed simultaneously with spectra of 'the high-level type, which, however, often do not contain it. It is natural to assume, therefore, that a considerable part of auroras is caused by the penetration into the atmosphere of electrons with energies of about 10 kev. This assumption is based on the fact that it is with such an energy that electrons are capable of penetrating to a height of 100 to 120 km, at which level auroras become visible, In order to demonstrate the existence of such electrons in the upper parts of the atmosphere, even in the absence of a visually observable aurora, we used the third artificial earth satellite. A special apparatus was designed and built; this was used to record streams of expected electrons with an in?ensity that had not been anticipated earlier. A considerable part of the time the apparatus was in a "scaled" condition. In those oases when there were data on two ind&~oators, it was possible by taking the ratio of the intensity of their signals to estimate the equivalent energy of the electrons. It was discovered that the value of such equivalent energy is about 10 kev. If at the moment of "scaling" of the apparatus the electrons possessed the same energy, the total energy of the streams of eleotrone would attain thousands of erg/em2. sec. The direction of movement of a majority of the high-energy electrons forms an angle exceeding 50? with trio magnetic lines of force. These electrcug, as a result of the magnetic barrier, cannot penetrate into the lower part of the atmosphere. In the field of ionospheric layers only a small number of high-energy electrons move at an. angle of less than 500 to the magnetic lines of force. This current o? energy amounts to about 1 erg/om2. sec and is sufficient to insure a temperature gradient of 5? per kilometer. It has been established that at great heights, in particular in the high latitudes, there is an increase in the concentration of electrons with an energy of about 10 kev; thane may be primary solar corpuscles. At the time of auroras and geomagnetio perturbations the zone with high- energy electrons drops downward. As a result, the heating of the upper atmosphere, particularly in the high latitudes, is more extensive and is in great contact with rapid electrons. Due to its low density the higher regions of the atmosphere are heated considerably more rapidly and with less, expenditure of energy than the lower-lying ones, Now, on the basis of the braking of the artificial earth satellites, we have actually 10- Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 succeeded in discovering high densityl consequently, the temperature of the atmosphere in the region above 200 km, in particular over areas in the high latitudes, has been determined. The protons and electrons causing the phenomenon of auroras and the heating of the upper part of the atmosphere, have velocities which do not at all agree with the time lag in the beginning of the appearance of auroras in relation to the time of the origin of characteristic active formations on the Sun. Therefore such protons and electrons cannot be the primary particles ejected by the Sun. Instead they arise as a result of the complex interaction between clouds of ionized gas ejected from the sun and the ionized gas held by the geomagnetic field. Although at the present time extremely interesting peculiarities have been discovered in the spectra of auroras and we have directly recorded rapid active particles in the Earth's outer atmosphere, we nevertheless need further systematic observations of all the above'desoribed phenomena. Then it will be possible to establish to what extent they are constant in the course of the cycle of solar activity. Therefore the continuation of the,research that has been conducted in the course of the International Geophysical Year is of great scientific and prautioal interest. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 0//(S,2) n;N,R, ~ I j ?' / ~~~ 0C I /I N I I' P5 P~ j I I I Pf I P l pl ~~ pl I jd) ~ II loooO/( /!0001 I/22001 Fig 1. Photograph of the spec-. trum of one of the rotational oscillatory bands of hydroxyl. The distribution!,, of the L.nten- sityi among the aeparate lines of the band makds it 'possible to determine the temperature of the upper atmosphere. The stand- ard symbols for the rotary lines (R, r, Q. q, 1', P) are shown above Approved. For Release 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Figure 2. Photographs of interference pIctureo from the emission of auroras and krypton with the aid of the Fabry- Perot Etalon. The width of the rings indic.dtca the tem- perature of the upper atmosphere. A - red emission of oxygen at 6300 A for a very strong aurora.(T 3400?K); B - a weak aurora (T 15009K); D - green emission of oxygen at 5577 A which corresponds to a strong polar aurorae originating in low altitudes where the tem- perature is not high (250?K); C - emission of krypton at 5870 A obtained from'a laboratory gas-discharge source 13 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 CPYRGHT Figure 3. Photograph of a rayed arc of an aurora. To the left can be seen rays with fairly constant brightness 1....._l . -i. rv11. 