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Dooument No. fl ' NoAp 9 94 : 24 : CIA-RDP82-00457R 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA REG. 77/1763 Date: Z 4r1A, ~ ~- By: 0 a I _ : (O gROL 'U.S. OFFICIALS OILY ENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP ITELUGENCE REPORT ui16-w Spain ~? UJECT Activitiea rand Opinions of Republican Military sIo,a in Spain 007700 DATE: INFO. DIST. 27 February 1947 PAGES 8 SUPPLEMENT 0W ON fiWim 25X1A2g Delo?r is information of early to mid-January 1947 on the activities and opinions of republican military men in Madrid. Apparently, efforts are being made to achieve agreement among the republican professional mili- tary men and to place them under a single command, It will be recalled that during the winter of 1946=46, a group called the Junta Militar vms established which had as its siren the organizing of republican military men ;ceder the I)efen,.qe Ministry of the Spanish Republican. Governm d 25X1 A2g Exil ,, (For previously distributed information on this body, see So far as is known, efforts to reform the central comm=a ttee of the Junta Militar, after the arrest of most of its leaders in M-.srch?1946, were unsuccessful, and the military men formed groups s ourrd such reran as Lt. Colonel Miguel Palacios and General Manuel .4atallana Gcmez. Reportedly, Palaoios" group maintains contact with the .lianza iacional. do Fuerzas Democraticas, and Palacios himself ahsro8 the opinions of the AN?D leaders who advocate collaboration with the uonarchists toward the establishment of a transition government. ? Atallona, on the other hand, maintains an intrensigeantly republican position?, considering that only a republic legally can follow the present regine. From the information which follows, it would appear that no a re.ent will be reached in the near future among the military men `chile the report in this sense may be described as inconclusive, it is beliE~ved that it will be of interest. offer of the Interior B~ili'_r to the Mile Government In early Jeauary, i'.lacios stated that various outstanding republican :J.1i',ary men had conferred and had weed to place themselves, from as :professional and technical viewpoint, at the orders of the Defense iniNtry of the Spanish Republican Ubvernment=iu-Exile.* Among the `:fepubiioan Armv men who had agreed to the proposal were Garcia Vallejo,, comment: since this report was written, Julio Just has been name M n per of Interior and Defense in the republican exile government, now headed by Rodolfo Llopis. General Juan Hernandez Say?abia was Defense Minister in Jose Giral's cabinet. Approved For Release I 99 . 'A-RDP82-00457R00030077 C.E1 TRAL INTi;LLIGENCE GROUP Muniz Prunes,,Gallego Calateyud, Fernando Casado and Major Castello. Aocolding to Palaoios, the military men recommended that a general staff be or anized inside Spain with cadres for the different sections. They bonsidered it most important that an intelligence section be established. They further recommended that the head of the interior ors~anitation be appointed by the Defense Minister, from. a list of persong submitted to him by republican military men of the interior. Adcorditg to Palaoio3, the consensus was that the most suitable man to head this military organization in Spain was General Matallana, in view of his prestige, his rank and his professional ability.* Opinions of Matallana 3n Source doubted that Matallana would accept the post suggested for him, since the general has characterized Palacios and his followers as "Alianeista collaborators" and has not been disposed to have anything to do with them? despite repeated overtures on the part of Palacios and Muniz Prunes to secure his cooperation. Source states that, in tfatallana's opinion,.it is entirely poaeible that in the past Palacios' military group might even have reached an undorstandin ;:with a high-ranking officer of thepresent regime, and might be under his orders at present. 4. During late Decembers Muniz Prunes tried to secure Matallana's cooperation for the formation of republican cadres, but the general was not responsive. He stated to a reliable informant that he distrusted the military men who were connected with the AITFD, that he considered the members of the Re- publican parties who form part of the coalition as deserters, and that he was skeptical of the republicanism of the Socialists and Cenetistas in the organization, 5. Matallana also conferred with the Conetista, Cipriano Mera, who during the Civil `tar was Political Commissar of the Fifth Army Corps, under the orders of Palacios. Matallana thinks well of i'iera, and hoped to learn through him the real position of the C?IT. The general urged Nera to do what he could to keep the CUT in the sphere of absolute republicanism and added that in his opinion the monarchists were deceiving the C'7T and exploiting the anti-communist phobia of the Confederation to their own advantage. Palacios? Statements on the Monarchists 6. Source states that despite Palacios' decision to offer to place himself and his group at the disposition of the Spanish Republican Government-in- Exile in a military sense, he still believes that an understanding must be ')IZVI AG., The following notes on General Matallana, while ragrnen dry, may be of interest. The material was received from a reliable source in Madrid and is based on the statements of various subsources: General idatallana attended the Infantry Academy of Toledo. He also has a law degree, and at present is employed as legal advisor by a construction company. At the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, he was aide to .general Miaja. Later, he assumed the post left vacant by ueneral Rojo on the General Staff of the hr-ay of the Center, when Rojo became Chief of the Central veneral Staff. He took part in the battle of Brunete and later in the withdrawal of the Army of the Levante. lie led the battle of Extremadura;. i4hen the Civil tiiar ended, he was Chief of the irmy of the Levante0 Two informants state that after his trial by the Nationalists, :.iatallana was saved from execution by the inter- vention of Franco Salgado, first cousin of the Jeneralissino. Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R000300770008-0 Approved For Release 1999/0 1 &EDP82-00457R000300770008-0 CMTRAL INT :LIaLTI E GROUP WS- reached between the monarohists and the leftists inside Spain. The following opinions expressed by Yalaoios on the monarchists may be of interest in that they are indicative of his political thinkinga In Palaeios' estimation, the monarchists may be divided into three groups: Those who share the opinions of Sainz Rodriguez, who are o pportniste and desirous of regaining the privileges which they enjoyed. previously and under the monarohy;?the followers hf Al Robles, who are "Vatieanistas" and are willing to go along with either a,monarehy or a republic; and those who adhere only to Don Juan, According to Palacios, the first group has very little strength, the second, represented in Spain by Jiminienio Carrascal, is losing ground, while the ?chird, headed by Yan uas ;esias and counting among its members many persons of outstanding ability and prestige, enjoys great esteem? 7 It is the last group, according to Palacios, which is endeavoring to reach an accord with the Alianza Rational do Fuerzas Uemocraticaso The A"'FD, as representative of the leftists, looks to this group as a strong and liberal sector, although the organization considers that the defeat of the monarchy in a plebiscite is certain. As of 8 January, an agreement was under discussion, Palacios stated, between the A' FD and this monarchist groupo Re said that the monarchists:.:dnd leftists think that Martinez Barrio should appoint a representative of the Republic to sign the pact when accord has been reached,-and added that a request thttt such designation be made had been transmitted to -Paris. S. When source asked him whether or not he considered T'dartinez Barrio as representative of the continuity of the legitimately established regime, Palaeios-stated that, in his opinion, it was not clear whether by the elections of 1931 the people of Spain rejected the monarchy as a form of governments or merely rejected Alfonso XIII as king;, SE LT CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R000300770008-0