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CLASSIFICATIO Approved For Re1 25X1A9a INFORMA COUNTRY Balivia/P.ru SUBJECT Split in Novimiento Nacicnalia+s Revolucionari Ranks 25X1A6a RACE ACQUIRE DATE OF I DATE DISTR. 3 Tan 1949 NO. OF PAGES 2 1 A2g NO. OF ENCLS. WSTED $F.l.OW? - ___. ______25X1A2g REPORT NO. 25X1X7 5X1A2g 1. Although it was previously reported that the alleged split in the Movimiento NacionallstAffiows, o (MNR) was invented by the Party to mislead the 25X1 A2g Goverwent a well-placed source now states that the UNR has indeed split into two parts. One group includes the younger military element and some members of the Logia Badepa. This group is being inspired and aided in its activities by ex-Major Alberto Taborga, General Pena y Lilla, General Bezmdino Bilbao Rioja, and Colonel Felix Tavera. The other faction includes the laborers, miners, and factory unions, and is being aided by Juan Lechin, Noe Mariaca, and Florentino Quires, 2, The reason for the split in the Party (according to source) is that lechin's followers are opposed to, and fear, any military control of Bolivia. They feel that the working class of the country would receive no benefits from such a regime. They are also extremely bitter because they feel that Taborga and his followers have betrayed the MRNR. 3e Taborga is now staying on a farm in the town of Unduani, close to La Paz. It is believed tht ht dtid ae was noeane during the recent roundups of MNR leaders because he hag been used by the police as an agent. The faction op- posing Taborga believes that it was through Taborgaga aid that the police were able to thwart recent PANE revolutionary plans. He supplied information about the Party's plans, including projects for an alliance between the Partido Isquierda Eevolucionario (PIR) and theiMNR in a joint attempt to bring about a general strike in the country. This information which Taborga allegedly submitted to the police was, in great part, responsible for, the declaration of the state of siege and the resultant detention of MN'R leaders. Taborgags motive for betraying his party was reputedly to gain all the Government favor possible and to attempt to whitewash his reputation. Moreover, he was paid a monthly fee for his services by the Bolivian National Police, Taborga, moved by consideration of the recent anti-Government military suc- cesses in Peru and Venezuela, has now deserted the Government.. He is also in communication with Edmundo Nogales, ex-Colonel in the Bolivian Arvy and PANE member, who has been in exile in Arequipa since 1946. Nogales is now in Lima, where he is - reported to . be in contact with Colonel Alfonso L1osa. 25X1X7 CLA ATION SEC1 T/coNT 4 WAU HAW }: W3EiB D1SiR)BU T.W AiR FBi Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP 2 DO t 1022O0040069-8 Date a 25X1X7 Approved 9/0 00040009-8 CENTRAL 11.6 SCE kGENCY 25X1A2g 25X1A6a Rosa has allegedly promised aid to Nogales in any attempt by the military to overthrow the Hertzog Government. Taborga has now decided to throw his forces in with those of Nogales. I1osa, Nogales, and Taborga are reported to have been very close friends during the Villarroel regime, when Liosa was Military Attache to Bolivia. Taborga is at present planning to go to thna, where he will confer with Nogales and Llosa. He may then continue to Buenos Aires with Nogales for conferences with Pag Eatenssoro. These leaders are expected to attempt to formulate a plan which will be attractive to the younger element. A secondsource confirms this split, and states that Taborga has expressed bitter feelings toward the labor faction of the MR. He claims the labor group has tried to undermine his position ever since his arrival in Bolivia from Chile in 19L7. He has also been heard to admit openly his sympathetic feelings toward any military coup which would rid Bolivia of the Hertzog Government. The command of the MNR has tried in every way possible to smooth out the difference between the labor and military factions of the Party. The schism still exists at present, however. Comment. The suspicion that Taborga was an agent for the police has arisen before., inasmuch as it has been noted that he has never been'detained when the police have arrested other MNR leaders. Taborga is well known for his traitorous character and his fanatic desire for personal gain. It was Taborga who in 19t3 used the National Police to overthrow the Government of President Enrique Penaranda and, as a result of this revolution, was named Minister of Government by the Junta Government. Soon after his appointment, however, it was discovered that he was involved in counter-revolutionary plans against the Junta Government, and he was exiled to Chile, where he re- mained until early 1947. In September 1947 he was believed to have been or- ganizing a revolutionary committee among certain exiled MNR and A T1V person- nel with the hope of staging a revolution in the near future.) 25X1X7 r/CONTROL fi Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002200040009-8