01 N1: N? Figure 44 Photograph ' or' t ie spe(tra. ` 'gilt iZ!'"'ahd auroras, at the magnetic zenith in the red region of the spectrum. Expgeure during the aurora was considerably less than during' its absence. Therefore there is no hydroxyl band on the auroral spectrum. In the airflow spectrum there is a narrow .emis'sion line of Ha hydrogen, and in the auroral emission it is broadened and its center is shifted to the'blue region of the spectrum by 6 A CL - ea LLM.LOW O - es~Urri - 1 ("Some. Problems of the Physics of Auroras", by V. I. Krasovskiy LI-5ootor of Th.yeioal-sMathematioal Soienae2p Vestnik Akademii Nark S3SR, No. 5, 1960, PP? 10.16. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Tadahi,k Institute of Astroohysios Engaged An ."Meteor Patrol"' The following is the translation of a photo caption appearing in lavestLyl on 19 June 19601 The Institute o Astrophysics o the Tadzhik Academy of o enoes has established a scientific laboratory near Stalinabad for the photo- graphic observation of meteors. "On the basis of observations which we have made by use of cameras developed by the staff of this Institute", says Pulat Babadzhanovioh Babadzhanov, the Director of the "Meteor Patrol" laboratory, "it is possible to study the physical conditions prevailing in the upper lays of the Earth's atmosphere and meteoric matter in the ,Xo olar system". The photograph shows the "Meteor Patrol" a ui ant Untitled photograph, Izv6stiYap 19 June 1960p p. 4) "E A four-page article recently appearing in a publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR is devoted to electrical discharges during the passage of meteors through the Earth's atmosphere; the article cites 14 bibliographical referenoee. The author is V. P. Dokuohayev of the Radiophysioal Scientific Research Institute at dor'kiy State University in. N. I. Lobachevskiy. ("Electrical Discharge During the Blight of Meteors in the Earth's Atmosphere", by V. P. Dokuohayev, Dok]ady Akademii Nauk 333R, Vol. 1311, No. 1, 1960, pp. 78-81) Soviet Popular and Semi-Popular Press continue Publication of High-Quality Articles on Space Research Numerous accounts in the Soviet popular and semi-popular press deal with the radiation belts surrounding the Earth. Another such account has appeared in the journal TekhniksMolodezhi. Although nothing new is contained in this article that warrants summarization, it is written on a high plcne and is typical of the highly technical material on space research that often appears in Soviet periodicals designed for popular consumption. ("Magnetic 'Trap' on the Route to the Cosmos", by I. Ivanenko, Tekhnika- Molodezhi, No. 5, 1960, pp- 35-36) Yellow Rain Falls in the Georgian SSR A dispatch published in the Soviet press has reported that colored rain has fallen in the Georgian 58K. The rain fell at night, states 0. Shautidze, Chief of the Kutaisi Meteorological Station;: the morning after the window panes in houses, the windows of automobiles, and the leaves of trees were a yellow color. -15- Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 the-Flight of Meteors in th Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 0. Bukhnikaehvili, chief of a meteorological station at the Krestovyy Pass, 2,200 meters above sea level, reports that colored rain has fallen there three times during the past year -- bright yellow in the winter, reddish in March, and yellow in the present instance. Sh. G. Gavasheli, Director of the Tbilisi B;ydrometeorological Observatory, stated that this phenomenon was caused by pool moist air masses coming from the northwest, mixing in the upper layers of the tropo- sphere with warm dry air which had moved from the southwest and which evidently contained a large amount of dust. Such precipitation, he states, is not only easy to explain, but is also completely harmless. ("Weather Forecasts Do Not Predict Such Things", Izvest a, 15 June 1960, p. 6) New Soviet Weather Shin Makes Trial Run In Black Sea The new weather ship "Shokal'skiy" approached the wharves of the port of Odessa a few days ago. It had undergone a test run in the Black Sea for several days. We asked one of the leaders of the expedition -- the Director of the Central AerologioQ1 Observatory, G. I. Golyshev, to tell about the first cruise of the ship and the work which it will accomplish in the future. "The o e is an expeditionary snip which only recent3y left the ship yards at Nikolayev", said G. I. Golyshev. "This vessel is an exact replica of the 'Voyeykov', the first Soviet ship of the Hydro- meteorological Service, now conducting research in the Pacific Ocean". "At the time of the voyage the sixteen laboratories aboard the 'vassal were engaged in a variety of scientific investigations. The ship was equipped with apparatus for the launching of meteorological rooket!a from the deck. The instruments located in the nose of such