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Approved ilri,flikelease 2002/06/14 : CIA-RDP82-004AZ$0002Q003g74--al. ti 11-162862 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20540 Miry X. ydquist Authorized. Certifying Officer nIrml of land li.hnazolaerit Dnve:r Service Centers Bui1ding5Q Departnent of the Interior_ , Denver Colorado 80225 , Dear Mrs. Rydquist: December 19, 1967: Your letter of Novenfper 1? 1957s reference (7331-2)s with encl.?. y rl3tn oar advice conce..-ninc.; the propriety of a collection bill for (';205.04 issued against an enDloyee of the Bureau of Land ag,e1..1mt pre.dicated upon an aciainistrative view that he was allowed travel and transportation expenses incident to home leave cn in the continental United State's. The employee involved whose "place of actual residence" appears to been Egashingtons D.C.s was authorized by travel order dated Sep- 9, 1966, to take home leave in the continental United States un- section 4, Bureau of the Budget Circular No. A-56, June 1,, 1962, Qr section 7 of the current circulars after completion of a tour of duty in Anchorages Alaskar? _ The emploz,ree eiected. not to travel to his place of_a_cf0P3-:resi- c71.enee for leav(i'Int-.sent sub:.-;tantially_al:Lof his lenva at Las Vogasp no cm7)..t.oyee and r..1eLbers of his imizediate family deported .;-..-171:itYzTage on vari- --sdafks -a-on-Septarber 18 through December 3, SOnC.: 271a;fs ore accoir2ar4:1 ed the employee to Las Vegas and thence :c....'veled 'to Detrots iarehigan? before returning to Anchorage, __Other_ traveled directly from Anchorage to Detroit or Day-tons Ohio, cr relmined. with 'S.1-Te?eyrroioyee inLVegas and_roturned1-T1th- A.nchorage via Renps San. Zranciscos and. Seattle. _ The travel was performed largely by air' and to value of the transportation requests used is understood to have beili-a-the?ar?.. , urea-ate amount- of f!1r,942.85. ? Yourzz the view that ii virtue of the eroloyce having se1ectz%1LIS Vegas as the location other, than his place of actual residence-at-which to -*end his home isv.7-1-111-a----..-Atitrenient--to trans. Dortation 4t.00V_OrnWnt_CADen4Cf0iiTA04).4!.:0 PLIlivimmediato ,faudly Approved For Release 2002/06/14: CIA-RDP82-00357R000200030076-8 Approved NIllorkelease 2002/06/14: CIA-RDP82-00SW000200030076-8 - qC' .3-162a13 %,cuI6 be limited to their conatructivc travel by the direct usually acid Lae Ve,45-1-Thus? you proos-te,- a:loy cr7..',n7t-for trans-.:,?(;J. ? his family between and Las Vef,i:as, ;.11)(3).00. Oa that basis the overpayLlont w,,yult:. be 203.85 (4,92.65 V.L;(39), plas transportation tax of ,1.0.19 on the excess cos',.;, loss a credit of 439 for taxicabs, or a net indebtedness of c,205.6:.w do not to had occanion to decide the 'Precise clues- tico),Lraised,by_yo. loi-,11(-1' The statutory authority for allowance by the Goveraraent of the travel and transportation expenses of an en-oloy- c;o in connection vith lone leave now is found in 5 U.S.C. 5728. So for as here pertinent, the stz,11/ory language provides for the pay- ? of _the oznenses_ b2 round-triptraver757 oarploych."---------:and the tran;;Ilortation of his itraeT,iPte family to the Dlace_of.his actual -.1? idence at the ti= of ampointnent after he has conpleted an :,.-_-oed.poriod of service outside the continental United States and ? r,e-trninz to his actual place of residence to take leave before ? xvires another tour of duty outside the continental United States. The statutory rogulationzi currently in section 7 of the Bureau ? the Budget Circular p._1.-561:Revised October 12, 1966, a.2.y_j_44 that an anployce and his Lo;rediate family shall be allowed expenses for travel from his post of duty to the place of his actual resi- ,7e:Ice at the time of his appointnont, and rIiturn? or., in the alter- r,:?,tiveif_leavo is taken at "another location" the amount 1Lo'2.vel and transPaaation c:venses shall_noA, exceed faati_mbich wc,uld. be allowed for travel between -the post of duty and tho_place of 0:Ctual residence. To the same effect see section 4 of Bureau of LBuelet Circular No. A-1:45, dated April 30, 1962, and section -,1y0; of Bureau of the Budget Circular No. A,-40 dated May 2, 1955. In 37 Core). Gen. 113, 115 (1957) we said: "* * * The statute authorizes travel for leave pur- poses toplaces of actual residence.1 As recognized in 3.2 Col*. Qea. 2116, thz,,t,phrase is not viewed ai&juIring travel to the actua=77Idence beep:? ht 'avel-Tic175aZIes ar'e-Ellowuble. By-iq terms, however, tho statutory relstrlatiardiTabov, authorilf,D travel only t _another locati-on.' The ?icozulations do not provide for rave to various locations for :personal conve cin.uzo ? ? . ? . Approved For Release 2002/06/14 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000200030076-8 -2- Approved For Release 2002/06/14: CIA-RDP82-00357R000200030076-8 of an t:Litcroe,to. ailat-Q.- ? -79 o: the +r, 77 ?.`a 4","ct 07: :Ln to cor:t ?act,..,rs.11-7 clzcc.1co cv coz;t, o aovaal O*6?oi.; zu-olicao) 711. cf:foct -v;re 1,nr.c.;;, rec,ulatione the coployce not; 'I:4) ....31;%i:.,%1 to :; ofzcu 2.rc;:liclene3 y CC1C,Ct "f117,,e?c_tc.) 11:LZIci1:iy which th-e CvczLi? iwy be 2,:zociscly mo.,GUred;) tu a)111-,?,73,15..ty 0,13 r4 CC1:10:Q. with the ho'7,-...e leave travel of an ez.,:12loyce there fczaily chd ouo thet such moZoers notethe ati*cetion, of the cployec... c 7,3y persona choice oblicmte te Covcri-E-,laht to pay fox. tl-anoztation in oxec:le, of that lalowablo the aloyed by reason ,of hie choice to we his leave at a :point distant than his pls.ce of actual residetce? See 13..-13760.5 172 19Ci1? g I ? ? MX: zu travel or traneportatiot pXj2:::11Ze ellowed the 2,1syco for hie travel or that of his far.11,c in execr.s of the cost or trat*ortation between Anehoraze? Alas%av and Ve evc1 ou24b unatthhorizocl. 1 The chcloeurec with your letter are r,:,..t,orned. her ad it is our opinion thzIt the laethod. used it car*,utirsz the over,%::::/:::iont to the er...ployce, is correct? ' Sinoczcly ,?FRANK 'Coaltroller Gcmora1. :"-444'LazIfof the United States',: ' 1 t. ? ? ' ? , Approved For?Release 2002/06/14 : a1A-RDi'6200357140002000.3006-8