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COUNTRY Chim SUBJECT ORIGIN 25X1X6 NTRAL INTEL GENCE GROUP I TEL IGENCE REPORT Economic Info tionz Southwest Fishing C r- cantc jpyvv DATE.- 25X1X6 INFO. 5700 DIST. 24 Janes 1947 PAGES I SUPPLEMENT 25X1A6a 25X1X6 in Note report outlined preliminary mono ry l:tai,rrpf ishinr &iong the South China coast A Flan-mou (It, i - ) and CH EN Chi-tp anp for the Purpose of ul 08: CIA-RDP8 ? F E CETt sfiages of rre tia.+' c:r3 or a acu,th vest fishing CoT nyto,be organized by generals .9 T Since theca little rrogress has been iade. The newly formed company has been un-- rt9tcce?:er;f zt:.l iii nepotiati nr. with the rov;=,rnment for the lease of Javanese fishing boats, left }},e Japanese in south flainan, where. they did considerable fishing ?nrinr their occl?;c,atlotx. These boats are no:?., b-ing kept in Yttlin. ! ay in South T;ainan (1O9-?:4, ifs-13), said to be tF:d best Q'curds South China. They ire under the control of General T50AI Chinn;-chinn ( r r ) KKanrtunges 14' ~..a't.~:.l. t~m1 r?ist,r zrl.vr: :_'Lice for the IJ nth Area (I:'a _nazz , o is also Ccmmander of iainan's Peace Freser.v,tien Corps. The fleet totals about 10,000 tens,- con- oi>tin;- of aprrcxir otely ^ixty-five steel bottcned boats and sere woodrn motorized ^_A) _nr wes:lel , "Ye bottors of the steel boat. are equir.r-ed r:ith steel net: and electric lIF I,ts. -fre: T e -sin 1-hackers of tie 't sh' nr corrany, Generals CII"N and YU, were close to ;- ach ether r?uring the days of the Sotrthricst rebellion (1931-19%) , of which (:R'' `13 then Governor of Kwan turn -, as the let der. The downfall of that Movement; how-aver, was caused lsrrrely t,y the action of General YU in deserting .-i-th ; s +?r oo;: to join with the Central Gove: riment in recovering control of Kveang- :un this T-ast difference between then, it Is still possible for them to work top'ether now if mutual profit is to be obtained. General CIPFN is known to have considerable strength, in view of his holdings in T-roperty, interests and industrial plants,) WARNING NOTICE: THIS Ch (EXCISED LIC RELEASE OF THIS DOCUMENT. to the States. 6Lt i.? /~~r~n n+~inr! Cnr Gnln~cn ~ 99/09/08: CIA-RDP82-00457R000EXwe On 13 Sertember 1946 a nreetinr of the directors of the Company was held.