a rocket transmit data about the state of the atmosphere to heights of 80 km. Radio receiving apparatus on board receives information about temperature and pressure and about the character of solar radiation. At the time of the tests aboard the 'Shokal'ekiy' five meteorological rockets were launched. All transmitting instruments and receiving apparatus operated faultlessly". "The investigation of the atmosphere over the ocean is of great importance to science. The ship can conduct observations in different latitudes. It will become a very mobile scientific station, situated thousands of miles from land, but quickly transmitting all data to the weather service". "In addition to the launching of rockets the men aboard the weather ship conduct all the meteorological observations customary for meteorological stations; the launching of radiosondes enables us to judge about the state of the atmosphere to heights of 30 km. The scientific laboratories of the 'Shokal'skiy' are also conducting an extensive program of oceanographic observations". -16- Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 "In the very near future a second weather ship will move out on the distant route that leads to the Pacific Ocean where the 'Shokal'ekiy' will accomplish a complex of scientific research operations in collabor. ation with its older companion the 'Voyeylcov'. The new expeditionary ship will enable us to still more rapidly penetrate into the unknown secrets of " ("Secrets of the Depths and Heights", Izvestiya, 18 June 1960, p. 1 V. LONGITUIE AND LATITUDE A Report on the Soviet Latitude Service The following is a full translation from the soviet popular science magazine Na aka i Zhizn' s ere in a beautiful shady park at a distance of from Tashkent on the Great Uzbek Highway. There, to one side from the bustling of the city, in the dense greenery of secular linden trees and fruit trees, are to be found the observation pavilions of the Kitabskaya International Latitude Station im. Ulugbek of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR. The scientists at this station are dealing with many interesting problems, but their principal field of observations is variation in geographic latitude. The determination of latitude is one of the most interesting problems of astronomical science. Newton, when he studied the problem of the Earth's rotation, came to the conclusion that the poles should move along the surface of the globe. This hypothesis was confirmed by L. Ruler; he developed the theory of rotation of a solid body around a fixed point. Ruler demonstrated theoretically that the Earth's axis should move within the Earth, describing a cone with a very small angle at its peak. He figured that this caused the movement of the poles along the Earth's surface. But if the poles constantly move, the geographic latitude of a place cannot remain constant. The first practical demonstration of Euler's theoretical conclusion was the research conducted by the astronomer Kh. Peters, a worker at the Pulkovo Observatory. In 1842-1843, while observing Polaris, he established that the latitude of Pulkovo constantly undergoes small changes. These conclusions interested the scientists of various countries. Special observations were made at many observatories for the purpose of determining the local latitude. It became clear that the latitudes of areas where observatories were situated were ao;ually subject to variation. However the latitude received from astronomical observations can be distorted and influenced by meteorological phenomena. In order to finally clarify the cause of this variation in latitude it was decided to systematically make observations of changes in latitude at two points of the 'globe, situated 180? in longitude away from one anothera at Berlin and at Honolulu in the Hawaiian Islands. If it is CPYRGHT 17 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R00020128000.1-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 assumed that the change in latitude arises from the movement of the Earth's poles, an increase in the latitude of Berlin should correlate with a decrease in the latitude of Honolulu, and vice versa. When a sufficient number of observations had been made and latitudes had been computed, it was discovered that in that period when the latitude of Berlin had increased or decreased by some fixed value, the latitude of Honolulu, on the contrary, had decreased or increased by precisely the same value. Thus it was finally demonstrated that change in latitude is caused b a movement of the Earth's poles. Careful investigations of rumerous observations made at various observatories have shown that the movement of the poles is extremely complex. It has been found that in its movement the pole describes a complex spiral-shaped curve on the Earth's surface; this curve first ourb in, then uncurls, but does not go beyond the limits of a square with sides 30 meters long. Such a line results from the superposition of several movements with different