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Publication Date: 
November 4, 1947
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25X1A2g Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000 TR A MWEc.T ORIGIN 25X1A6a MRW 3 viTL.I? GROUP ..otivitiea Dock Workers DATE: DIST. PAGES 25X1A6a 5 4. November 1947 25X1X6 SUPPLEMENT As re,: r of the longshoremen's strike in Antwerp last Spring and ,. f1A1~,~$nsp9.~" labor d ff3cu3.tiee there and Rotterdam , it is ship-owners in both ports recentl;, formed a i3ecre ; f ,.:ee:~ont which arranges for the re-routing of ships from one port to ~;ie other in the event of a strike n If dockers in Rotterdam are. out oA strike., ships destined for that port could diverted tt Antwerp for unloading. To thwart 'this talan, the Secretary-General of the Rotterdam Dockers' Union (Syndicst nie,ue des Dockers) is said to have co .g3iir e i iy cto cr to negotiate for an erohange of union ?a 5twoea th two poste. I e mole poae of these workers e ,.c ry ? uY :' 't keep the respective ayndicat?s of Rotterdez ax ss t.ntwe:' irfcri-mod of tie re-routing of vessels whh . . strike oe,Uurol, Z v that cn pwra :moo b eon. the n ons ro' 1d prevent their des r. X? by ca .ing a str . at th a3ter`aatc ports :iQker_13 Union aie te-s e. reaz rted to have bean ohosen 'for t wr c U r,. 4.11.... //~~yyliv { f n ?# Gk d3$ `Cyin each of 1the ports,, r k .. l7 of th,C" dlergc~,te3 bas tot 3~~'~l cn establiehed,+ ifs. -'-.1 .~~r`"??: ' iae g-., -geon of the RotUrda a Dn(+ker?Z Union z s i e l of a coL-. tro:l. of Dutch ( rote. elemonts. This Union" n a : noba 'chip of some 17,,000,. while in : ruesai}?d the Dutch Union official attended, was ,an observer, a met: g of-the principal mi'.item Trofia is t trade unions of Bigi on 12 October 1947,, according to Source? LUG?;-z t Contains information affecting the n ti_onc c e united "tates within the meaning, of the espionage Act 0 and 32 as amended, Its transmission or the relation is in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibits o0ved Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000710003-3