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Publication Date: 
February 1, 1949
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R002300370005-5.pdf78.85 KB
w1EUOF~x 1. Four thouster~d ~:wo k~~andred Yugoslav Ja~~rs saiiod fro~x Fiume to Israel candor the Auspices of tho Join-b t7astrib~xtican Cc~mmittoo and t3~e lsra?13. Gov?rnment during 'Joac~mb?r 198. The c~:~i.grants worn zita~.nly m3.dd!le-class elements, with no real role in tho`~nsw Yu~ ~c~slr~via'R~ 2A Thz~ Joint vi,st~?ibutxon Corrc~:dttev is z~.o~v exaoountaris~; s?~riazes diff3.cu~.tic~s in reamer Jews from othar "Iron Cuxtain" countrios. It Ys felt in sorz? guax?tt~rs ~thr~t tha Yugoslav Gov-orx~nt has pex~eaitted this emigration, becs.ust~ it was unahla to rally those elemc~~ats around a "natiorrQl" resin?,anoe and bac~ausa of the considerable nuu~ber of Je,~a.sh daf?atore frc~- tlzc~ Yugoslav trade agranoies and m3.ssions abroad. 3. Thr?e thousand edciitional Yugoslav Jow~ are caxpected to be ~vaou3tFid ~.n Israeli ships from Yugoslav ;ports bti~ithin the n?~ct tYes~eo r.-oxathso 4. A eertai.n `:Ca~eahtQnhetz'i;, who was born ix~ Rurr~nia, is ~Chn Israeli represezx- tstive assigned to E~sterzt: ~:urope for expediting the razreoval of J~~ra fo Israel. ~s tra~rr~is fraquentl,y throui;hout tha satellite coutstrie~t and repor~a regularl~r ~a i;ho Israeli r?prssentative (unidr~ntifi?d~ 3n Praguo~; This document is hereby r~ ''' CORI~'i~'iwN 'IP,I. Yn arch - letter ofi ifs Oc~ Director ofi Archivis with the !3 from' the ~ intelligence to the United States. eview pate: 2008 S=. ~ , ~ /!~ q t~~~p~. y~y /'q ~p 'U 1..11SS1~1CAi EV{~{ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ y~ ~~dl.. Approved For Release 1999/09/09 :CIA- P82-004578002300370005-5 25X1A2g CEi~TRAL INTEL.U E AGE>~#CV REPORT i~~(~. ~0~~~"R'a Yugoal~-vis./~srtlel S#~1~3ECT` Cre:iigrati.on of Yugoslav Jaws ~'~CE 25X1A6a ~~'Vrn to A ACQl9lRE?~ ~~~ ~tbt~rY DAaE DE:3TR. ~. February 1949 N0. OF e~AGES ~. ~lt~. CF E.~4CLS. fLl87E#? BEi.OL`J3 $UPPLEY~3E~~' Z~ SOr2Q581 REPOR i t~0. C~~1`E iJF tf~F 25X1X6