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Publication Date: 
October 29, 1947
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25X1A2g Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00100040 C ; RAL.:1 NT DATE: 25X1A6a INFO. DIST. rOctober 1947 PAGES SUPPLEMENT SO 7780 to Ivica Krsul cla ins to be President of the Union Yugoeslava. Ln La Paz, Bolivia, on organization which was recerxt2y formed by Yugoslavs who had with&-awn frcan the Union Eslava. Krsul statcd that this new organization Ia anti-Co=-nmiatic, and thet the x minder of the Union E.slava, since the withdrawal of the Yugo. slave, is C c aun_isic-s3 na d. According to Krsul, most of the La Paz Yugoslav colony is v ith him., excep ; for Pave]. Sogvi c, who was one of the leaders of tho Union Eslavra. Krsui ar..d Segvic have recently had a falling out. 24 Krsul Intends to fight the passant C-overm ent of Yugoslavia. To carry out this plans he has announced the founation of ttio corporationst C??rporacion Inter- nacional Financiera de EspecUculos, S.A., and Bolivia Sono .Fi m, which Will have as their purpose the creation of a native Bolivian film industry. The oa npe will attempt to make,, docul ntarrr films based upon he cuato? ,, natural beauty, and native literature of Bolivia. Krsul is being asoisted in his cinematic enaeav ors by an Arg :.ntine rational named Rudy Nusera. 3. Kul also plans to construct a broadcasting station,in La P which will. be stronger than ai' thing to=own lox ally. Rio new station, to b? bated in the Edifier{ Yugoeslatm, will be on of 15 kilowatt atrengt?h am will be part of h18 pr ? aganda chai.xr bend at Yugoslavia.. Stations are alsi~ envisaged for Chile and Argentina. 25X1A6a 25X1A2g In it tt-a_s reported that the Union Ealavb -j had been conpiete dlsoo"ived In August 1947, a daunt contains information of e the national defense of the ,thin the neaning of the 31 and 32, am 'elation of its contents is r 77 /1763 -doom By. United S Espionage Act ewe deralo Its tr to an authorized person is pErc- by l aw0 NFIDE~,~IA! CLASSIFICATION Qdv~ raded to ocurnent is herebdya c with the o AL in act r a from the `c:ober 1..78 _ sF,n '?`~ -. Cents+' 'Dirac*.or ef. United Next Review Date: 2008 COUNTRY Bolivia SUBJECT Recent Activities of Ivnca Arsul 25X1A6a ORi3t1! 25X1X6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000400009-1