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Publication Date: 
February 4, 1949
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R002300170010-1.pdf81.39 KB
CLASSI ATION Approved For R t9[ NCSIA(,i'82-0045t$3I.1 INFOR TI _CMKELLT RORT CD NO. COUNTRY Argentina DATE DISTR 4 Feb 1949 SUBJECT Pro-Cominform Yugoslav Activities in Argentina NO. OF PAGES 1 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF IN 25X1X6 THIS DOCI ItHT COHWHS 1UPO HATH 1 rrveTIIITH HATION BO10.Q0 AQT 80 or 178 ceattm* m "I 11611161 TO All Daum"= PRUM Is no. 11WTED in 1.11V. "PYOA0CT1O1 OP Ti118 Po1O 11 51011151710. 25X1X6 25X1A6a SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The pro-Cominform Yugoslav newspaper of Argentina, Jugoslavenski Isel enicki Glee, has been given a subsidy of l Q, pesos, icient ensure continued publication, by the Soviet Embassy in Buenos Aires. The Yugoslav Legation, which is the principal source in Argentina of support for Marshal Tito, had hoped that the newspaper would be die- continued for lack of funds. 20 The Slav press and other papers in Buenos Aires recently have received propaganda material prepared by pro-CCominform Yugoslavs in that city and designed to appear as if it had come from Yugoslavia in the form of let- ters. The material always glorifies the Moscow line and generally con- tains the following points a. Marshal Tito and his comrades are following a Trotskyite line which will lead to the intervention of Anglo-Yankee interests in Yugoslav economic affairs; b. The present Yugoslav regime is exploiting the peasant group and low- class workers. 3. Meanwhile, the anti-Communist Yugoslav colony has had to discontinue its official publication Protest for lack of funds. The Hogar Yugoeslavo of Dock Sud, which has always been an anti-Communist Yugoslav colony strong- hold, recently elected a Communist sympathizer to be its president for 19490 STATE ARMY Document No. c~C- Y, 0 CHANGE in Class. DECLA S S I.P ID ass. C :~s NC._DD TO: 'IT'S- S C DDA Marco, 4 .x.-7, 77 Auth: DDA 77/1. 0:3 Date : 1.7 MAY 19 8 By: oil Fy uc A$ P Approved For Release 1999/09/09 :clA-RDP82-00457R002300170010-1