periods. The two principal movements depend on the internal structure of the Earth and seasonal changes on the globe caused chiefly by a movement of air masses at different seasons of the year and also by the falling and melting of snow. These discoveries have stirred up very lively interest among the scientists of the entire world. In the observatories of the various countries of the world special observations have begun for the purpose of studying changes in latitude. This problem proved to be especially important for astronomers. The fact is that the systems of coordinates with which astronomers had to work were tied in with the Earth's poles. But if the poles move, there is also a change in the system of coordinates; consequently the coordinate of the objects themselves, determined by ::beervations, will be distorted. Therefore all precise astronomical determinations must be adjusted to take into account the movement of the poles. It therefore appeared necessary to get precise information about the movement of the poles. But the greater the volume of information accumulated, the more it became apparent that the derivation of a reliable curve for movement of the pole made by observations using different methods, different instruments and different stars, was extremely complex. It became clear that a special "latitude service" was needed to coordinate all these observations. In 1898 such a unified center was established and named the International Latituda Service. The Service had the following observatories, called latitude stations. It was decided to establish such stations in the Northern Hemisphere on latitude 39008' at 4 points Mizusawa (Japan), Carloforte (Italy), Gaithersburg and Ukiah (USA). To these four stations, established at the expense of the International Geodetic Association, were added still two others: an observatory in Cinoinnati (USA) and a special latitude station at the city of Chardzhou, Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 established by the Rusr,ian government at ito own expense. The Russian station continued to operate until 1919. In the bloody days of the civil war it was forced to bring its work to a close. The absence of a latitude station in the Soviet Union had a negative effect on the work of the entire International Latitude Uerv,,.')e because there was not a single latitude station in the immense dotanoi between Italy and Japan. In 1925 the Soviet government adopted a resolution concerning the establishment of a new latitt a station. The place of observation oeleotsd was Kitab, situated on the international parallel -- 39?06'. The first observation in accordance with the international program at the Kitab latitude station was made on 14 November 1930. Regular and planned research in the field of latitude has been conducted at this station since that date. During the years ofthe Second World War, when a majority of the latitude stations were forced to temporarily suspend their observations, it was decided to create within our country its own latitude eerviue. In addition to the Kitab latitude station it included the Pulkovo Observatory, the Poltava Observatory, the Engel'gardt Observatory at Kazan, and latter in connection with the International Geophysical Year -- a station at Blagoveshohenok-na-Amur and the Irkutsk Observatory. These stations are situated on different parallels and rather close to one another in longitude. Their accuracy in determination of the coordinates of the pole is therefore not great. However the results of research are completely adequate for practical purposes. Thus, on the basis of such observations, it is possible to make up summaries of the coordinates of the pole on a monthly basis. A new period in the activity of the latitude service began in connection with its participation in the work of the program of the International Geophysical Year. Five latitude stations form the Inter- national Services Mizusawa (Ja an), Kitab (USSR), Carloforte (Italy) , and Gaithersburg and Ukiah (USA). They all have observational pavilions that are built in a similar manner; they are equipped with instruments of the same type -- zenith telescopes -.- and are conducting observations in accordance with a single international program. Each latitude station sends the results of its observations to the Central Bureau of the International Latitude Service in Italy where they are generalized and studded. The latitudes of places are determined from observatioxs of stars at these stations; on the basis of changes in these latitudes a curve is drawn of the movement of the Earth's north pole. The final results are issued by the Central Bureau in special publications which are used by different scientific institutions of the entire world. The scope of the work at the Kitab station has also been consider- ably expanded. At Kitab the new Soviet-produced zenith-telescope "APM-2", the largest in the world, has now been installed. The aperture of its objective is 180 mm, the focal distance is 2,360 mm. - 19 