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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000200360006-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGi NCE GR(XJ? 25X1A2g 3. Repair Facilities: A factory for the construction of railroad cars is loeatod 1n B . T.,ocor:lotiv? repair shops are .located in M,,, Zagreb, Sisak and Skopije. Besides the steam-drIveel locomo bos Er,ezno), SlaveL iap there are three forcer Italian electric locomotives and three former Italian diesel locomotives, At the present time the electric locomotives are being converted to diesel operation,, A short time ago 40 small locomotives for use in local stations v'ere brought from Germany., Repair and reconversion of rolling stock is proceeding successfully. .. Railway Construction and .ire ai.r: Ill railroad lilacs in Slovoni a are c.i.on ng a e present tin ; The most important reconstruction work is being carried out on the railroad line near 3orovraica. Plans had already been made before World car II to construct a detour line around the viaduct of Borovniaa for safety reasons, After the baubing of the Borovnica viaduct in 194 4,, the Germans built a new detour around it, The Yugoslavs are now building a new line making a larger detour and achieving a more gradual grade than the former 27 per cent slope. The detour begins at the railway station in Preserje and runs for eight kris on a roadbed six - seven meters high, Construction is difficult because of the soft ground, and engineers estiiate the detour will be completed by November 1A7a Many #'osriians are employed on this constriction. job - some being paid up to 6,000 dinars monthly .. zthile local. Slovenes were forced into labor brigades to wort without pay on the recently completed Brcko-Banovici railroad line in Bosnia. Another project, still in the planning stage, is that of electrifying Postumia to Zidani Most. It is expected that the the ra-Uroad line frorn necessary electricity will be obtained partly from Gorenjsko pourer plants and partly from Dravograd,, Labor S'ay S II Following are the pay scales of railroad employees: Unskilled worker 3,500 - 1800 dinars monthly Qualified worker tFnknown Train Workers Unknown Beginning office employees 1700 - 2000 dinars Employees in. 19th pay group 1800 dinars Employees in 9th group 2200 - 2600 dinars Employees in 8th pay group 2600 > 2900 dinars There are no family allowances as the wife is supposed to work also* Persons being trained in railroad schools receive 150 dinars monthly in addition to food, billeting and uniforms. 6. Attitude of Workers: Railroad workers in. Zone B are al-,lost all Slovenes ajers o, an appear to be extremely dissatisfied. As they almost all used by the Gercans to run the railroads they bectme `a accustomed to an efficiency which no longer exists in the Yugoslav railroad system, The personnel employed at the railroad station at Divaccia are especially hostile to the Tito regime and to the present methods employed in the Yugoslav railroads, Approved For Release, 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000200360006-8