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yoatncApFQv. ",DECLASSIFIED NO CHANGE in Class. Aura: Date Group 25X1A6a S$ I IECT Formation of Peasant srt Opposition L INTELLIGENCE ROU I TE LIGENCE RE117-11TT COUNTRY Eastern and southeastern Eurolp,; + Q. 20 November 1946 OR G N the 5X1X6 Dr,, Vladko Macek, exiled leader of tie Croatian Peasant Party. now in Paris., has been active during the past month in attempt- ing to organize the various Eastern and Southeastern European Peasant Parties into an opposition group. For this pwi-epose he has been in exploratory contact with certain Pesent Party leaders abroad and in their native countries e 2. Information has now been received that the text of a draft dec- laration of a Peasant Party Opposition group has been prepared by Macek and is currently being sent J) g him to Ferenc .Nagy,, Prime Minister of Eungary and leader of the mall Holders Party a Georgi M. Dimitrov of the Eu..,garian Agraria .i Party, now in exile in Washington; 'ilan Gavrilovich, leade:, of the Serb Agrarian Party now in London; Dragol lub Jovanovich of the Serb National Peasant Party; Tuliu .nlu leader of the Ru raian National Peasant Party; and S tanisi ail Mikola jozyk, head of the Polish Peasant ?arty. The draft declaration atatW The undersigned representatives of the Peasant Parties of Eastern and Southeastern Europa consider it necessary that they declare now their accord on. the following principles: (a) The Peasant Parties fora the most important political force in Eastern Europe j, representing more than 50,000,000. free political vootes? (b) Rejecting the arterial ideology of cotmarnuni. m, the Peasant Parties base their hope in the future on Christian ethics and family life,. (c) Individual liberty and ps:f_ cant lands i epre.- sent the basis of social political f orsce. Therefore they reject especially enforced collectivization or cooperatives. 25X1A9a "~ rov or a ease FOX This document is hereby rog:"aded to CONFIDEN"CIAL in accordance wth the 9/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-004578000100 25X1A2g 25X1A9a ST 21 November 1946 PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R,000100540008-7 25X1A2g CENTRAL INTT LL I is ,NCE CROUP (d) They reject the idea of New uemocracy'$ sponsored by the C r rrunist Pa.xrties xzr representing a new form of dictatorship and the destruction of Political liber- ties. ~e ' Bey a ppca.1' to all other der,~ocra t1e pa ties to join in this declaration while awaiting the common struggle for demro- r:.ratic 11ber ties b In accordance :Frith this dea aration. the decision has been taken for the closest cooperation among the said parties to pursue political action in order to real- ize the above principles. CO'N'FIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000100540008-7