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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
December 11, 1998
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Publication Date: 
January 28, 1947
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U.S. on t ' S O1m Approved For Release /09/08 : CIA RDP -00457ROI ~TVFiDF?sl7'I =-N Hungary I TELiI CE REPORT 25X1A2g f`' 25X1A6a 3N. FO_ 'a ..i112i,Y Din SUBJECT" I dfA 7x. Gvx on Hungarian Situation .. Isty Bade, triianga Tian Minister to London now enroute to Hungary,is carrying a message from ft -nest, Bsvin to Arp d Szakasistryleader, of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party., cautioning the Hungarian socialists that an exclusion of K 1 Payer and his followers in the coming party eon;rss would be a grave mistake that might lead to unpleasant con.e uen ese 2. when Bade advised Prime Minister Ferenc Nagy and Sakasits of his forthcoming trip, he was told that his presence just prior to the 31 January party congrws was inconvenient to the party leaders. Bede, however, feels that his presence is necessary at the congress in order to bolster the govern mast forces and restr m the Social Democratic Party from going along with the Com a nia? a on tha i r "witch hunt" in connection with the current conspiracy caace. Bede learned through friends n the Hungarian a'oreign a f ice that the present Comurist aim is to exclude from the foreign service &]2 who served under the former Prime Minister Mi klov JCallay. Included among others these would be Alaadar Szeged Ma zk in Waahi.ngton$ Forstner now Charge da fa s i n Warasaw, 1 -'atzl o Beak HHungaari representative in Vien , and Bede himself. . NOTICE: THIS DISTRIBUTION LISTING MUST 8E LXCISLD BETE PUIILIC R DOCUMENT. This dO; a>~rrc ~~ :4ze a rda Ji1 cc CCsS ')"- t i:~L in f from the SG .ter Ico to cle Co d L?in'lO BY: Lay-- 25X n i%3a+lTR94. F6 PLANS Arc' i: i e U -'j; va CLAsstFrcap't'tbN CONTROL US C'FICI T..S ;