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25X1 C Approved For Releas INFORM 25X1A COUNTRY SUBJECT China CONFIDENTIAIS Political Information: Activities of Soviet and Pro.Soviet Officials, Shanghai DATE DISTR. I July NO. OF PAGES 3 1948 25X1A - PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED (LISTED BELOW) 25X1X 25X1X REPORT NO. 1. Since the arrival in Shanghai on 20 May 1948 of General Roshchin, newly-appointed Soviet Ambassador to China, an increasing number of officials from the Shanghai Soviet Consulate, Torgpredstvo, TASS, and the USSR Embassy in Nanking are marked for recall to the USSR. 2. The USSR Embassy in Nanking recently received an order from Moscow for the ime. diate preparation for evacuation to the USSR of families of Soviet official p=3r- sonnel. This evacuation will begin during May 1948 with the next trip of the Smolt and will, be carried out in the following order: (1) Families of Soviet officials who have children, (2) Soviet women not employed in official represen- tations, and (3) Soviet women employed in official representations but not essential to the work at hand. Orders for the evacuation were accompanied by the #ollovding instructions: "In reply to comments about the evacuation from China of dependents of Soviet officials, it should be stated that the children 25X1X are being sent to the USSR for school, vacations, or medical attention," 3. The following Soviet official personnel of Torgpredstvo are leaving Shanghai for the USSR during May and June 1948: D. Ya. Shcherbina and family; Kosirev and wife; Seminar; Lars. Arinicheva; Mrs. Kovalenkova and children; and a. Panteleimonova. 4. Nikolai. Vasilevich Stolbov, who arrived in Shanghai on 20 April on the ____1. has been assigned to Torgpredstvo, Shanghai. He replaced Nevkin, who left for the IISSR on 29 April 1948. Levkin stated before his departure that he is being recalled because he is not a Party member. He claimed that he had waited three years to coma out from the USSR, only to be recalled after three months. Stolbov is a Party member. 5. r i.l. Sergeyev, who arrived on 20 April on the Smo1r;r is the new chief account- ant for Torgpredstvo, China. He and the superintendent of the Nanking office of Torgpredstvo left Shanghai on 21 April with their wives for Nanking. They were accompanied by Lugon Feodorovich Sharov, employee of the Shanghai Torgpredstvo office. 6. I. Ya. Kovalenko, assigned to Exportkhleb, Hongkong, arrived in Shanhai fr^m 5X1C CLASSIFICATION COP IA:L CONTROL STATE ! NAVY NSRS DiSTRI TION CA , ; .4 *AIR RMY NUT WOWtCr, H:S ..it0 TI C 1V1 US DnE?t~x~ ]` .. 7ONFIDENTIAL feFORE-.PUS LEASE OF Tktts DOCU 1T. 1"0' chz nt i3 hereby rcrtraded to .... IAL is a ordancE IM it the s ;;a. Cc! `o;tic e^":';,I to : i e, ONFIDEN ''IAL 't cw6F k~i6 e 2001/ /18 : CIA-RDP82-00457E (~~QODate: 2003 _ SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 X Approved For Releas 600590001-3 25X1A T1AI Hongkong on 28 April 1948.. Kovalenko was supposed to arrive in time to leave on the Smol3r, but failed to do so. 1'. Uimitri Ya. Bhcherbina,, director of Torgpredstvo, China, arrived in Shanghai on .`;1 April from a trip to Bangkok. 8. Aleksei Andreyeeich Fanteleimonav, employee of Torgpradstvo, Shanghai, left by CNAC plane for Bangkok via Hongkong on 12 May 1948. 25X1X 25X1A Comment: For previous information on these three Soviet officials aid their varionwly reported initials, s 10. F. P. sihalin, former Shanghai Soviet Consul General,, has been appointed Secre?r.axy of the Far Eastern Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under S. Lozovax Khalints forger living gtusrti in the Shanghai Soviet Consulate have been turned over to P. Chernonebov, Acting Shanghai Consul General, and some of Khalin's per- sonal belongings which he had left in Shanghai were loaded on the Smol on 25 April. Some local Soviet citizens believe that Khalin will be replaced byChernonabot or by Barkov, who arrived in Shanghai on 20 April on the Smolnq. 