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Domment 1ioApA9ved For Release 1999/09/08 : C NO rn"j6 'n Class. P. ti.FrrD litho ? Auth Date .00457R000900WW61-90 CON L L Ltr.Q. letter ei 14 :Cr 1,;;;-.3 Vora tle Director c; Itosrice to the Archivist of the: Unite Next Review Date: 2008 COUNTRY Mita SUBJECT Political roi*tioz ctivities and Plana of Koremns in Manchuria ENThAt NTELLIGENCE: INTELUGENCE REPORT ORIGIN 3 IT% y 1947 ?AGES 2. SUPPLEMEOT ATTACEMr3: 25X1A2g 'McCune -Reischauer raaanization or 1, In Aprla 1946 a group of 15 Koreans went to Mukden headed by LI Paek-ktgl. ) to establish there a branch offlee of the Korean ProVlsional GoPai.nment, Wham-I:hal. Note: Korean Pr 071.s i or:4a 1, government Representative air ov,p is probably ni- as the lc.p'G was' disbnde.d in -April 1946,,) F-2 2 in januarY- 1947 a tIpl it occurred 1tLii this Exlanizatit.m which was the outcome of a strained relationsh4 between LI Paek-kun and_-PAIC.PW.1715.2 4,)` .;?,11( ) (also Imam as POKE Tseng-il ? )0, 'thie-f of the KRG, LI felt that 11.! had been un- tairly criticized .bir PAL,: oho 'aad accused hir-. k.eeping in- e fficient, mer,i in the Mukden office ites -"then replaced by Kuanf; -;410' '46.1 ) (Shanghai Nate z LI Kuang- shall 41 J.L) ) isador - of ?the long U Association and underground t'iorker in Korea -for the To'.P4 in 1919? ) vh .110,3 heads the Ifulvion office of the KRG ith only four o the ro aho -i;urn ,i-te ad st0.b.- rariche s, onein ChaYlgchun? one in Saupingchist (124 43i)) and two in Eirira 126-'42s 4j-50) Eleven others re signed ziti LI -Pdek4;ain and Ilre presently associv?tted, YUP,ng ,* however; will lea joln forces with LI Peek Paek-kun's clique is i-,ivities directed at Nor 25X1X6 25X1A6a 25X1X6 F-3 rfle-- rens:In:1,dg four under LI the et and s -,;e nee ac? 3. LI*gra duatad from infantry' ClaWs- kiTt - - Schco.L. Chung,king and later ? fret 'the Generaj..Ltii Train-log s'elloox cif the Chine se Military Affair s- Comm is ion in Chungking Some 1;i,rp.e before the Llino-3apanese Incident 7-(2917?)? he held the post of vice-chief in the Y01.73V ::1?Crl'4 GrOZp of the Korean ucin ( 0- 2.49. ) Nara From "? Angust 1945 to 28 %PratTeal4idlitg1ae 1999/09/08 : CIA-RB .0 'IA- NTIM h iv fl*Ctztrlet 1" I ft r. 25X1A2g Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600310006- Mil April 19464 he was commander of the Patrol Troops attached to the General Headauarters of the Korean Kuanfu Army in Chungking. At the same time he was given the post of Chief of Police Affairs apartment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Korean Provisional Government? which post he still theoretically holds? even though he has broken with the KPG (KRG) in Mukden. F-2 4. Closely associated with LI Kuang and the KRG is the Korean Inde- pendent Partys headed by KIM Hak-kyu C4- Ofti )s in Mukden. ? 0-1 LI Paek-un, formerly commander of the Military Police of 25X1X6 i:orean Restoratfton Aroy in F.hanghai, went to MukOen in March 1946 to organize the KEA in Yanchuria, Ho was connected with the Korean Representative Group in Eukdens but was ousted by General WANG 11-so ( 4 ), then oh of of the Korean Affairs Sections MCC? Mukdon, on the advice of PAK: Nam-pa and un Hak-kyu? LI had been kept in po3er by his group of strong-arm men. General 1;:ANC had these men jailed? thereby forcing LI Paek-kun to resign. 6. LI Paok-kun was in Hange:low and iunmixv for short periods during the ware fle was never in Chungings but might have tried to give that impression, among ha acquaintances in Manchuria in order to enhance his prestige. He made a short patrol into the interior against the Japanese s but was never attached to the patrols of the 'a.Rit in Chungking. za0.14011t-ungl C-2 C-3- 0 On 23 March 1947 K.:1; Ji R -ung-a.a., ,04.AuL. is a Korean colonel in the Chinese National Armys came to Shanghai on his way to Manchuria. Ills plan was to set up an intelligence net in Manchuria directed against Communists and Zovieta in North Korea and the Dairen area. The project was to i Orectet/ by KIM under the guidance of General Ch'ong-ell'on ( 4 71,k ), commander of the YEA. LL:E's plans changed however? and he is now in South Korea Ilith RI1E ynR-man. ;:IfF; plan Is now in abeyance, 7.nstead? Lir is to go to Antang (12A-22p/1.0-07) to join the 52nd National Aroy as e G-2 officer, with 'which ho has served in the past as well as with the 29th Route Army guerrilla fo.oces. His mission will be the trisband- meat of the LlIG in Manchuria, UP ' KIM is to be qccempanied, by WZ Un-ch'ung (A 1%!..A A:71 ) and Colonel CHANG Elinv, (a. 192 )s a Chinese. KIM Un-ch'ung joined the IG in January 19471 hd'resigned a, generalship in the Chinese National Airforce on 14 April 1947. He is to be the chief of the KRG during its disbandment. Colonel CHANG, former commander of Military Police Headquarters in Chiuchiang (116-05,029-43), is to be the Military Police commander of the 52nd Army in. Antung, KIM Ji-ung to recruit in 3.'aenchuri to rebuild ung was to up an a.omy, small. The armies for oolumn. had also planed to go to.Uiju (Gishu) .(124-32,40-12) students for training in the Chinese National armies a. This was part of a general plan of General LTZ's the ichA :tn.Manchuria. KIM Hak-kyus with whom KIM Ji nave worked, is already using studeot refugees to build, although the number of students recruited to date is plan was to have the students trained in the National a year;, then to send them back to North Koren as a fifth c:ONI01 .,ITIATICONTROI. U.S. ? OFFICIALS ONLY WARN ? E: THIS D Approved Ft.( TING MUST BE 1