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Approved For Release EYM CENTRAL 114'ff-ttld OUP COUNTRY Germany (R ssian Zone) SUBJECT Exports and Reparation U p Shipments from Halle 25X1A6a ORIGIN 25X1A2g 000740010-2 125411. DATE: 25X1A6a INFO. DIET. ' b vember 1947 PAGES SUPPLEMENT ATTAMMNTS: 2 Lists (5 pp.) 1. 1,649 carloads of reparations goods (19,917 tons) were shipped by Derutra Halle, to Russia during August 1947. 25X1X6 During the period 1 - 16 September, 1,164 carloads were shipped. The main items were machinery, cement, coal, and building materials. Attachment I lists all shipments. 2. Derutra also ships large quantities of consumers' goods to various Russian commercial companies. These shipments are not included in reparations figures. Commercial shipments in July, August,and September are listed in Attachment II. T affect document contains information United 1'tat e national defen c of the the Espionage A'c thin the meaning of 32 as amended, Its , V.S.G. 31 and the revelation of its c6 manner to an unauthorized pei prohibited br law. 'Dooument go. 45ECLASSy Class. C, e, D rectar L't ~` Uni CON 1 tier c mission or ea- Date. 2008 W ;I-o:(t Fe?v E ---'- CONFID4NTI R FERENCE CENTER LIBRARY er to the ;e,i',8ence Approved For Release IQ ft s in any ,graded to ocument is hereby ra with the d 'jF~t~ in ac::or ? X78 dancefrom the AT'1`kCki ;ENT F"ro 12-5 I1 IT2 Cnt einentEerke Nietlebon ' SMA Plenipotentiary, "Ismar 106 .88 25 14 do !tons pipe Tachine parts lumber .,amber '",.I machinery Cemc'at factory eq u!.nment Donnitzscher TonwerJ,.e Zemag, Zeitz Alfred Klepel, Sallichau Otto Dietrich, Shclichau M. Martin, Bitterfeldi Mannesmann Rdhrei er1x, Bitterfeld Vneshtorgtek, Brest-Li ovsk Lenvneshtrans, Stettin Lenvneshtrans, Stettin Lenvneshtrans, Stettin Lenvne shtrrans a Stettin Lenvneshtrans$ Stettin (for Technoexrort, Mo scow 3, ?55 Rooting paper Buna Duvinage & "' ':zke 7 Halle Schkorau SVIA Reparations Dive . `"'ismer SMA Reparations Div.... 3 299 Cement factor' - Polysius, Dessau Rostock Lenvne s htranc , 5.5 , equipment Pipe bendin machines Paul !iohmann, . Dessau Stettin S MA Reparations Diva. 428 Lumber V ittenberg Rostock "'ismar 555 `"'ide giuge cars G. Lindner, Ammendo7f Vneshtorgtek&' 338 Cement Kurschsen AG, Brest-Litovsk Novoproletarskaia 507- Fluorspar Karsdorf Fluoritwerkel, Kalin' ngrad (for 528 Flatcars Rottleberode Taggonfabrik, Dessau Hinis';ry of Foreign Trade of USSR) Vneshtorgtek, 339 Equipment for cement Wegelin & Hilbrf r, Brent--Litovsk Lenaaeshtrans, factories & chlorine Halle Stettin $ ` 44 compressors Equipment for cement Berger Masch'_nenfabrik,Le:avneshtrans$ 12. 705 factories Lumber I,erseburg WittenberZ Stettin SMMA Reparations Div. " ismar 12 477 Equipment for cement Polysii.as, Dessau . Lenvneshtrans, :y2 748 factories Buna & Polystyrol Buna, `.;chkopau Stettin Reparations Div.. 3 133 Petroleum rax Piebecksche Montan- "'ismar Biuro Organisacje 3 86 Gas stoves werke, Axnsdorf Junkers & Co., Dessau DostM)v, Slubice Polish Military 15 146 Batteries Derutra Rostock Mission, Posen Biuro Organiszcje 16 11 Shaping machines Lange & Geilen, Halle Dostav, Reppen Lenvneshtrans, 16 308 Cement factory Natrop-Eberhardtg Stettin Lenvneshtrans, 16 443 equipment Cement Halle AG Kursachsen, Stettin U SU/'B" 'O Glavskutrans Karsdorf Minsk Approved For Release GHMRAL T E Att. I: :16 Lrsnm 125171 IP_ `of tener Hydrierwerk Rodleben Vneshtorgtek, :rest , Litovsk 1- parts '"eir e l i n & Hubner, , S:.A Reparations Halle Div., Rostock Poofiznr; Paper for.pe & Roehming, S.7.