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CLASSIFICATION %6TRT"M Approved For " Re , A19""_"?I 2-0045 271006 INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY SUBJECT Brazil Sao Paulo Newspapers 't 110, 25X1 A6a _ .. i PLACE aper for some time replaced Hoie when the latter had been This p suspended by the Ministry of Justice. It is of Communist 'character and exists almost entirely on contributions donated to the Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB). A journal of agitation. Director: Afonso Schmidt. Offices: Praia da So 313, room 29. E2oca. An Integralist organ diffused among old-time followers of the ex- d edaeaebti; tg Director: Renato l i es an ts sa Integralist Party. It exists on E gidio de Souza Aranha. Principal editor: Willy Aureli. Editorial and administration offices: Rua da Consolagao 7, phone 6-1271, Caixa Postal 5518. Direction and Publicity: Rua Jose Bonifacio 209, 10th floor. Phone: superin- tendent, 2-7076; publicity 3-9456. A Founded by t h e late' Qasfa-r Libero and today belongs to the institution which bears his name. Its line is conservative and it maintains itself by sales and *d vWi1 iro1Yirector: M. Arco E. Flexa. Offices: Rua day, Oonceirao 88, phones 4-4134 and 4-4137, Caixa Postal 9-B. A ggBelongs to Fundarao Gaspe Libero and deals exclusively ~~ Fsuortiva: in sport matters. Its directors are almost all editors and radio broadcasters. . Considered an opportunist and sensational journal. It combats the government. Lives mostly on its-sales and regular advertising. It is considered to be a newspaper of the "popular variety"." Formerly a Trotsky organ. Director: Donner Medici. Manager: Lido Piccinini., Offices and press: Rua dos Andradas 155, phone 6-3054, 4-0993, 6-5844, and 4-7530. +i-e.? Conservative orientation. Has wide sale and an important commercial eettion. At one time allowed Tribun Po ular to be printed on its press for a few days. During Vargas's adm nistr'a ion paper was confiscated by that govern- ment. Director: Jose Carlos Pereira de Souza. Manager: Jose Fernandes. Offices and press: Rua 7 de Abril 3714 381, and 386. Xjgbo. Organ of the anarchist group of Sao Paulo. It is edited with difficulty ih4 exists solely with the aid of elements of that organization. Managing Tire~tor Edward teuenroth. Offices: Rua Jose Bonifacio 387, room 10. C 'cAT1 O Ae l ~ zN~s j}(~'(QIBUTICIN L~,STI~VG ,~M STAr E ~~MY class 4 Ar 77 25X1A2g .3 Dee 194 'DATE D I SIR . 1-5 December 1948 Approved For Release 1999/09/0 82-00457R002100640006-gX1 A2g CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY A Correio Paulistano: Conservative, obeying the orientation of the former Partido Republican Paulista (today Partido Republicano). Exists entirely on sales, subscriptions, and advertising. Director: Raul da Rocha Medeiros. Chief Editor: Galeao Coutinho. Offices and administration: Rua Libero Badaro 661. Caixa Postal 4-B. Diario da Noite and Diario de Sao Paulo. Democratic in character. Belongs to chain of newspapers of "Diarios Associados" of Assis Chateaubriand. Exists on saes and advertising. Director: Edmundo Monteiro. Manager: Armando Oliveira. Of.tices, administration, and publicity: Rua 7 de Abril 241. Phones: Editorial, 4.-4181/82/83, Publicity, 4-0314. Sales: Rua Sao Bento 103, phone 3-5603. Caixa Postal 115-B and 3006. Diario Popular. Conservative organ. Its commercial section is very important. Its outstanding feature is popular advertisements. Directors: Rodrigo Soares, Junior, Jose Maria, and L. W. Seng. Editorial and administration offices: Rua Joao' Bricola 19. Phones: Editorial, 2-0011, Administration, 2-0036. Caixa Postal 2-B'. Es ado de Sao Paulo. Organ of democratic character obeying the orientation of Uniao Democratica Nacional (UDN). Maintains itself on sales, subscriptions, and vast advertising. Directors: Plinio Barreto and Julio de Mesquita Filho. Chief Editors: Leo Vaz and Paulo Duarte. Manager: Julio Mesquita. Administration offices: Rua Barao de Duprat 233, phone 6-6931. Publicity department: Rua Libero Badaro 485, phone 2-2002. Folha da Manha and Folha da Noite. Democratic in character. Maintains itself on sales and advertising. It is owned by Count Francisco Matarazzo, Junior. One 0f 'its editors is "Baran de Itarare" (Aparicio Ton lly), a Communist. President: Alcides Ribeiro Meireles. Superintendent: Jose Nabantino Ramos. Commercial Manager: Clovis M. de Queiroga. Chief Editor: J. Batista Ramos. Editorial and administration offices: Rua do Canino 35/39, phone 2-7181. Sales, publicity and subscriptions: Rua 24 de Maio 242, phone 6-6107. Printing offices: Avenida Anhangabau 262, phone 6-2958. Caixa. Postal 79-B. Folha Socialista. Organ of Partido Socialista Brasileiro of Sao Paulo. It is a paper of socialist agitation. Exists solely on contributions of its sympathizers. Directors: Antonio Candido and