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 These observations have enabled us to make a series of valuable investigations on the problem of latitude; these have been printed in various astronomical publications. In the near future plans call for the introduction of research of the astronomical regime for the purpose of clarifying the possibility of setting up astrophysical instruments there. Of special interest are observations which are now being conducted with two zenith telescopes. An analysis of these observations over a period of 1 years has shown that there is a clearly expressed annual wave in the diffenoes noted) this means that the so-called Z-terms for these instruments are different. It is well known that the Central Bureau of the International Latitude Service oongiders the Z-terms for all Inter- national Latitude Service stations to be identical. Our results do not oonfllrm this assumption. On the tompletfon of the International Geophysical Cooperation Program all these observations will be strictly systematized. The astronomers at Kitab are doing a great deal of work for the popularization of science. They are systematically going out in the field to deliver popular science lectures in the villages, factories, schools and military units. During the time it has existed the observatory has aocplred considerable fame. It is visited by numerous excursions of workers and collective farmers, students and soldiers from different regions. At Kitab they attend leotur?c on various astronomical subjects and can inspect a map of the heavens. Foreign scientists also visit Kitab. In 1958, for example, the Kitab station was visited by Prof. A. Danjon, Director of the Paris Observatory; Prof. M. Minnaert, Dutch astrophysicist, Director of the U"reoht Astronomical Observatory; and the English astrophysicist, Prof. Z. Kopal. The guests became acquainted with the work of the station and the results of our research. In oonneotin with trw current establishment in China of the Tientsin latitude station on this same parallel, 39?08', a long visit to Kitab has been made by the director of that station, Prof. Tszou I-sin and University Reader Lo Din-tszyan. They studied the methods for making observations in accordance with the international program, and a number nib nthwr rnhlaTa- = / ("I,atitucid Sorv?lce", by A. Kalmykov /_Director of the Kitab International Latitude Station in. Ulugbe , Nauka i Zhizn', No. 3, 1960, pp. 44-46) Appearance of New Island in the Caspian Sea Spurs Petroleum Baku. 17 June (By telegraph from our correspondent). The ship carrying the expedition of the Azerbaydzhan Scientific Research Institute for the Production of Petroleum has returned to Baku. While doing geophysical, work in the Caspian the expedition discovered an island approximatebr 180 km from Baku. The island does not appear on any map. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 CPYRGHT This is a new surprise of the Caspian. The island appeared as the result of the recurrent eruption of a mud volcano. The expedition landed on the island, made measurements, took photos and took soil samples. The island is about 300 motors long and rises as much as five meters above the water. It is not impossible that commercial exploration will begin for the "black gold" on or near this island -- provided that it does not disappear. Azerbaydahsn soiontiets have determined that the arrangement of mud volcano an in the central part of the represents a 200-kilometer underwater petroleum and. " of "Caspian surpria,", Izvc.etiva, 18 June 1960, p. 3) CPYRGHT VII. OCEANOGRAPHY Soviet Article Contains Notes on Russian 0oeanoarauhio Research The following is the full text of an article from Nauka i Zhizn': any secrets are still hidden the depths of the seas and oceans. What, for example, are the causes of the systematic vertical migrations of herring in the North Atlantic to a depth of 100 meters? What is the meaning of the mysterious behavior of sardines on the shores of Africa -- their unexpected diurnal movements for long distances? What does a fish do when it encounters a trawl line or net? How does a fish react to noise and other irritants? Modern science should be able to answer all these and many other questions. Until recently scientists have conducted ocrplex investigations aboard ships reoutfitted from medium 'trawlers. But it has been impossible to conduct scientific research aboard such vessels on a broad scale. The scientists at Leningrad therefore set out to develop a plan for a special scientific-teohnioal ship (85 meters in length, with a displacement of 3,950 tone, and with a speed of 12 knots). The refrigerator trawler "Mayakovskiy" was built on the basis of this design.. The new vessel is equipped with apparatus which will enable it to atop at nixed points in the ocean and remain at these fixed positions for a long time. Imagine a transverse tunnel passing right through the prow of a ship! Mounted therein is a propeller operated by a 100-kw electric motor. In