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Document Creation Date: 
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 15, 1998
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Publication Date: 
October 10, 1947
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R001000030012-8.pdf94.36 KB
T: i 3 document contains informatio" of the nations 1 defense of tie Uni' -S~tateAppt iirFotW&ieasB>'1:bnW0 P82-00451100100003 the Es nags fat 50, U.S.C. 31 a~a 32 as am ed. Its transmission i, the revels of its contents in my manner to unauthorized person is prohi tedCENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 1)y laws ATUL1FA1INTELLIGENCE REPORT COMM China SUBJECT lfilitary Information: Anticipa~.ed Com*n,ni st Offensive in Manchuria 25X1A6a ORIGIN 1. The Nationalist Northeast Command Headquarters believes that the Con unists can- not start a new offensive before tic--3eeptember because of heavy rains in Manehurin. The Nationalist Northeast Cow Headquarters believes this will be' a small-scaler attack as the Communists have not recovered from losses suffered in June and are ,still replacing and training troops. They believe the major offensive will be in November and December as the Coal mists are more accustomed to the severe climate? DATE: fNFO. As stated /0 DIST. If October 194 PAGES 1 SUPPLEMENT 2b 10 ?Epterber 25X1X6 This observer's opinion is that the movement of. the Communist 2 Column appears We forerunner of an attack on Kirin. By taking Kirin the Comuni.sts would control the railroad from. Kirin to M:eihokou, enabling them to supply their troops directly from leihokou to Hsian (125-09, 42-54) and surrounding arQas. If an attack comes the Comminii.sts would probably use the following troops: the 6 Column, Independent 1, 3s 4, 5, and 6.Divisions, 24 and 25 Brigades, New 6 Divisicn and the 1 Garrison Brigade., Total strength would approximate 50,000. The Communist 2 Column at Huralte could prevent troops in Changchun from moving to assist the Nationalists in Kirin by their presence in the area and if nec e-,sarst could make harassing attacks' on Changchun. The Communist 1, 3, and 4 Columns control the area roughly extending from 11eihokou to Hsian to Nankouchien (124-35., 42-00) which would prevent the Nationalists frcdu the Mukden-Kaiyuan-Ssupingchieh sector from moving northeast to reinforce Kirin. Since the Nationalists have their main strength marshalled for a Communist attack on Seupingchieh or for a push west by the 1 and 3 Columns,, Kirin appears to be the ideal target* This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the CLASSIFICATION 8,,,. Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008