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Publication Date: 
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WRILITRw , ^A _- _- _-- _ _ - .J r - -- ^ - I - - - - A /CONTROL ~+\.~f1 AA A Cort'FIBEMiMF CENITP L INTELLIGENCE GROUP r.Y ta....- 3 n ra 41 INTELLIGENCE REPORT COUNTRY Greece SUBJECT Police Inspector Rakind jis Tsgraded # e ORIGIN SOURCE 25X1A6a doocment t n acco dance~roV the This ~.~,casC1AL e. tare _ 41., the 'W- 0 1 TO 12tte ctor o~ Ce1~trUn~tedi~s. of the ,.,a 25X1X6 DATE: LNF DIST. O1October 1947 PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT 25X1X6 25X1A2g 1. A campaign will be launched soon in the Center Press against Police Inspector- Rakindjis,former Chief of the General Security Section, Athens Police. He has been replaced by Inspector N. Tsaoussis. 2. Accusations against Rakindjis are expected to consist of the following: a. His officers caused the death of a Greek named Grigoratos who died while under questioning by General Security in connection with the theft of certain arms from a government warehouse. b. For the illegal release of a long wanted criminal, a nationalist outlaw named Kalabalikis, wanted for crimes committed against C=nunists and their families in the Bolos area and on whom a reward of 15 million drachmae had been set. Arrested in Athens by police officers under Reis and, at Rakindjis' orders, he was quietly released and replaced in jail by the latter's brother. Shortly thereafter, the brother was released in due course. The two police officers who arrested Kalabalikis, peeved over the loss of the 15 nt3llion drachmae reward, have probably stirred up the matter. c. For arresting innocent people and exiling them since, of the nearly 15,000 persons who were- arrested and exiled,a very large percentage of them was not Communist. The indiscriminate arrests of many of these people is being blamed on the fanaticism and extremism of Rakindjis. 25X1A6a Comment: 1. It has been reliably reported that because omr1po ce stupidity and political ineptitude thousands of truly innocent individuals were herded off to the islands to exile. A shockingly large number of cases in which innocent persons had been turned into the police by members of various royalist organizations such as "]C", for QQW.,X r ;om Jealousy or ,CLASSIFICATION ARMSr CONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS O?LT -RDP82-00457R001000040006-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : Cl CONTROL yy, frustration in a love affair to the desire of a landlord to rid himself of undesirable tenants, have been disclosed. 2. On the other hand, in the rush and haste of the new :;Sinister of Public Order to rectify the gross injustices of the :ass arrests, '.stakes are bein, made and some proved officials of the Communist Party are being released. 3. Conditions on the islands, confirm all earlier reports that the Cormnunists had managed to organize the exiles on a co ununity basis and were putting across intensive propaganda. Although some of the innocently exiled individuals had the patriotism and the strength of character to excuse the gov- ernment's action, there were many Who considered their exile as figuratively the last straw. The locking up of low level members, sympathizers, alleged sympathizers, and plain suspects, has played directly into the hands of the Communist Party. A reliable report of the minutes of a top level meeting among a handful of the major communist leaders,held immediately following the arrests reveals considerable satisfaction over the arrests especially since the people had not had the foresight at least to conduct immediate spot interrogations of the more ortant members of the party as they were arrested.) This document contain affebting the nations United States with the Espionage A q 32 as mended the revela manner proh 25X1A2g Tformation Tense of the e meaning of 0, U.E.C. 31 and s transmission or h' of its contents in any an unauthorized person is ed by law. s * /CONTROL U. S. OF] ICL1LS ONLY [EEERE Q CENTER LIUGRY Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000040006-4