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Document Creation Date: 
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 14, 1998
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Publication Date: 
February 10, 1947
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R000300450005-8.pdf58.05 KB
Approved For Release 1999/09768-"."CTA=RDP82-00457R000300450005-8 OFFICE OF Ci LLECTILN AND ISS ;y N TIE. 7I I ~INx':~I 'N BRANCH Dates I{E.l RANDUM.i KR: SUBJECT: Distribution of Report No. Personnel and-- Adrti.histrative Branch ATTN: Inforniattoi. Distribution Unit FR.Ji: Reading Center, Distribution Division, TThiErcis An closed ma3steno of above n 2. Please take necessary action EXTERNAL ST 'ATE 10 copies WAR 10 copies N.,VY copies FBI(thru LVB) J copies A AF cop4, 25X1A2g accomplish distribution as follows: IN] VERNAL copies copies GF NO T IlL 401- copies 3. Each copy is to be stamped as follows (unless unclassified): "This document contains information of ecLing the national defense of .the United States.' within the meaning of the ~spion,,2 t,ct, 50 U,S.C. 31 and 3?,. as ar nded,, Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner- to an unauthorized -person is prohibits d by law." 4. Kjpc ly endprse original of this ;,_enorandta as to action taken and return to undersigned. 25X1A9a 5. First 9-arban of this memorandum is to be endorsed as to action taken and stilt to. Chief, Source Control, S, h. r, seoon i carbon of this inemorandum is supp~.ied for your file =grid records or ultimate destruction. Material dispatched crj by Tnf I ctg. Chief, Dist. Div. 1st. .sn.dorscmerit U tom: /T CEHTRIiL REC ROB IND R T,'11 N DISTRIBUTI I'd UNIT, 351 South Build-,n Ap roved For Release 1999 2-00451`Qf0364tb'bb5-6ecord.s ~)hulf,27- 01771-77 M,,