-:A Reparations Ammendorf Div., "ismar Tacks i:olletch.e "'erke,. SA Reparations "'ei; senfels Dive, Rostock Tavern euuirment Hakemfa, Halle S' A Reparations Div., Rostock Filters & ventilators Gustav. Kainprath, Lenvneshtrans. Halle , Stettin. Approved For Release - 0740010-2 CEUTAAL cELLIGWCE G1 UP Approved For Release 010-2 A`! T'AC V, w 11 125+71 Dxtk AMU - Tv-of Gods IMM. TuTy kg. 1 500 Tags Gebr. Bieler Halle Vneshtorgtek, , Brest-Litovsk 4 4 4 21?45 528 "Plastifikator" Hydrier ork Rodieben Derutra 1 Berlin Rasnoiltport, Berlin Jute seeks Kombinat Bitterfeld Thermometers %'. Kranz, Zerbst Osobtorg, Berlin It is At W Ueb+ .f! 4 7 552 4,021 Derutra, Rostock }ech. equipment Dicker I "'erneburg to It 7 9 2,832 023 17 Grinding mills Thiem & Tdwe, Halle Rubber tubing B. B8rner Zipsendorf Cottbus to A f , 16,747 B rner, Grahneis Zinsendorf 10 10 120 School satchels K. Sollwedel, Zeitz Rostock 10 10 , 2,080 15 125 Tags Gebr. Bieler, Halle Vneshtorgtek, Brest-Litovsk Wire fabric Leike & Brauns, Haile Derutra, Rostock to It 14 15 , :'9,5oc 3,300 Filter presses ALG Dehne, Halle Tacks Nollesche '. erke, to to fels i V` ssen e le it 15 940 1 Paint rubbing machines A.. Rose? '.iehe 1 , 4 (205) Vises Lange & Geilen, Halle 16 7,260 Tacks Nollesche ~`erke, Weissenfels 15 1 400 Grinding mills Thiem & TBwe, Halle 16 9 600 9 Machine tools P.r., Dtiben 17 , 11,000 Shaping machines Lange & Geilen Lenvneshtrans, Stettin 18 61404 Condenser pots Dicker & V'erneburg, Dr=rutra, Rostock Halle 18 227 600 Steam pumps V"vise & Monski, Halle 18 9 472 Laboratory glass r,:rorv.Gchmelze, 18 3,900 Shoes R. Wolf, 7'eissenfels V.ne shtorg tek, Brest--Litovsk 21 468 Handbags A. Scholle, Zeitz Vneshtorgtek, Brest-Litovsk 21 22 5,2E+6 970 Boilers Celluloidwerke, Derutra, Rostock Eilenburg Oilers Dicker & "'erneburg, It It Halle II tt 22 6,169 Mech. equipment Dicker & "emeburg, Halle 23 26 1,243 28 599 Flints Kombinat, Bitterfeld Berlin Gaspressure meters H. Junkers, Dessau Rostock tt 26 , i31560 Drafting equipment R. Reiss, Liebenwerda tl it of II 1 II 26 'A 4 Surveyors' poles 26 v.8 Timers A0-fa Film, "'olfen Vneshtorgtek, Brest, Litovsk 26 101606 M:agnetophone tape Vneshtorgtek, Brest, Litovsk 26 5,800 Shoes Lipsia, "eissenfels Vneshtorgtek, Brest-Litovsk 3)- 3,155 "Plasti.fikatortt Hydrierwerke Rodleben Derutra, Berlin FERENCE CENTER LIBRARY 25X1A2g Approved For Release 740010-2 ATTACiL'ENT 11, Cont Id. A gus t -tons 5 800 1 21 1 18 c'ofGoods Roofs ig paper Potess um permanganate Bicycles 1 121 Pareffir 2 1,549 Briquettes 4 1,569 Briquettes 5 1.157 52 39 7 787 8 3., 507 6 17 Paraffin 19 787 Cement 16 :!,541 Briquettes 11 2.4 Petroleum way 11 2.9549 Briquettes 11 15 Paraffin 13 775 Cement 12 1,525 Briquettes 13 15 Port+ffin 14~ 1.'565 Briquettes 15 i,`82 11 16.5 Paraffin 15 EMM C Yed Schkeuditz Kombinat Bitterfeld )iifa Sangerhausen Kombinat Gblzau Kombinat Profen It If II it to it It II It It it Deuben Zementfabrik Nietleben Kombinat Profen Fiebeck "ontanv;erk Amsdorf Kombinat Profen If if Zementfabrik riatleben Kombinat Profen It 11 of is i 5 , os oc 15, 8.5 Textiles Derutra Cottbus S-iA Trade Co., ?r.