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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
February 1, 1999
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Publication Date: 
May 19, 1947
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R000600050008-6.pdf91.91 KB
050008-6 25X1A2 CENTRAL LUKE. GROUP U'ITE IGEN E REPO irr CO t9NTR Chile SU8JEe,T Comunist Activities in Chile 25X1A6a ORI 1 25X1X6 DATE: 25X1A6a INFO. - 3.9 DDIST. 19 ay 1947 PAGES SUPPLEMENT An internal split has developed in the Ch:",leen Communist Party, according to a source, believed to be reliable, reporting on 17 April 1947. As an exa'ple of this split source cited the approval of raiises in gas, electricity, and tele- phone rates during the first week of April* When the measure was discussed at the c mmiti;ee level, members of the Com-..unist Party on the committee approved the raises. Yet, when the measure was discussed in the Cabinet, the Communist members of the Cabinet were completely opposed. Aocoa?c1ing to source, forces within the party are lining up either for or against Carlos Contreras Laabarca4 Those favoring Contreras desired his r-.aipnak.icn from his post, at thet date, of tinister of Public Works and his return to active leadership of the Paar?ty. His opponents wish to see him expelled from the Party, in which case Ricardo Fonseca would remain as head, under the control of Gaalo Gonzalez and Humberto Abar eti. 25X1A2 Approved For Relea 1.9 /08 : CIA-RDP82-00'4 2. Source also reported that Communist Party members who were assigned a specific mission for the Party were being required to deposit their membership cards before carrying out their mission'. Thus in the event of difficulties with the police, no document identifying thorn with the Party would be found on their persons 3. A drive was being launched by the Communist Party to recruit five hundred individuals of a higher class than those now acting as rank and file organizers. ;7r?~+ This It ;o.lta' .l15 ? Lifori.qu,".iiI' t y n'Lio i'ai deS" eat:e oftriry. 1I'r ? cn=oS .,ho a a . -k I. I U.S.C. 31 andjiiiW anended, its transmission or t ation of its c?nta me in any manner unauthorized person is prohibited by laws Document No. 95 NO CHANGE in Class. ^ ro aimwow- DECLASSIFIED 'IV Class. CHANGED TO: TS S V DDA memo, 4 Apr 'i'i V C'~N~ Auth : DDA R"G. 77L17 63 Date BY: --~.0_., Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : ClA-RDP82_0IftA