conjunction with the screw propeller it makes it possible for the ship to remain in place without dropping anchor. Nothing can move the ship from the point where it is at rest -- neither a wind with an intensity of 6 nor a rapid current. Thera will be 10 laboratories on the ship. In the plankton laboratory- scientists will be concerned with the investigation of different collection of samples of sea water from various depths, the measurement of its temperature and salinity, and the study of currents. For this purpose the laboratory is equipped with bathometers for the measurement of water depths, bathythermographs which record the vertical distribution, Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 of water temperature in a layer as much as 200 meters deep, and other instruments. It is possible to get cores of earth (sea bottom) as long as 35 meters by means of earthen pipes lowered away from the control panel. Ichthyologists can predict the oatoh of commercial fish of various species, biologists can study the mioroflora, and technicians can investigate the technical and chemical propert;les of articles being subjected to maritime exploitation. It will bo possible to conduct experimental research on the thermal processing of fish and fish preser- vation aboard the vessel. Finally, there is a special laboratory for techniques to be used in industrial fishing; this is designed for the study of the behavior of fish in zoz:Ue of fish exploitation and the selection of rational designs for instruments and equipment used in the catching of fish. Presently the principal means for underwater observations of fish are hydroaooustio instruments which make it possible to determine the location of finals of fish. B%%b the short lines drawn by the pen of the self-recording instrument do not give a full idea of the actual form of the shoal, its density, or whether the fish are large or small, and cannot tellofwhat species it consists. It therefore remains necessary for man to make direct observations of the underwater kingdom. Aboard the new ship a hydrostat will be used for this purpose; it was designed by the Giprorybflot (State Institute for the Design and Planning of'the Fishing Fleet) and is capable of submerging to a depth of 600-meters, together with a researcher, an underwater television set for "looking" in all directions, and aqualungs. The new vessel will be equipped with a Soviet-produced electronic instrument for the simultaneous observation of the filling of the trawl net and its depth of submergence. It will increase by many times the effectiveness of the fishing industry. Much excellent deck equipment is also provided. There are various winches on deck for 'the lowering of plankton and ichthyological nets below Mhe water, for lowering bottom dredges and coring units and a remote-control meteorological station and electromnagnetio current'me'rer. The vessel, in addition to its aoientifio work, will serve as a large fishing trawler. It will catch fish, process them into fillets, can the fish, amke maades and vrenare fish meal and fish .0?1. "Institute at Sea", 1960, pp. 65-66) by Eng. N. P. Bolgarov, auka i Zhizn1,' No CPYRGHT titati Distribution of Benthos in Part of the "at a rs Another article has appeared in a Soviet' scientific Journal reporting on 'the eo tifio results 'of work iboard' the ooeancgr'aphio ' research vessel Ob''. Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP82-00141 R0.00201 280001.' T' Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 This latest article deals with the findings of the Obi concerning the quantitative distribution of bottom fauna. peoifioally'the paper deals with the quantitative distribution of benthoe in the Tasman Sea and that part of the world ocean lying between the Indian and Paoific Oceans to the south of New Zealand, including Antarctic waters. Twenty-nine samples were collected at depths as great as 4,800 m. The source material is supplemented by samples collected on the 26th voyage of the research vessel "Vityaz"". The collected material was adequate to serve as a basis for the compilation of a schematic map of the distribution of benthos (figure it not reproduced here). Until now there has been an almost total lack of any information about the quantitative distribution of bottom fauns in this region or in other regions situated within these latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Data for each of the 36 stations is provided in some detail in Table 1. It is clear that in this area, as in other regions of the world ocean, the quantities of benthos decrease with an increase in depth and distance from the shore. Indeed, the coastal waters of New Zealand are quite similar in their abundance of bottom fauna to coastal regions in analagous latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. As a rule the abundance of benthos is more closely related to nearness to the coast than it is to depth. ("Quantitative Distribution of Benthos in the Tasman Se and in Antarctic Waters