- Iz. 16 768 Cement Zementfabrik Nietleben Rasnoexport, 'i smar 19 21.5 Potassium bichrome Yombinat Bitterfeld Lenvneshtrans, Stettin 20 33.2 Oxalic acid it it Rasnoixport, Rostocl 16 749 Briquettes Kombinat Profen Promexport, Rostock 16 1 8 Paraffin 695 5 Briquettes Kombinat it It It Derunapht, 11 Promexport, Rostock 9 18 302 Paraffin 11 Gt lzau Derunapht, if 18 512 Diesel fuel Hydrierwerk Zeitz Zentronapht, Stettin 19 11564 Briquet':es Kombinat Profen Promexport, Rostock 20 16,3 Bicycles Mife Langerhausen Lenvneshtrans, Stettin 20 510 Diesel fuel Hydrierwerk 2.eitz Zentronapht, Stettin 21 60 Paraffin Kombinat Golzau Derunapht, Rostock 23. 509 Diesel fuel Hydrierwerk Zeitz Zentronapht, Stettin 22 15 Paraffin Kombinat Profen Derunapht, Rostock 23 50 to 11 It 23 23 , 790 734 Cement Buna S3 Zementfabrik, Nietle enchko Bunawer pau Rasnoexport$ ?~:*Envlmp)rt, Rostock -24 1,523 Briquettes fombinat Profen Promexport, Rostock 24 31 Paraffin Kombinat Deuben Derunapht, Rostock 25 1,595 Briquettes Profen Promoexport, I' 25 , 15 Paraffin If Derunapht, 11 26 787 Cement Zerentfabrik.. Nietleben RR snoexport, Stettin 27 27 16 1 5. 5 Paraffin U Kombinat Deuben of P f ro en Derunapht Rostock of it 28 50 Deuben It 8 3 ,635 Briquettes Profen 11 0-9 ,496 It f It it It 17 Paraffin it i Derunapht 31 600 Diesel oil Hydrierwerk Zeitz Zentronapht, Stettin CO I~lf Ni Approved For Release Y g~LNCE CENTE~''R TO Tecnhnexoort Moscow Sc a eir Pod7no y Lonvne shtrans, Stettin Derutra, Rostock Promexport, Postock to to of it of 1s It of it It Derunapht, Fo stock Rasnoexport, '"ismar Promexport, Rostock Gatow Airport, Berlin Promexport, Rostock Derunapht, it Pasnoexport, r'Tismar Promexport, Rostock Derunapht, 11 Promexport, I' It U Derunapht, "'ismar R t k 25X1A2g Approved For Release CENTRAL ELLMCE GROUP ATTACF ;.ENT Ti, Contd. Sept, ans 22 12 195 19800 lj542 471 761 13 6 1,61 9 7 1,562 9 1, 582 9 17 9 183 1U 10563 10 30 11 17 12 758 12 3.5 13 775 16 184 Zyng- O Goods Paraffin ti it Brique tttis Booting paper Briquettes Diesel oil Briquettes t Atmmonlurn sulphate Bri; ,ue t r e s Peic'affia Briquettes Paraffin r, Briquettes #'a'raffin tt Cement Bicycles Cement Buna ' m Kontbinat Profen Deuben G81zau Profen Ved g Schkeuditz Komlbinat t'rofen Hydrierwerk Zeitz Komkinat Profen rr it Ministry of Foreign Trfde, Salle Koth1 inat Profen ~r tt F tr r: tt Deuben G61.-,au Profen r~ to ? Deuben Zeim ntfabrik Nit; tie ben Mif i Oangerhau;~en Zen yntfabrik, N:iatleben Bim awerk Schhkopau 12547. Derunapht, Rostock it P9 It ft Promexport, Rasnoexport, Promexport, Derunapht Stettin Promexpor7c, Rostock tt (j Rasnoexport, Berlin Promexport, Derunapht, Promexport, tt Derunapht, tt Promexport, Derunapht, tt Rasnoexport, Stettin,, Lenvneshtrans, Stettin ?asnoexport, Stettin Pasnoimport, Rostock ~il REFERENrE CFNTFR L!RAJRY