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domeent contains information affect the'll*ti"lail, th Fort VoiliftelhAtO ,,,Aasang t Espionage U.S 000 31 and sion or the nts in uthorised viers?hibited. iii61A-RDP82-00457R001000410010-8 32, as amended. Its tr reviletion of its ter manner ct? I COUNTRY China iiiirruii CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT 25X1 A2g 11111263-(1A9a 122423 DATE: INFO. 1 June 1947 SUBJECT Political Information: Chinese Communist Government DIST..21, October 1947 PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT and Party Organization,?Neangtung 25X1 A6a ORION 25X1 X6 25X1 A6a =MEM kthoegh the it formation presented below is eot recent, it. is the latest on the CAnese Comunists in Kwangtung available to this office. It is believed tat the structure presented in paragraphs 3-7 represents. the Party organization and the inforetution in paragraphs 1 and 2 presents the gov- ernment structwee. Key Communist appear in both setups. During the first two weeks in Sept.ember 1947, the Chinese Communists' North Shensi' Radio .'Avaecasts reported CS laG Skiesig its 3iittilLtAssgo lading elements of his formee Kwangtung East Rive! Column.) CCP Govertizent Stmeturl,? i;t7ejetuni Province 1. On 21-22 !larch 1947 a conference 01 the Chinese Comunistsi teangtung People's Armed Liberation Committee was held at the CCP Liaison offioet, 147 Nathan Road, 3rd floor,, Kowloon, Hongkong. The following CCP officials attended the conference: a,. Committee tierberst 1. T3ENG Shen (J ) (Chair,. eh) a 3. WI;Chlia.ng ) AD 5. LIN Chiienreyan 4/g 7: CHANG Ying ee3 9, TENG Chile!), ( , 1.1,, TO Ch'in(:tek kh ) 13. YAO -- ? (Ob - ) T 1/4 , 4 Vi ar Too-yac ) (Vice-Cairman) 4. TIAI Tzu-p t. ) 6. CH "EN Chuang( /21 ) 8. YUAN 10., WANG Yekeehsi 12. ?MUG Kuan-: 14. CHM Po-ming (. b. Directors Appointed by the Chinese toenfunist Central Governztent, TsF_ ? 10 LIN in (44k -1- ) 2. Vag: Fang G CLASSIFICATION D?crm7'-77t Iff% NO CHAW;F in Class. DECLATrTrD Class; (744F,TOTED TO: DDA Me Auth DDA Dat Apr 77 1,7 r- Re /1 REFERENCE CENTER LIBRAki 9/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000410010-8 ) Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000IIMAQ13 cENTRAL, orfrki,TGENC4 GROUP 122429 Political education of the masses:, finance, liaison and CCP policies and ex- pansion -were discussed, The following political organization was decided upon and the fonovring personnel elected: a. Chaix-.7.ari of the Kwangtung People's Armed Liberation Committee: b TS:.'NG Shong (/li 4 ); 'Vicc-chaL?rman JNG Tso-yo ( b, c, The Chinese Conmunist Party has appointed LIN Poing ) as the Advisor to this Cortraittee, Department Heads: General Affairs: TING Chlien Vie ) General Staff: dANG Tso-yao ( ii.. j ) Intelligence: '1'110 ,Kong ( ) Political: YANG Koanl-kula ( ) Liaison: CHOU Po-ming ( ) d, The seven Party raembers of the Col.nittee: T3ETIC Sheng ( P'Enf. Chunr;-yin' ( )? CrUANG 4); 43) and T3I Tzu-p I ei ( ), `..ANG Tso.o )? FENG (.4 Men ( )4 0, Directing raeMbers appointed by the Committee to assist the "Directing Bureau" of the five Branch Districts: Nan Lu: CHIEI; (P;:11?2:).,)) Tung Pao: ',MG. Shou-chi ( j 14 ) LU (4. rill.. ) Hui Po : Yuch Poi: Chiang Hui: CHANG Lien (1 Not yet fonially estabLished, LIN Choian7,-yt1n b, Po7sonne1 of the Thranch District "Directing Bureau' 4h Nan- DI: ctruA::a vien (fit )? PraG Churig-ying ( -pp ) cEI K 'un-lien ( ?,t) g ?