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wuvu=wr+& conr;a m iat'oi*fttiaa saw WMWr to an unauti a- --- Do"= If p ibired 1aw 25X1 X7 COUNTRY China SUBJECT ORIWN ENTRAL INTELLIGE CE GROUR Political Information: P. P. 3 25X1A6a 25X1A2g DATE: 25X1A6a INFO. DIST, October 1947 PAGES 1 SUPPLEMENT 25X1 X6 in accordance with the Director of Central man Activities of letter of 16 CONE r graduated at the saner time from the Vostochni Institut in V divostok and that Petrov later took post * uate courses in Petrograd (na~a Leningrad) Univer_ sity, where he finally became a professor. Shevchenko was made an "adviser" to the Shanghai Soviet Consulate, and has sometimes served. there as an interpreter, Unconfirmed rumors have always followed him to the effect that his favorable financial situation is asred by a secret source. He has a relatively small circle of Rue i en sari of the Consular Section of the Tokyo Embassy.) Upon receiving these papers, after VAT Day One of the'ost active members of the Shanghai Soviet Ci 'n g coci became and the Soviet Citizens, Club. o atzon Shevehenko is a personal friend of Soviet AAbassador A. Petrov, at present reported to be returning to China from the USSR. It is difficult to,determine thn basis of this friendshtp. Shevchanko ha. t Id f an~peakxng friends and never 25X1 X6 appears to be interested in political s problems. He has Chinese friends in both Kirin and Shanghai. It is possible that he is interested, not in Soviet aspirations in the tar last, but only in routine Chinese--Uoroiet matters. - -- - - - -- 1. P. P. Shevchenko: prominent Soviet lawyer in Shangi , graduated from Vladi- vostokle Vostoehni Institute (Eastern Institute a university established for persona with a knowledge of law and the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Mon- golian la uages. In 1922 he and his family migrated with other White Russian emigres to Kirin. Re also spent several years in Ilarbin, where he made his living by teach ng in various Russian schools. ii n Shcavchenico returned to Kirin he became a teacher of Russian in the Chinese Kirin University. During his twelve gears in Kirin he perfected his knowledge of the Chinese language and received the legal right to practice lava. 20 In 1936 Shevchenko was compelled by the Japanese to leave Kirin, this time he had been accused by some white Russians of conspiring with the Soviets however, he was even then a member of the Par Salt rn UkranianSeparatist; Movement. 3, In Shanghai Shevchenkko became a member of the Chinese Lawyers' Association and soon built up a lucrative practice. He retained his membership in the Ukranian Separatist Movement. 4. During the war Shavchenko app' ied for Soviet citizenship papers through who was visiting' Shanghai. (I~ alin was th h Khalin, . oY AftF 77 v ._ 7 _ 3 1978 from the ocument is hereby regraded to ii JR LiBkAJ Y -CIA-RDP82-00457ROOTGO`040