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r r- tir vi ul IRA Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457R001000780001-8 b I AI -1 INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT COUNTRY Gernei (Russ1 n Zone) SU'0111 l4iecellsnsoun OB Notes on the Russian Zone ORIGIN 2 50X1-HUM DATE: INFO. DIST No 'I r 1907 50X1-HUM PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT T_ Halberstadt (18 August 1947) 50X1-HUM The former artillery barracks at Halberstadt are occ'ipied by the Soviets as a transit camp. During the first week of Aug- ust trucks left the barracks daily carrying troops to the Ohrdruf training area,, The barracks are at present empty ex- wept for a permanent staff of about 190 men, some of whom have been heard to state that a big influx of troops is expected in sarly September. Installations on the Halberstadt airfield lave been blown up, The remaining living quarters on the field re at present c:nptyb X3n1gsbr1Ack (7 August 1947) Four regiments are believed to have been transferred to 3nigs- britek in the middle of July o Riesa !milarge munitions depot is situated on the railroad line Rie:a- Berlin about 23- miles from Riesao It stretches for approximate- ly one mile and is situated among pine trees. It is fenced off by barbed wire and closely guarded. dhell cases of non-German type of about six inches in caliber were seen'thereo Bautzen s the beginning of July about two-thirds of the ~dVIJ in Bautr~ --n, Including at least eight officers, left the to ma by road foi'j Frankfurt/Uder, proceeding from there by train to an unknovnn destination. These officers included the P:IVD chief Capt., Pachamov, who took his orders from Dresden, and ttoAnanzoV, :rho head quartermaster of the b .utzen area, The rank of Romai1zo : is be:lleved to be rnao although he did not wear a Jrniform 50X1-HUM as he had been a F'6* b, At the beginning of august these men were replaced by others coming from 1weisswasser and by new arrivals from the USSR. It Is not known whether the previous strength has aga,nt been attained. 50X1-HUM .Document No. ~~ ?' g e c A T I O r ' W kOE. U. S. OlnC7ALS ?I ,Y NO CHANGE in Class. o 1 ^ - T.RC TD L:` 77 Auth: )ate: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457R001000780001-8 m9~sZ_% 137 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457R001000780001-8 UIN LAY rt "YT 50X1-HUM 41".A IRVIL INTSLYMMICE GROUP ca, On 8 July the Soviets ordered the evacuation of 61".IrstMsSe 44 id pi of edaz;sirasse foa:? the ostensible purpose of hour ,rag fighting troops At the beginning of August orders were given to evacuate the Curoistrasse, J gerstrasseII faulisurasse, Georgstrasse and Hindenburgatre.sse in order to enable all Soviet families to.be gathered together in one areas axied.$ in poor condition some of them were -merican mAade0 rails at iurzen station, near Leipzig. They were all three a,, On 8 August forty to fifty trucks were standing rear the 50X1-HUM b? On 8 August : Soviet officer was seen waiting fo: the mtnde train in ti.e Leipzig station a He wore a cap w:._th a band and red pi-'Ang, his epaulettes were gold with rd piping with two small ,i tars and a crossed artillery (7) ern, o;ar above them. On his l* f t arm he wore at elbow height a 1 oz ara;,,e-sh4a,.pod black badge wi.ta red piping and the same crossed enb em on It... Schwerin (Augivit 1947) a,, The plenit;otentiary ? o.t the Reparations Departmcn'~ of the . soviet Minis try of Economics at Schwerin is Colonel, ill.:,sc : n,. b, (20 Augilst 1947) The Commandant at oh.werin has o_:jedered, that the following; streets should not be occupied by t'ne SoviE ts. t.rat that thry should be left as approach routes: bIlsr.-tarische Strssse and its continuation Ftostocker Strasse Spi~'it.ordarnm Landis i.terstrasse and its cont1nuationo c, A further 15,000 Soviet troops are expected to j: it the G f,(-'100 a 't present in Ludwi ;slus t, JCL DNPHMWTIA` ().L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457R001000780001-8