to the South of New Zealand", by G. X. Belt' ev Institute of Oceanography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol. 130, No. 4, PP- 875878). MaJor Russian Marine Expedition Will Study the Gulf Stream A major expedition is planned for the conduct of extensive oceanographic research in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream -- the largest and most extensively branched system of warm currents in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. Taking part in the expedition will be seven scientific research vessels o. The purpose of the expedition is to collect data in order to determine the extent of the influence of the waters of the Gulf Stream on the thermal balance of the northern seas and atmospheric processes in the North Atlantic. ("In the Region of the Gulf Stream," Izvestiya, 19 June 1960, p. 4) Report on the Oceanographic Research Vessel "Peppy-2!' In the north the scientific research vessel "Persey" is well- remembered. It waa. aboard this vessel that the work of the Floating Marine Scientific Institute for the Study of Northern Seas began its work in 1922; that institute was created on the initiative of - 23 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 V. I. Lenin, That small combined nailing-and-motor shin, with a total displacement of about )50 tone, bailed those icy seas for almost 20 years. A majority of Soviet oceanographers of the older generation travelled aboard her on the expeditionary voyages made by that remarkable school of researchers. This scientific vessel, smashed by bombs, sank in the Kola Gulf in the first year of the Great Patric io Sailors have an old, old tradition -- that of giving the names of famed ships of the past to newly-launched vessels. Therefore a new "Persey" has again appeared in the northern seas. This ship recently left the port of Murmansk on a long voyage to the Faeroe Islands. A meeting had been arranged there in the port of Westmanhavn with researoh vessels of a number of other countries. The editor of this newspaper has made radio contact with the vessel "Persey-2," The chief of the expedition of the Polar Institute of Fishing and Oceanography, M. Adrov, Candidate in Geographical Sciences, reported as followse "By decision of the International Council for the Study of the Seas we are now conducting major research in the vicinity of the Faeroe-Iceland threshold. In addition to the "Persey-2" expeditions from Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and the Federal Republic of Germany are taking part in this work." "The principal task of the researchers, headed by the well- known Scotch oceanographer John Tate, is the study of how the cold deep waters of the Sea of Norway penetrate into the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean through the Faeroe-Iceland threshold. These investigations are of immense importance for the development of fishing. The immense expanses of the Sea of Norway between Iceland and the Faeroe Islands will be intersected by a series of parallel traverses. Our 'Persey' has already made one of these runs." "During the voyage of the 'Persey-2' it will visit Norway, Iceland, the Faeroes, and the She~dands." ("Naval Tradition," Pravda, 17 June 1960, -p.-6) VIII. GLACIOLOGY Glacier Research on Novaya Zemlya -- An Academy of Sciences Report The glaciological expedition of the Second International Polar Year in 1932-1933, under the direction of M. M. Yermolayev, established that there was no firn or fire ice in the vicinity of the watershed between Ruaskaya Gavan' and Blagopoluchiye Gulf. There, under a layer of "this year's snow," M. M. Yermolayev (1) discovered blue glacier with the pressure of the gases included therein about 2.23 atm -- normal for depths on an order of 15 m. In the opinion of Mi M. Yermolayev, such a high pressure of gases, together with the large-crystal structure of the ice, is evidence of intensive ablation, Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 during which the pressure of intraglaoial gases does not ever balance with atmospheric pressures Since then substantial changes have taken place in the glacial cover. Investigations of the Novaya Zemlya Glaciological Expedition of the International Geophysical Year of the Academy of Sciences of the USES at Runekaya Gavan' in 1957-1958 have established the followings 1. The period with positive air temperatures in the region of the ice divide is a total of 5 to 5j weeks; the balance of matter at a height of 776 m is positive and equal to 20 am of firn (with a water supply of 70.3 mm). 2. In the fall of 1957 the snow line was situated at a height of 570 m -- on the brow of the "Yablonskiy Barrier," a feature caused by a subglacial terrace. 