-1 ) CI 11 ( 14.) and LI -- -16" ) Tun z i'aol Yini; ? ) ai Ti-tan: T-:?uar117. ( pti/41 ); LU Kio_hua AG pu...ya. 0 (1. 5,j ) Hui Po: Ts 'A3: Tzu-ipoei ( 4- ), HO Choi-rning (1i OA LI i16 4I) HO Tun g )., CII ':N Te-Ituang ) !Ind '.-AJ Chung-pin (* 4'. It XIII )1 (At 01 ) and , Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000410010-8 Approved For Release 1999IO9I04, 4 25X1A2g CENTRAL T!'" 'n; GROUP Yueh Pei: UT Chiang GO )? MANG ring (fi 41 )0 122429 ff3IM Pin ( 4JjitA), TaIG Tse-ju ( 11151412.1 and HST/ Tzu-chviang ( ) Chian": Hui: Since this Directing 3ureau has not been formally established, all affairs are temporarily managed by LIN Chviarkz-yOn (44A 4:)) CCP Party Structurs? Kwangturr Province Executive Committee: Secretariat: LIN ring (42lk ) CHAO Hsiang (Aii .40 ), Or:anization and training ",..TIG Fang (t) */) ) 'EH Chveng-te ( )Rq,?) Propaganda HO Ting-hu4 (1!I ) CHILNYen ( ) F.:113 Pai-chit ?U Chian .7; (4f54 ) - 441 ,.ANG Shou-chi ( ty-rA) TSIAI Tzu-plei (-4J ) Ts.= Sheng ) 3hih-chao ( L 4y ) 40 Control Committee: (Source Note: The Control Committee assists in the work of the ":xecutive Corrnittee and relays the plans of the higher Co-nunist authori- ties to the lower tchelons), ,Ohtte:a-min '1-14 CHII Chia -sui HUAEG - 17, CH Chiang-ho ( ) Hsi-san crie:21Chting?nan (f.1.4 ) CHAV1 Tian-me (IA 4.1) airasaraidadam Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000410010-8 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIAIRDP82-00457R001000410010-8 oefoloompispi 25X1A2g C,'ENTR.AL INTELLIGINCE GROUP 5. Malang Yai (J IL ) Special Committees gisinag 6. special Districts: Canton Special District ltongicong-nowIDon Special District . Politics: ENG Pai-chtt (-A ) Organization and training: '.ADM Su-hsi ( Unitary: CP.UAI*471- T I len (;it Lt.) ) PeoplesI Movement: 3111H Tan ( wocicro Lovornent:, "..ANG I lo ( , 14 ) 1. [Secretary: 1: Organizational Traininl: HUANG Tung ( !,? Propaganda: CW.NO Chiang-ho ( )1.1 ) Secretary: CH II Chia-sui. (4p Organization and training: CHUN"; al ) ..111 At. ,..Propaseanda: X ) Secretary: CHAYG Tluan-mo ( it< A) Poi Chiang (3b 34) Organization and training: EN Ching ( District Propaganda: TENG Chung-liang (lp ) , Secretary: HUANG Chlue.n-tao ( A ,t. _iL4_ ) [ Nan Lu ( it LA_ ) Or..-,aniza.tion and training: CHIEN Ching-nan ( al i ? . District 122A2:9 (Section CommittLe, (Area Committee ) (Detachment) J /t Propaganda: CHAN-.3 Church/iang ( 17 ) Secretary: C1111.11 ? ( ?) `Ningehiang16 Organization and training: 1-.11G Tfan-hsiu ( ) ) ,...; Distri,ct Propaganda: -EI lisia-vu ( ,A,, 15t*. ) ... cisien Committee) R ,4, Secretary: CH:NG chliang (Or a.. 1.t, ) 1Lunicipa1 Committeil District Cormittee 1 Hsichiang Organization and training: CHU Pin (A )/A: )i (Detachment) , .1.? i -,,i, District ProyAzand ih a: HSIEH Ch-huang t 15 j it!)13) Secretazy: , ? Ha hianl Organization and training: LI P long 4, mfb ) fl&( 24? ) st ri ct Propaganda: .KUO Shao-ming ?(, ) . There are also the following ilcietachments,t which are respuisible to the axecutive Committee: 'font:- Detachment, Students Detachment, 1.1omens? Detachment and *..orkmens Detachiwrit, ir7,4-Tre,Trryr At Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000410010-8