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II, Bspio as revelation 0 e doon?nt contaiR:is informaati n /09/08 :CIA-RD ZNUI ft1e.0W1nW#fftV Act 50, U.S.C, 31 and 32, S lim transmission or the t s Contents in an c? h tts nnTmrt*v reef~4r esnaer to an person Is prohibi 1 1awQ _tJos 1MY China UN I L I N 1 LL ET S 13JFC1 Politioel Informations Miscellaneous Information on Shangbai Soviet Officials 25X1A6a O IN are x en anti--Bolshevik. Shendri.kvris sincerity in obtaining a ~Doviet passp:'rt and in supporting Soviet gx~oupa is doubtful. It is thought that he will never go to th * USSR but will proceed ?=e~nar or later to '"7r ay. He ha3 gained sons influence among Shang- hai Soviet l.eaderts and is reportedly one of Consul General Khalin@s close friends6 ncv4 A n- lac. Shendrikov i :c : r d his Swriet citizenship papers in 1946. Prior to that time he was one of the most active Russian emigres in Shanghai and had worked In close cooperation with the late General G. ]I. Seruenov. Sheredriikov belongs to a Cossack family; his brothers lawyer E. N. Shandrikov remains d t letter c f Director C 25X1X6 `l:".Xl ~me1ov t ii5 h14 'a sumed name of Lt. Colonel Nekrasov from the Vladivostok Repatriation Off ce0 He went to Ne.hodka in charge of the first echelon of repatriates on the Iliche fie formerly served with the MVD /Irinietry of ;nterntx Affairs% Frontier Troops. r It is rumored that he is again Iii Shanghai, but there is no coi!ir;untion rf the rum or. s a reliable and well--informed person with a university law degree. -6 He e haascs bee n n a resident of China for more that forty :ears . In Harbin he caned a flour mill, many oil refineries, and a spirits factory,, and was a part Owner in various other intt"s rues a including one factory where his associate was a Japanese subject named Tal da. I3or?odin gradually lost most of his fortune and finally r"led to Shanghai Hoping to regain his lost holdings in '"anchuriaa he began to take an active role in Sort activities. i,a IS not optimistin about conditions in the WSR for form z' e:niares., Mrs. Nip 5Sl nko wife of the pror inent Shanghai nghai Soviet l awrrera P. P @ Shev- chenka PON" is an intimate friend of hrs. Petrov. They are both Ukranians, They a e knca to ha-re b =n chi l.dhno d frie s aid are r-er?A,1 Yf thought to be related. 25X1 X7 CLASSIFICATION 0811110-T CONTROL 25X1X6 Aa ass edor Potrov is a' soci. ble rnan aria very devoted to his family. anian9 his wife' .? motive tong ue s is spoken in the home a Petrov does not appear to be interested, in other women,, but spends as h time as possible with his w1fe and children. He is very reserved and quiet, depending on his wife for social contacts. She hao a sound knowledge of Soviet politics ane her practical ad- vice has often saved him from serious embarrassments. App NW%001 '11 IL001L.1 19 A x.763 1499 8 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000400004-6 P82-00457R001000 0 25X1A2g DATE: 25X1A6a INFO. GIST. ?,rg October 1947 PAGES 1 document is hereby regraded TI A L to a ccordance with the aqw4aamha. --- 3PPLEMENT