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Document Creation Date: 
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 12, 1999
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Publication Date: 
March 31, 1947
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R000400660002-7.pdf107.88 KB
Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00 Wi:ine `1 a - _ ~ 140 c ji las CCNFIDE : d letter e C^ D : re !"tos Arc: , "v:., 8 fro,. i ~'_e;::3ence i_ CENTRAL INT L UGE CE GROUP 1NTEWGENCE REPORT COUNTRY Lebanon SUBJECT Oon mist Activities, 25X1A6a ORIGIN 25X1X6 25X1X6 0660002- u.11-c DATE. 25X1 X6 INFO. DIST. 31 March 197 PAGES 25X1A2g SUPPLEMENT - The Central Cormitte,; of the Lebanese Communist Party has stated that its total election ewes for the cowing campaign will amount to a total of 25,000 LS, budgeted as follows: (a) Propagauda printing, speeches, meetings... e .... 5#000O IS (b) Transports ~ / a n ?r.. r 60006000060.004**0i..a..10S1000 * ~3 (e) Tips ........... ??....?...??i!.!il..... xs:xv %.#V,......, 4--V 19. up uu ,arow Ei:Lgn;. -co nine waasanu Syrian pounds; 2,5X1 X6 M the Soviet Legation will provide the balance. 25X1 X6 Comment: ii though the amount to be spent by the Communist Party apparently is low, it, is stated that the Communists are not running entire lists,but are merely backing one or two candidates on a list; in add- Lion, the party itself could not easily raise more than ten thousand pounds from its own berahip. it is reported that iliere were two meetings in Beirut? one on 1 Februar7 25X1X6 at the house of Nigola Shawip the other on 3 February in the house of Sarid Kasan, a nzuktitar of the Mi zra' quarter. The meetings were attended by the following Beirut htars, all of whom are Cotmuuni:ate: 'Abdo-al-Salem Aris of the Bath ah quarter, Jurrji Mitri Jinhu of the Iusaitbah quarter, Michel Sfeir of the Mina I Husn qa, Lrter and 'Abd-al,-Rahman Fakhuri of the Dar Mprei sah quarter. 25X1 X6 At these meetthga, the Shi'$ Commw st Hashim Amin, Niqola Shawl., and Hasan Cureitem discussed the coming elections and emphasized that it was the duty of the Commaniist Part~y,of the Friends of the Soviet Union and of the Lebanese- :,x...:.~....~:.iW ~:li' to +su~,po ~ Y ~=^ `~',~ t ^ ~ ryc rt party-backer candidates and insure their election. 25X1 X6 ~ Comment: In delivering the vote, the mckhtars can function as ward bosses, and therefore are-Important politically0 Mukbtars are either Christian, Moslem or Armenian, depending on the population of the quarter. Where the population is dared, there are several mukhtars of different religious belieta0 25X1A9a - X A D P. fC is s~ 3~ - . . Go 7 , TION a S JQ DSO FBK c 4 JU . Asa. ? EFOR p ~ ~-_f P041~ REl S _ T IIS CUME ~ rte! c~a~Release~ t .3 17-1 rap 8Pf3&~. (~$ c1AssI_~JPArIoNSE 25X1A9a