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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00283R000200050008-3.pdf111.69 KB
Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP82-002838000200050008-3 A1d1+TUAI. REPt3p.T 4F THE EIC STJHCQIwiMITTEE +~?N LNQLTuTRS~I,: MACFiLI~IERY A~TI~ EOUIPy~EIti~'I' FISCAL YEAR i 964 A. Activities of the Subcammitt~ee Dozing Fiscal Year ! ~4 The Industris.l Nachi>ery and Equipment Subcoxn~mittee held no for awl meetings during Fisce.l Year 1964. Changes in con~znittee memtaes -~ ship, ixzcluding Chas ratirer~ex~t of I+rr. Jokuz '~i~.liams, Office cif the Soczotary of I?ef$n~so, tended to disrupt the continuity of the ~ubaoxrmittes? a pragrasn. B. Eviluatian of the Rule of the Subcommittee Cigar the pears the CIA has done an increasing mire of the eccroxY:ic iat~elligance research c~ the civilian xraachinery industries o:~ the Ccxxi~ tnunist ccntntries. 'i`hi? has reduced the need far SubcoxnxrYitee ac:tiorz d-n tovttin+~ matters such as a-,~reed bas is atat:i+atica, and the review of suh~tar~~ Rive pipers. Sara reccatly, haavcver, research cm the rnachinexy sector his became inca~singly concerned with the reiati.on of maehinery~ ontp=~t Rat other sectors of the sCCSny and the over-akl econox~xiG arssi even poii~ tica3 isnplicitians of thus czutput. It is balisved that then a are a nuxz~bex ~ areas in which the Intl~r~tyr4sl tv3schfnery Subccamxnittee aa:sd support this research. 1t is eacpeetsd, ~arefoxe, that the Subc~.rnmittee will bw active in the fortheomia.g mvaths, f~zst, to investigate its pol:cttr~tiaGl foe increased of#ect~tveaes~a la 2~rtdling probierr:ffi of carr~msar~ csaern and, second, to in~prova its ca.gabtlity for xssponding to any ,sper.ific prtablean +eallin$ for interagency +co~srdination. C. Future Program tti the Subcommittee .'.._.. early data the Suhcoxrirraittee will m+~at to permit ~censrnittee members to beeosa~e pers~sllp faxxxilaa~r with other mez~bera, anti to be briefed on the extent of the interest of rash agency in ir,eiust~ciat ma~ +~hinery, especially thaf i~~tersst whfch Lasers can the Gaxa~zxaunia~t countres. Aa in flutc4xr3e nf. these rn~:eti~s it is eacpgcterl that the Subcc~mrnattee mill be able to pick several areas that appear to have the patential fvr a fr~itfu.i. +~cchange csf views. Di.ecussicxzs within the caxnmzttee u-ilI undoubtedly sugges# other areas of cca!~rtrrfoxz interest, ha~vever, posr~ibil:~ti+sa inc:~ude~ Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP82-002838000200050008-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP82-002838000200050008-3 ~.: (I} A x4viaw of extex=aal research projects in its field of sesponsibi~.ity that are preeent2y being sponsoxed by various go~reunrr~ent agencies. (2} The technological gain that the USSR is acquiring from the purchase of Western industrial technology, a subject in which C~tmrnerce participation would be eepecially helgful. (3} The imgorta~acc of Soviet exports of machinery to the undexa developed cau~atxies, a subject which would be of special interest t? the State l~aps.rtment. (4} The preparation of are authoritative interagency position sm tha capabilities of Lt=.e Soviet machine tool induetx;r based upon information res:~lting frame the prap~-sed US-USSR machine tool escchaxxge. (~} A xeview of our outstanding gaps in intelligenca sad a-n updating 01 these ~ap~a. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP82-002838000200050008-3