Arnaldo Pedroso D'Horta. Manager: Febus Gikovate. Editorial and administration offices: Praga da Se 237, 2nd floor, phone 3-2520. F2W12mentos. A review obeying Communist orientation and directed by Communists. Exists on its sales and Communist contributions. Directors: Rui Barbosa Cardoso and Afonso Schmidt. N2 1q. Morning newspaper. Directed.and orientated by?CB. Responsible founders are: Milton Caires de Brito, ex-BB6tgtate Deputy, and Joaquim Camara Ferreira, member of PCB. Maintains itself by contributions from Communists and sympathizers who periodically donate to it for its survival as it could not exist on sales and .advertising. Suspended for six months by order of the Minister of Justice, having been substituted by newspapers 0 Popular and A Critica, both of which obey Communist orientation. This paper occupies itself only with agitation of the masses in general. Directors: Milton Caires de Brito and Joaquim Camara Ferreira. Antonio Cardoso Trme. Editorial and administration offices: Rua Manage X Conde d Pinhal 184 and Praia Joao Mendes 13. Press: Rua Conde de Sarzedas 246, phones -2223, 3-3587, and 3-6993. .Tonal de Noticias. Democratic in character. Maintains itself exclusively on sales and advertising. Formerly this was a Nazi paid and operated news organ. During the war it was bought by Dr. Issa Assaly (Syrian descent), former Chief of Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002100640006-6 -VOMIR 25X1A2g, Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : 2-00457R0021006400 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -3- Police.. This paper is now owned by Adhemar de Barros and. belongs to the chain .of newspapers he has bought throughout Brazil for his presidential campaign. Director: Demetrio Nami Haddad. Manager: Carlos Laino,Junior. President: Gladston Jafet. Secretary: Salomao Jorge (Deputy PSP). Publicity: Joao Mattar. Superintendent: Artur Troppmair (Nazi). Editorial and administration offices: Rua Florencia de Abreu 164/1 lphones 3-9261, 2-8430/33/46. Publicity department: Rua Florencio de Abreu 157,. hfloor,, room 506, phone 3-7964. Direction: X\ Phone 2-4575. Jor,nal Paulista. Japanese Brazilian organ. Director: Luiz Yassumi Tanigaki. Offices and press: Rua Bueno de Andrade 113, phone 6-7967. Caixa_Postal 3848. Noticias de Hole. An ad interim Communist paper, supplanting Hole, as Ea Le was suspended by order of Minister of Justice in early November 1948 for a six- month period. (See Hole above.) 0 Dia. Obeys the orientation of Partido Social Progressista. Its release is regular. Considered a popular paper maintaining itself on sales and advertising. During the war this organ was in the pay of the Nazis. Today it is owned and operated by Adhemar de Barron. Supertntendent: Paulo Siqueira. Offices and press: Rua do Carmo 8b/89, phones 2-0189 and 3-5360. 0 Tr h . Syndical organ of the railroad workers of Estrada de Ferro Santos Jundiai. It exists on contributions of its syndicate members and subscriptions. Director: Sebastiao Paiva. Editor: Carlos Baltasar. Offices: Rua Prates 73, phone 4-3290. Ararat. Director: Jacob Bazarian (Communist). Offices: Rua Santo Andre 219, Santo Andre (suburb). Deutsche Naehrichten. Former Nazi organ. Owned and operated by Jornal'de. Noticias, Florencio de Abreu 164. Editor: Artur Troppmair. F. Traditional organ of the Italian colony of Sao Paulo. Has no political color. Exists on sales and advertising. Was a Fascist news organ during the war. Director:: Sergio.Cristaldi. Editorial offices: Rua Formosa 93. Printed at A Noite. Kurier Polski. A Polish review which seems to be backed by the Warsaw Government through the intermediary of the Polish Legation in Rio. Its director came especially from Poland to orientate it. It exists on sales, advertising, and colony collaboration. Director: Joao Hernandes Soares Martins. Proprietor: Waldomiro Constantino Hawrysz (Polish Jew). Editor: Otto or Hugo Schlesinger, Polish engineer. Schlesinger is also said to be director of Intercambio Inter- nacional Jornalistico do Brasil Magyar-Sze. Editorial offices; Rua Aurora 408. Directors: Isidoro Jose Machado and Helene Mezzei. Machado is'a Communist sympathizer; he was formerly Guardia Civil No. 1323. According to information received, this paper functioned at Rua Anita Garibaldi 231, 8th floor, room 207. It is no longer in circulation. Magyar Hirlai. Catholic and anti-Communist in orientation. Director: Luis Tolosa de Oliveira Costa Filho. Secretary: Secretary: Dr. Aureliano Hets. Offices: 'Praga da Patriarcha 26, room 52. Zinios (News). Organ of the Lithuanian colony of Sao Paulo. Its tendencies are nonpolitical, but still remain doubtful. Offices: Avenida Tiradentes 1026. Weekly papa :Director: Alexandre Bumblis. Editor: Professor Simas Bak.sys. Ex-Director 'Ed' Stanislau Meliunas. Approved For Release 199 -00457R002100640006-6