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CIASSIFiCAittA4 iDj;:,i'LAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09t: E P8 0W02300520RjM- NO. CENTRAL _ INFORMATION ` PORT CD NO. 25X1A2g DATE DISTR. 11 Feb 3949 SUBJECT Sy flieh Republican in Bolivia NO. OF PAGES 2 25X1A6a PLACE AOQUIRED NO. OF ENCLS. (us= ?EWW) UATE OF INFO. roe trct SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1X6 REPORT NO. The foilotrin informtion has been received on the outstanding .'panieh Republicans at present in Doliviai 1. , a career diplcnat, arrived in La Paz around 1932, as Third Secretary in the Spanish Legation. 23artinez became Marc* d'Affaires ad Wal when the -.iinister Plenipotentiary Rafael do Trina y Blasco went to Madrid on leave in 1935. When the :Vanish Civil Uar began in 1936, Trina escaped from Spain qnd resigned his poet, notifying the Spanish colony in La Pan by cable from Biarritz* .?krtines oontinued in charge of the Legation, undecided at first which side to support, but eventually embracing the Republican cause then forced to make a decision. 2. Hartine;z care under the influence of Vicente Burgaleta y Pares do la Dord s, rVanish republican leader In La Pas, who had become his brother-in-law when tiartines married Dora Contreras, the sister of Durgaletats second wife. tlartine$ attempted to influence the members of the Spanish oolong toward the Republican side, and in addition to his normal salary, he received substantial ewe from Madrid for propaganda purposes. 3. At the end of the Spanish Civil War, i rtinez was transferred to Rio do Janeiro, being replaced in Ls Pas by Lucas Parrs. Since that time he has alternated between Brazil and Argentina, but be returned to La Pas in June 1948. He is reported to have left my debts in Buenos Aires, and to have committed a breach of Drasilian 2&w in the sale of an apartment which be had there. lie claims to be a journalist and artist, but is not active in either field. The Franco eynpmthisers in Le Paz consider that he is not dangerous, and that he is not a Coemunist at heart, but that his diplomtie career is finished. 4. J_ gge 11gr3aJAU& is a shirt manufacturer who acquired Bolivian citizenship several. years ago, exercising the privileges of duel nationality as suited his convenience. At the outbreak of the Civil War, be declared himself a Nationalist. Hs said that four of his sisters bad been murdered by the Reds, and he publicized the details of the crime in Bolivia. A short time later, however, he espoused the Republican cause, without giving any explanation of his motives. He now states that he is a rlonarohist. It is reported that be fraudulently acquired .xt r thoueand bolivianos and is prospering in a now business which he started with this am. The Franco orlony does not consider him dangerous politically. CLASSIF1IATiON Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. 0 ss. CHAt .. T ED TO., TS S N FI DENTIAL Cl DDM vuso , 4 Apr 77 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : C%-RDP82-00457R00ja52( *G. 77 1rye3 Date: 1160,.1( 9- B': 0 X Approved For Release 1999/09/0~1_A-RDP82-00457ROO2300520007-6 1TIAL M1TRAL INTCL . AG ICY 25X1A2g 5. ZM,M is a businessman of long standing, who arrived in La Paz at the bo! inning of the century, acquiring Bolivian citizenship about the year 1932. -le is a of the republican chief Durgaleta and of Martinez Feduchy. He is anti-Franco, are .a nenber of the Republican group in Ia Paz. 6. kin_ Pans',' a teacher, arrived in La Par from Argentina at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. Ile declared himself a Ilationaliet and took part in the activitie of the Spanish Fa3ange as head of the cultural section. Ile was also a teacher in the American Institute. ile mi ldertly renounced his parish nationality., bocame a naturalised Bolivian, and declared hiflseif for the Republicans. It Is alleged that he took these steps in order to be ablo to teach in Bolivia and maize use of the influence of Burgaleta in the University. 7. Pori, r QDiez arrived in La Paz in 1936 from Chile. life stated at the time that he was a nationalist, but some days later went over to the Republicans, and became actively anti-Franco. J or e l chef Q n in a woodworker by profession and a long time resident of La Pazo le .;_a not men educated, but likes to discuss politics. He used to sign articles which bad been written by Burga3 eta. Since the end of the war, he has becomes friendly with the Nationalist group. 9. Jose vas is a carpentry supervisor who went to La Paz in 1935 under contract to the firm tlaestranza American Peralta y Cia. Later he was in char,-,e of the carpenter shop at the 1211man1 Orphans School, and subsequently in the drayage business. He was a member of the Republican group, but is politically inactive. 10. Aelio Vivian is a laborer who leads a nomadic life,, sometimes working in the minas and sometimes living in La Paz. During the Civil War, articles written by Burgaleta were published over his siature. The Franco group considers him very ignorant, and therefore hartless. 11. Jesus Rnrionas has been in Bolivia for more than thirty years, working in the hotel and restaurant business. Ile is an ardent defender of Coruunisn, although it is stated that he is merely a theorizer. 12. Alfredo Leon I io is a refugee who was formerly a lieutenant in the Assault Guard of the police in Spain, and also a major in the rpanish Republican army. In La Paz, he was the author of a series of articles which traced the history of the Civil Liar from the conflict in &friea to the times of General Prim de Rivera, Information reached Bolivia which implicated him in the famous murder of Don Jose Calvo ro telo. Ile has made a financial success of several ill businesses con- nected with books, and in Franco circles it is stated that his leftist fervor has subsided as his econonic status Improved. Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDPj2-00457R002300520007-6