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/,) A roved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0010003 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 12130 COUNTRY Argentina/Mexico/Bulgaria/Spain QA 25X1A6a 41, IFO. SUBJECT Bulgarian Communism .. Comments by Lombardo Toledano while in 25X1A6a ORIGIN 25X1X6 ",ST. .ref: October 1947 PA ' ;s 2 SU ' PLEMENT 1. Lombardo has returned recently to Mexico after attending an International Labor organization meeting in C eneva. while in Europe, he visited Bulgaria, spending some t ie investigating Communist labor procedures as applied in tha Russian satellite country. The main purpose of Lombardo's visit to Bulgaria was to contact directly the Communist Prime Minister, Georgi Dizzaitrof. 2. The writer of the letter, a Bulgarian Commun+ it, informed the Buenos Aires group that, as a result of his several meetings with Toledano, he now felt sure of the Influence of Bulgarian Communists '.n international Communist circles, per.tiaulf r1y lix Latin America. 'bledano is reported to have praised Cristo (onev; ky and Trot as Davidov, Bulgarian Communist leaders In argerk Ana.. Speak?.ng to the head of,Bulgarian Trade Unions in Sofia, Toledano is quoted as saying,. "I am greatly impressed with Bulgaria, and at last I understand what constitutes a real democracy of tbie peopl.c...1 think Bulgarian Communists are excellent leasers and very good organizors...Bulgaria and South American eour?tries have a common. enemy--American imperialism. With the active: help of American. workers, we will be able to conquer that enemy." 3. When the Secretary of the Bulgarian Trade Unions cuestioned Toledano concerning the role of American workers if a war against the Soviet were declared, Toledano answered - 7at the workers of Latin America will not allow an attack on So;. a.et or satellite countries. He further said that should an attack take place, Latin American ports would be paralyzed. 4. Toledano stressed the importance of close co- ".aboration in. Latin America with: (a) the workers and their pro-Ceram.un.ist organizations, (b) the Slav movements, and (c) the Spanish Fu-publicans. In con- nection with the last group, Toleda. o Insist, (; on this point in a conversation with the head of the Balgerian~. panish Society in Sofia. Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. [] DECLASSIFIED CIASSI Class. CHANGED TO: T Auth: DDr; e G. 77111'763 Date. 1 9APR978 f 1; a 9 U, L.....) Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000340001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000340001-6 25X1A2 0 -T1_ .tL 11T-711,10 ::ICE at oui 123309 ~. This letter in re^ortrd to have mide a profound impression upon the Bule-rian roue in Buenos aires, one, to h ve occasioned a lon- di!'cussion. Geno inoher, local Bulgarian Communist leader, summed up the discussion .-Ath. the corn? ent thsit "Toledano'a vie!-;s r--re proof of our nehievemsats." This document contains info tio affecting the national def*~ns he United States within the of the Espionage Act, 50 4. 31 and 32 as amended. ranee asion or the reve3ati its contonts in any canner unauthorized person is pro t0' lair. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000340001-6