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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Re i to ffi INFORMA COUNTRY Toelayla 25X1 SUBJECT Chepjial ln4ortftes 3. the al'o okemikn~ tac orcy for pFu)tograpbic der and a aratus is located at lsgr b and mam.faotures "wing paper, aosolitaP pa Gr, aDiasokopn P .~ aster :at for photo-wing. for the eanufaoture of paper the faat+osy uses barium su bete manufactured in l oelavia. he proo- ductt da to by the taaotorr are intended for the An W, the medical services and ry. Plans have been made for the factory to produce chemical prodaet !or photagrnp11. The factory is the only one of its kind in the Bal -s d started production in December of 1947. 4. ?here iJ a chemical products factory at 0.34. which asne actarss lithovono. aialva and baring oulphide for the siotokemikae factory. b, (hers is a. wood combine at )eilace in Slavonia. Within the frameerork of the preparation of wood, the combine has also a obanical factory for died tilling wood. This factory* nimiafactures liquid and solid tannin, gas carbon, acetic acid for technical end food purpones, aethylated spirits and foroallin. For tho promotion of tannin they also use gall. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. *F 'M8 iVIT$M x,.155 Ml1N.M "IS 0"11140 OP T?IC E.:;lo:l!.^.C Act $0 M.0. C.. 99 AA9 to M "Moose. Ill rf*lljul4;$10n 641 Tna 2EY6t?An0n Cw th Co.. r3 e'41N MNMRa Te All OMAiTNORIIIO HS.=o14 is rfa "so IMIoaaA,ieq sswwolls It em of rag I4ll1 NAT Ei OTI u!in,1 Al 11UII MICITIAMT ST vat 11r1w1Nn Mrktl v Doou,;Ant ATo. C~ O tr 0 rn f?^ss. L' n t Auth: Date: 1978 sTA;z tu4VY = NS1 B DlSTRt 3U lON _ji Ali ARMY titti t at the MI-of 1947. fCMTP , PQ~Q457R001 404-1 P_ST ,...F R3 NQ, i?g"~ 25X1 DATE DISTR. Ira B?aril 3948 C0~ NO. OF PAGES THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS . 1. `ha ultrobca fzjotory at Luc naar ib ibor amufactnrea tzitrogen, oxygen, sW.pbnr di eXide, carbonic acid., n on5 ua, ut ipbbbe, nitrogen oxide and, fesro'chroeiari. Thee IN oft= a sL?ortt)ga of elactrio current in the factory. $, t gsa- factories are locavad nt ; M r hoar Skopl e, Jt7.iyasin Host ueer Sarejeio mad Dxjla c it n ! eve. The last named factory vac SECRET Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001400780004-1