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CLAS TION Approved For Rely _. __ 10 INFOR A ,1-00457W.0p&7 t-wSQRT CD NO. COUNTRY Bulgaria SUBJECT Bulgarian Army Schools rnd Supply"Depots PLACE ACQUIRED THIS DOCOMENT cO rAIN9IMTOtr ATN)b #PPL'LTHIOTHE r*uoMALpsrt:sr OF THB 6111790 STAT6s vim n us r9AMINO OP Ttt 119fONA9S E9 s0 OF in cow"" M ANT MA1UIURTO AM ONAOTHOSIUD PESSOM I9' 1191UD ST LM. M[PSODOCT:OH of us to" I9 POOHIDiTSO. SUPPLEMENT TO NO.OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. 17 Feb 1949 NO. 'OF PAGES 2 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. Bulgarian Army schools are located in the following cities: a. Shuman Artillery of:.cers school Radio -telegrk,hy officers school ..oaeussars ) Military Geographic institute Radio '?elegraphy school RO (Ir;elligence) School for Military Police Resez-a pfficers School, Lozenec Section of So d. Vidin School (vdentlfied service) e. Sofia Militar' academy "Vasil Levskin, located in Boris park (his academy has a special annex for the training of political Engi-koering school in the suburb of Gorna Banja f. Yambol Arti lery nor-commissioned officers school b. Trnovo Non?-co iesJ,ned officers school c. Pleven Special training units Stara .agora Artillery non-commissioned officers school h. Barg,; La marine school i. Valt,~ aval school This docuirrcit hero fa C0P--J Y reCr =DENTfAL ~c - a o cc, the C C''f ` ' 17 th Document No. NO CHANGE in Clas . DECI,ASSIAT-'D o h- q,-LU,jj. T S 77 Auth: Di Date; .i 7 AY--f4-7P By* Ole Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002300170013-8 Approved For Release 1999/09/0%Fd A-RDP82-00457R002300170013-8 CNIMML i .., RE AaENCX All the above schools have Soviet instructors. 2. AXE supply depots are located as follorraz a- Pernik (45 kilometers from Sofia) A large aaw*inition du ep is located in the hill mse ki. L &: " r f P Mfl'. A supplly a'' muse is stored here. b? Pleven A !nrtiou dumo c. Shuns k nitloz rw o in the vineyards near the city. d. Plovdiv This is thr3 mgt important army supply depot. It is :wader peg nazi! zit Army guard which excludes all civilians a9 well as Army personnel without Vpecia1 permite. e., Sofia An ammunition depot is located on Simwkova Street. 3. The Py-rotechnir al TraatitutP is located at Drezb-'+o. This town is located in the Balkan Mountains (Stara Planina) and is well camouflaged. In its narrow valley with high surrounding peaks it Is well-protected from the air. Ouna, machine guns and ammunition are produced. The plant has many Soviet experts. The entire area is a military zone from which all civilian population is exciudede, A Bulgarian corps consists of$ infantry regimnts i wti.&Llery regimen' J. ^ava`iry regimen.. _;eaephone regimw.~ J- pontoon 3. egiment 1 chenical warfare brigade 5. The temm of service in the Bulgarian Armed Forces are as follows: 36 months in the Navvy 36 months in the Air Forore 21 months in the. Infantry 214 months in the Frontier Tror a 24 months in the Artillery .. 18 attm in the Army lrabor units ET Approved For Release 1999/09/09 :'IA-RDP82-00457R002300170013-8