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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002200540010-1 CO N# LO161 It 1 I?%i. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPO INFORMATI6 R PORT CD NO. COUNTRY Hungary SUBJECT Hungarian Rat Plans PLACE ACQUIRE DATE OF I 111$ DO094UT Oo1TAIW H!IO119A1i011 A9$2CENi01911 R IOMALDCT41as O/ TUS UNITED STATES QRHI* TUS YLABIMO or THE am*"" 1CT so ~. R 4 iN $110 ss. AS At1E11280. ITS TNIANSUIS$ION 02 7911 11111SLATIOC 00 20 C09TEUTS A111 8*1*811 TO AN 01AUTHD11l11G11 5110108 to ?110.. 112210 111 1.A1t. *8010D6981011 of 11113 101111 Is 511011112110. DATE DISTR. 11 Jan 1949 r r NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. US=ED BELOMn SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The MAVAG iron foundry and engineering works at Diosgyor employs 12,000 workers. It is egaipped with twelve Stemen-Martins smelting ftrnaoes and four electric furnaces. Comeent: According to other information, the number of employees appears oTe overestimatedo ) 2.. Eighty percent of the production at the MLVAG works, which includes rail- road material and machinery, goes to the Soviet Union. 3. The machinery of the gun factory at Diosgyor was dismantled by the Soviets and removed to the Soviet Union, after it had been evacuated to Gyongy s and Aszod in 1944 because of air raids. The machinery and installations of the factory are now being replaced, and the Soviets have given orders for war material to be manufactured there again.. Eugene Tnose, fnanaging director of the Gana Electrical Works and of the Heavy Industry Center, is in Moscow for negotiations on armament pro- duction. The Hungarian Communist Party recently issued a circular to all trade union eaceoutivee instructing them to propagandize the need for rearmament. Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. DECLASSIFIED Class. CHAr,:,Fn TO: TS Auth? DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 ? DA. REG. ?7/176 SERET /"t/A. R r V7% C 11,1`7" 1. l Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002200540010-1 0