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Approved For Release 1999/09108 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00100 "OV TIA;4 CONTROL a. S. O ALS ONLY COUNTRY Koran 25X1A2g CENTRAL INTELL!G GE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT SUBJECT Political Informat .one Controls in Worth Korea 25X1A6a ORIGIN 25X1X6 FATE: INFO. ctob 25X1 X6 0WST. I er f47 FACES 2 SUPPLEMENT 25X1A6a xn+4. cam,- Ject. 25X1A2g 1~ The only requisites for traveling in North Korea are a personal identification card and a cholera aerti#i4ate. All persons must receive cholera shots before making a trip. Written permission from the traveler's "section" leader is desirable but not nycessary and most travelers do not bother to obtain it. Each district in North sores is divided into "sections", each "section" usually consisting of but 20 families. 2. Inspections by un.i,f or;n d ~mbere of the Railway Constabulary (Ch'ol To eng A lee / ?x I15tt ) are being conducted in all railway stations. Usually an i~4o?or its )next to thO ticket seller and all ticket purchasers are required to sho~ar him their identification cs,rda and cholera certificates bef c:'..a a ticket can be pur,3hased-. The i.rapection is superficial, except when the purchaser is considered suspioious. Those regarded as Ruspi.cious are generally young people between the ages'of 16 and 23 who do not belong to any "o:.fioial" (?North Xoreasn soa-sun.iat Government anonsored) organization or :,:hoee persons carrying a isrge amount, or a peculiar kind, of luggage. Such questions as the fo.).Iowirsg are usxatt?.1y asked: "Are you a member of any politioa.l party or offiolal organization?" "If not, why not?" "Where are you going?" ",What. is the purpoeio of your trio?" Members of the Railway Constabulary also move :shout in the s-ration ,.;0fo?6 train time and often question persons who are per xg for trains. 3,; The.?,,, are foar or i i -ee inspectors an each train. Almcst all the inspeotors on th eiina are in uc.if:rsi.. Only two plait clothes inspectors were personally obser;rad on trainn in Norte Korea during ;:ulya These were on a train running betwasn Pyongyang ;tiei.1o) (12b-44, 39-01) and Chongju (Taisho) (125A12p 59-42), The inspectors do not ride the same train from its point of origin to its fine .. destination, but aye replaced by other inspectors along the route. The inapec,;urs go through the entire train and question all suspicious persons? However, the number of persons queationed its very lour in proportion to the number of passengers. Probably not =care than one out of every ten passenge---;r is questio:ied. CLASSI iCATION CO Ih.L CONTROL U, S. OFFICIALS ONLY DDA Morn AutAp~ 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP82-00457R001000030014-6 nacument No. OZ/ NO CHANGE in Gass 0 PECLASSTFIEIJ Class. CHNGI-i~ 70: ?S Approved For Release 1999/09708 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000030014-6 25X1A2g .--1i5A iitliL INILLLIGbY CE GROUP in the railmay station at liamhung (Kanko) (127Y-32, 39-54) there is a branch t ffice of the Railway Constabulary. Suspicious passengers are often removed from trains at this station and questioned in this office by a uniformed member of the Rnilvad Constabulary who seems to be primarily interested in ascertaining whetter the person under suspicion is familiar with the information contained on hic r-ersonal identification card. the questioning in conducted in a very informal ma;.s; c r . 6d For an individual or a.fa-ily in North Korea to move from a residence in one section to one in another section is a difficult and involved procedure. A permit must first be obtained from the leader of the section from which the individual or family is moving and must be signed by the leader of the.distriot. After moving into the nev.. residence, the individual or family must submit the permit to the.nev section leader who forwards it to his district leader. 6,. Al:_ ;.otel keepers are required to keep a register of their guests and to ohtaa al' reformation contained on the gue?t's identification card. At 20OU hours eve:_ evening this information is turned over to the Peace Preservation Corps (Pc L . , - Tae / ~ _ ! V which checks the information and investigates any guest who has aroused suspicion. 7? The order issued by General K1!,. I1-sung in April 1947 requiring any family having en overnight visitor to register the visitor with the section leader is not teing ri;;idly enforced. There have been many violations to which little or no attention has been paid. affectin ocumelat Contains information United State's national defense of the the Espionage Act; n the meaning of 32 as amended, Its tra 1.S.0. 31 and revelation of its contents ion or the to an unauthorized person is pro by law, CCNir ,:'PILL, CC' TRC L ?v30 OF'n C cm manner ted !PENcE CENTER Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000030014-6