25X1X 11. ffi=1in will also go to Manchuria on an important mission. He has asked M. A. D orodin, former Sovi t industrialist in Ianchuria and now an active Soviet ci'.i.zen In Shanghai, to transport with him to Manchuria some of the things he (Khalin left in Shanghai. 120 'ikhom rov, director of the Shanghai branch of the Moscow Narodry Bank,, is a 3e I-emely popular in the Soviet community because of his frankness and friendly response to local Soviet youth groups. Tikhomircm has practically replaced Chernonabosv said SASS leaders in dealing with the Soviet community because he appears to be they only L".oscow dispatched leader. in Shanghai who is sufficiently interested to ae;i; as adviser to the group. 25X1 X 13. E. Roman (Roman Abel; S , prominent Shanghai Soviet businessman, gc 5X1A to the Soviet Consulate several times a'seek to confer with V. Kryukov, Attaote of the USSR Embassy assigned to the Shanghai Soviet Consulate. 146 Recently V. V. Chilikin went to Macao to confer with Communist representatives from South China, Indochina, and Burma regarding the transportation of arms ar: i ammunition. V. Kryukov gave young Chilikin his instructions for this trip. 150 K. A. Lobachev arrived in Shanghai recently from Tientsin and went to the offices of the Union Steamship Agency at 51 Canton Road. Lobachev's real name is Pantheliov 25X1 X and he is a major in the Red Army, Originally he belonged to Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky'a arnv, which is concentrating in the southern districts of the Mon- 25X1 A golian People's Republic. This armgr includes mechanized forces. 25X1 A Comments - states that Rokossovsky is the "overall Soviet com- mander" of troops on the Kuantung Peninsula, M It also comments that a 25X1 X U.okossovsky has been reported as "supreme commander of the Soviet Far East High Cam.") In Tientsin Pantheliev communicated with the Chinese Communist Amy, Y North China through the North China News Agency. Since his arrival in Shanghai he has attempted to establish contact with Chinese Communist elements in the area. 25X1 CONN'II3F ,NTIAL CONTROL CONFIDENTIAL N. I. Frolov. A. T. Alekseyev, and T. M. Garlokov have been transferred to the USSR Military Attache's office in Nanking from Port Arthur, where they had been W" Approved For Release 2001/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001600590001-3 Approved For Release 2001/04/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R001600590001-3 25X1 C 16. On 1l April 1948 the Shanghai Soviet Consulate invited prominent pro-Soviet Slavic leaders to a dinner party and a meeting on the Consulate premises. A. A. Arinichev, director of Torgpredstvo, Shanghai, gave a lecture on "United States Aid to China". Among the pro-Soviet leaders attending were the followings i. Zale eki, Polish, 298/11 South Tih a. Road G. M. Rachinaky, Rumanian lawyer, office at 480 East Nanking Road, residence at 1333 Avenue Joffre P. Becic (Betchich), Yugoslav, 10 Paoking Road A. Konoveta, Czechoslovak Mr. M lichek (r1 1kiez) (See paragraph 17.) 25X1X 25X1X 1'. I.:la1kdsz (also reported as Marichel), who replaced Langer as manager of Omn:ipol., Limited, Shanghai, left Shanghai on 25 April by air for Rangoon and Bombay. lie and the employees of Omnipol have their salaries sent to them from the cons--- pany headquarters in Prague. For the past year Omnipol in China has done no noticeable business. 25X1 X Garik (full name unkn(Pim), S. Ambaryants, and General YANG participated in the Victory Celebration held by the Soviet Citizens' Club on the night of 8 May. According,to Garik, General YANG was a member of the Chinese Mission in Moscow when the German surrender was signed. Since that time General YANG has maintained close contact with Soviet authorities. He donated a large sum of CNC to the Soviet Club during his visit there in May. CONF 'NTIAL CONTROL 25X1 C CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001600590001-3