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Approved For Reis&* 99/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-0028JP4W W. +~ as we w +rr r CHF.PICAIS Eti lxencyof kleeti t 2 during last 12 months (one of them informal) Sc Members lua o ? Valuable? AFOIN Yes G?3 Yeas QIR Not as pre. sent operea ting or Yea Continua? FutureT Faults? Yes - but infre- As in past "Not enough interest"; quent meetings strengthened membershi Yes - infrequent Continue None meetings as needed Don't knar as To gathet't analyze Don't know as have have not attended and report on in. not attended meetings meetings formation relative to the assistance, logisticsx and requireme4ts of certain cliemicals within the USSR and satellite countries, It is up to the CIA to determine In what way the subcom- mittee can assist them in obtaining and/or analyzing information on the various problems. If can be oriented to economic problems Too much preoccupied with technical details Yes Close liaison but few formal rbeetingB Need for greater recog.m nition of "iraportsnce of chemiccls to soon. vain and dependence of Armed Servf(Js on chemical industry for military end Products" Approved For Release 1999/09/0 -00283R000200180016-0 Approved For Release 1999/09108: CIA-RDP82-00283R0Q@.810 L.r F'.-' . l November 1955 CBC a ace 3.t?Les ? s Lotion of Itself ( See Entire Annual Re rt -of SC) z The atte-,din , members talked over the divergence of basic interest, and the v a r y i n g a pro - , to chemical intelligence in the area, It narrowed dawn to the fact t s?:, the Chemicals Branch, 0, carried its activities to a much greater depth than do the Service Agencies, and that AKIN was the only one of the Ser- vice Agen :ie. attempting to build up continuing active information on chemicals and chemi gal production. It was brought out by the G.?2 representative that the .i ilitary Age:nvd es .would continue to make the reports on strictly aili tary chemical prod=:acts,, such as explosives and all items of interest to the Chemical Corps, They--would continue to depend upon CIA for the availability of raw materials to oxvduce these military end item. The G-2 representatives stated that he would use his best efforts to obtain from the Military Servic*.s an estip mate of the ?:ount of explosives and propellants by types from which the basic chemicals ne(-_ssary for the production of the finished military items may be calculated,, "Tae Chem. oa).~5? Branch, RE6 and Chemicals Section, AFOIN, have worked closo1 together throughout the year in a most harmonious manner? The Chemicals Bra!. h, RR, as the g: pup having the broadest interest in chemical intelligence in the era , has su = ttted its estimates on certain chemicals in the various countries and has requectec, comments from &he Services, The A..2 group have set up a project to check the rw'. figures. however, we know that the range between the estimates of these W o i atereated groups is, on the whole, close." ~ s of the Chair-rnn of the Subcommittee: Tire G..2 rep: Fraentative has emphasized that the .Uv is on v interested in r.i,:.i tar~r and "oducts for which they have the responsibi liity an no interested old i-g -Me Mc chemicals entering into the production of these products4 A.P., because of their responsibility for targets and the necessity for evaluating Va impccctancc of individual plants, have made studies on the major producing plants. Glut Is interested in the over-all economic basis and states that they can make stud;- a on individual commodities if and when requested, but do not keep current In such analyses. Therefore, CIA is the only agency undertaking continuous nr,,A current analytical studies, Tice f dpi= v4, xc~ies of agency interest in Sino,.Soviet chemicals is increasing, The current e' a p asis of CIA/ORR on "costing" production from the military econ mid viewpoint aj)Lze- s likely to further increase '-.his divergency in interests, Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000200180016-0 Approved For Rev* ,1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-OO OOaOQ, CSC Secretariat's Evaluation of Subcommittee Activities: 1WY155 This has been one of our least active subcommi tteesa OR has undertaken most of the rea arch analysis, in depth, on the basic chemical industry of the USSR, Wi' Force also has made several technically competent analysts available for ] ,*:C.= activi die 3; and last year 0.2 also made available a chemicals expert able to particiaat(: actively in technical discussions of ch c erir o As a reSult, the subcommittee appears a ou re loose a log am between military aad pec Soviet mical duction. (Specifically an as os of v 4 e G 5MI o S military require- eiss lT a e ~ mants to a basis for ORR estimates of Soviet production capabilities for basic dahalacals for military purposes?) Recently, however, both the senior A:r Force and the 0.2 representatives have been transferred and the new representAiives have been largely preoccupied with taking over their basic agency re3ponsibiiitiee ? so the arrangements referred to have not yet been carried outo A further difficulty has been to bring together in this subcommittee specialists In Chemical Engineering with general economists and liaison officers not accustomed to speaking tae detailed jargon of the chemical technicians, It is reported that ONI discontinued its participation in this subcommittee in part because it felt that State Department's interest in an '"economist's analysis" of Soviet chemical prodiiotion resulted in a great deal of the time of meetings being wasted in 'eta king at cross purpoveso" Three non-IAC agencies,., Agriculture, Cormnerce, and 00, have designated representatives to the Chemicals Subcom. m tteeo Although these individuals would seldom, if ever, be called on to participate in full meetings with the military agencies, the EIC channel is a great convenience in obtaining the views of these individuals on specific products (such as rubber) for which they have special competencee r,onmondsd BIC Action: L Urge the Subcommittee to proceed with the implementation of tentative arrangements made last year between ORR, 0..2, and AFOIN (see Subcommittee's Annual irt) o 2? Express general satisfaction with the Suocommittee's practice of meeting only on call"; but urge that such occasional meetings be so planned in advance State and ONI can be brought more effectively into the total cvr~nr .U: r picture, 10 3? Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000200180016-0