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Publication Date: 
October 22, 1947
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25X1A2g Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457RO01000 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 1205;5 INTE W-1 1-01' RfRT COUNTRY Chile SUBJECT Suspension of Publication of Santiago Tabloid Newspaper Extra ORIGIN 25X1A6a 25X1X6 DATE: INFO. DIST. 25X1A6a October 1947 PAGES SUPPLEMENT The Santiago tabloid newspaper Extra suspended p.:.lication last week for an indefinite period. ], Santiago's Catrmnmic t Party newspapex, printed and supported &Ktr&, which has been operating at a lcra for some mon'!s. The circulation had diminished to an approximate thr 3 thousand daily subscribers despite a reduction in price to one peso, and the advertising lineage had fallen to fifty centimeters dailyc The page" was report idly losing five thousand pesos per day. 2. Officials of 9121910 claim that over 500,000 pe:ys were lost in the thirteen months' operation of gj,. A few months ago 91 suspended all such advances to WE& due to the latter's failure to .maintain its circulation, but they continued to print the paper free of charge. Last week the Central Committee of the Connunist Party ordered Americo Zorilla, administrator of F i, , to notify publishers of &tra that they would no forger print or gra t credit to that paper. Juan de Luigi, editor of Qj&M,, attempted to obt# in funds from Rud.ecindo Ortega, Radical Party leader and Comiunist sympathizer, , on the closing of the newspaper seemed imminent. Ortega agreed to work with =. for an experimental period of one month in order to see if the newspaper could e reorganized. He put in a small amount of capital (estimated at seventy-ti.a thousand pesos), but at the end of the month the financial condition was una"I:ered. Do Luigi is now attempting to obtain capital from Roberto Wacholitz, former Chilean. Finance AM.inister, but it is considered unlikely that the :aewspaper will ~ c sume publi- cation ociment contains information Auth: A.NV-G,/ 77%1763 Date. By; !*L;1 L~ CLASSIFICATION affec United S A the Espi