3. The thickness of the fire increases very rapidly from the Yablonskiy Barrier to the ice divide, where it attains a thickness of 16 in. White firs ice with a mass of air bubbles underlies it. 4. The alternation of layers of firn and ice somewhat above the snow line is evidence of an annual increase of 10 to 20 am of snow. In a six-motor trench, 115 cm deep, six such layers were discovered, separated by continuous ice lenses at depths of 12-14; 27.6-29; 39-41; 65-67 and 89-92 cm. Judging by the thickness of the snow1bridge over the trench, the thickness of the fire in this region is no greater than 2 in. Consequently, it was formed in approximately 10 to 12 years. 5. In the region of the ice divide the layers of annual snow increment amount to 32; 14.5; 15; 39 and 23 cm respectively. 6. Below the brow of the Yablonskiy Barrier a whitish ice with small bubbles was exposed on the surface of the glacier; it was free of solid (mineral) impurities. This zone of ice occupies no more than 2km. Then, deeper! it is replaced by banded ice, made up of long pamilel bands of bluish and whitish-blue ice of approximately equal width (10 to 20 cm) oriented in the direction of the movement of the glacier. In 3 to 34 km this ice is replaced by blue deep glacial ice, streaked with chaotic veins of congealed ice. According to measurements made by the expeditions in 1932-1933 and 1957-1959, the speed of movement of the ice in the outlet tongue of this sector of the glacial cover (in the Shokal'okiy glacier) is equal to approximately 150 m per year. Assuming that the speed of movement d the ice only decreases insignificantly from the fact of the Shokal'skiy Glacier to the Somneniye Barrier, as can be seen from a comparison of the velocities of movement of ice at the face and at 11 km from it, it is necessary to relate the beginning of the appearance of the whitish ice in the region of ablation to the and of the 1930's. From an analysis of the variations of the ice characteristics of the White, Barents and Sara Seas, made by V. S. Nazarov (2), we can see a progressive decrease in the ice content of these seas since the beginning of the 1930's; this is still continuing. The decrease in the -25 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 ice content of theme seas is due to the intensification of oyolonro activity in the atmosphere, accompanied by an inorense in the receipts of moisture; this explains the renewal of the firn deposits feeding the Novaya Zemlya glao$al Dover. With the maintenance of the now-existing regime of atmospheric "feeding" of the cover to the end of the present century -- and V. B. Nazarov has made such a prediction in respect to the ice content of the seas mentioned -- at the end of the century we should expect if not a cessation ofthe retreat of the face of the outlet tongue of the investigated part of the Novaya Zemlya ice cover, then, at least, a lag in the rate of retreat. 1. Shumekiy, P. A., Trudy Arkt. N.-I. let. Glavn. Upr. Severn. Morakogo Puti, 2, Moscow-Leningrad, 1949 2. Nazarov, V. S., Trudy Goo. Okeanorgr. Inst., 6, Moscow-Leningrad, 1949? ("Renewal of Pirn Feeding of the Glacial Cover of Novaya Zemlya", by N. M Svatkov L nntitute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the USS/, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol. 131, No. 1, 1960) Latest Report on the Drift Station "SP-8" The following is a summarized version of a Sovetskaya Aviatsiya article of 17 June. The author took off from Tikei in a heavily-laden "IL-14" and headed northwest. The pilot was B. Shatrov, Hero of the Soviet Union;.the other crew members were named. The flight continued several hours before the huts and tents of the "SP-8" were sighted. The "IL" touched down on the ice and travelled several hundred meters before coming to a stop. This was not the first plane to arrive that day because the transporting of freight to the "3PRa8" in now in full swing and aircraft are shuttling back and forth. Temporarily based on the station is an "AN-21" and four Oki-mounted "LI..2" aircraft. The station was recently visited seven times by an "AN-10" piloted by the airmen V. Vasil'yev and G. Bardyshev. It delivered 65 tons of fuel and other freight. It was the first time in the history of aviation that a heavy turbojet plane had landed on the drift ice on a limited landing area. The author was met by the chief of the new staff of the "SP-8"9 hydrologist Nikolay Ivanovioh Blinov. The latter is quoted as indicating that the new staff was made up of members of the Komsomol organization; a number of participants are named, together with their assignments. The author mentions that the ice floe has been repeatedly subjected to compressive forces. The landing strip has suffered cracks on 19 occasions, but these have been repaired. During the year the floe has travelled a sinuous course over 2,000 km long. - 26 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201280001-1 The huts on the "SP-8" are olean, snug, and warm. There in sleotrioity, telephones and radios. In their free time the polar speoialiots ether in the deyroom, look at movies, read newspapers, and play ohess. "Plight to the Pole", by M. Filipenin, Sovetskaya Aviateiya, 17 June 1960, p. 6) - U8 CONK-D0 - 27 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00,141 R000201280001-1