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CLASSACATION Si Approved For FUNIFia 110 NFORMA COUNTRY Yugoslavia CONFI SUBJECT Cominformist ActiVrty'riuside izgoslavta 25X1A6a , 25X1A2g P82-oo4PIRIO4o PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF IN 25X1X6 U!, DATE DISTR. NO. OF P" NO. OF ENCLS, 0.137110 BELOW lary 1949 25X1A2g SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO. The Cominform has stepped-up its clandestine activities within Yugoslavia during recent weeks. This activity takes form in the spreading of propaganda and the organization of various cells, 2. Illegal propaganda leaflets are found daily in the factories at Celje and Maribor. The following is the content of one such Cominform leaflet: "Because of the bloody terror of Titofa group, the duties of the majority of the KPJ members .become very difficult and complicated since the leading party circles are carrying on a policy of treason to the very end. Titofs faction is becoming more ruthless:. The mightiest weapon in the fight against this treason among the leaders, in the profound studying of Mari, Engels, Lenin and Stalin on the part of the KPJ members. Subversive, uncompromising and aggressive application of thia learning can be carried Into practice only under a strong determination to fight this cleverly masked policy of traitors which must be exposed at every step, at every occasion, and every day. "Because of this, the first and basic order to all members of the KPJ is as follows: do everything in your power so that the greatest number possible of Communists; receives and reads the articles which ideologically unmask the treason of Tito 's group in matters of all concrete problem. "It ie evident that very little can be done without a successful solution of the problem of procuring, multiplying and spreading of this reading material. That is why members of the KPJ must display great initative and resourcefulness in this regard as they have done before under illegal circumstances in pre-war Yugoslavia and in the hour of the national struggle for Liberation. In this new struggle the word "material" assumes the sane imp. partance it had before. iMaterial' again beoomes a precious means (weapon) because it is rare (there is not such of it). We have to do our utmost to provide More Imateria17. "Cur work, however, should be easier in this respect than before. Now we have mere paper, more radios, more satmeographs and more IFICATIO WARNING NOTICE: THIS DISTRIBUTION LISTING MUST BE' PUBLI RELEASE THIS D U ENT Th's? He)cument is hereby regraded to 1_ in accordance with the ? '-r-nr 1978 from the Director Archivkair60.drp' iiease 2 Next Review Date: 2008 E ET Auth: Dates ir 00/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00457R Approved For Release 2000/09 CENTRAL 11 -2- DP82-00457R002400020006-1 eetTeeef 25X1A2g people who can and wish to write, The only thing necessary is or- ganization. All that la necessary is a copy of the Informbiro organ For Permanent Peace and Pea ilea Deutocradyi en issue ce Nova po- ew Bat e one ohure Under e Flag of Inter- nationalism, ei cetera and members of e wi ve had emcees to the rightkind of informative material. - "Even if Rankovicle gang succeeds in teasporarily preventing the pro- curement of printed matter, they cannot prevent the people from listening to radio broadcaate fromM000w and other peoples democracies, which continuously transmit large numbers of ideological texts. Remember the following radio transmissions schedule for Yugoslavia (the Yugoslav hour): hour meters (leave lengths) MOBOOff (Serbo-Croat) ......g5,,Oti 25;2f. 18,3o 25.01 308 20.00 30,8 41.12 377.4 21,30 .30.0o 41.12 377.4 Moscow (Slovene) 18.45 25.o8 30,8 21,00 30.8 41.12 377.4 Prague O1000Q0 ......... .e0 1530 31.41, 17 :10 31.41 1935 2o,30 49,92 Bucharest 19,00 50 Budapest ..... ........ ..... 22?10 549 Sofia 20.50 31,92 22,20 391 Warsaw 18.00 48,25 ' Tirana 21.00 38,22 "That is why it is imperative to develop a listening 1:14 aerviel which will receive the news and commentaries for immediate distribution, Our actioniste will not find this work difficult as they have had much experience from the heroic struggle of our party before the war and during the battles for liberations "Throughout the country it is neceseary - with more enthussiasm than ever before - to establish cells and groups and to intensify the work, We should strive towards having these groups and circles well organized in every community, every district and every. plant. This is a great talk for all the members of the KF.1 loyal to the interests of the working class and the proletarian internationalism united in an anti-imperialistic front with the USSR at the head and its teacher and leader of all progressive mankind - the great Stalin. "Let us develop as much initiative and enthusiasm as possible in this -work. Let us firmly and with determination undertake this work with the motto: 'Everything for a quick victory of the Lenin-Inter- nationalist line in the NPZe4 3. Meanwhile, within Tito's Communist Party it becomes increasingly clear that the break with the Cominform is definite and final. Boris Kraigher is re- ported to believe that the cella have now been purged of all "undesirable Cominform elements". The slogans of the Party line as given for use at maws meetings read an follows: "It should be explained to the Slovene people in carefully worded terms that the days are gone when the Komintern (Cominform) had a 'CON f Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0024000200064 Approved For Release 2000/ =mu, I -RDP82-00457R002400020006-1 25X1A2g monopoly over the Communist parties and when overnight they would dissolve the central committees and replace them according to their choice. The Comouniat Party of Yegoslevie is not an accoeplice *mother it be in Indonesia or in some other coloey where oolonia1 methods are used. Gomm are the days of internetional solidarity of the proletarians, gone are the days of the leading role of the Bolshevik parey of the Soviet Union, because something now has been born, i.e. Tito's faction which will take over the leading role in the world's workers novement. The Bolshevik party together with other Commmnist parties in Bulgaria, Huneary, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Albania has taken on the ieperialistio line, aiming to enslave Yugoslavia and to deprive her of her independence. We are not White Russia or the Ukraine to be treated in this way." Kraigher is reported to. have also stated that "..meanwhile, while we shed blood Dimitrov, Rakosi, Gottwald, Mores, Togliatti and many others set on the other side of the Urals, enjoying themselves while they waited for Soviet tanks to carry them to authority. We have eon back our territory with our own hands, which is swathing they cannot claim for themselves - and for which they envy us. We know that the Cominform cligas offers our true Yugoslays abroad money, women and other means to lure these true Party followers of ours to sign with the Cominform." Kraigher expresses himself in a completely different tone with reference to the Western ?mere and says that, according to Djilase Yugoslavia well -enter into close commercial ties with the West, because only in that way can the Five-Year Plan be realized. These commercial ties will be of an economic nature only and will contribute towards carrying out in Yugoslavia a socialist economic order, 6. Ccmfusion is evident in the Yugoelav Communist Partys For example, in- structions were issued forbidding "reactionary" celebration of Christmas; no trees were to be cut or sold, and at first, the holiday WAS not to be celebrated; the workday schedule was to be lengthened by the udarnik method (shock work) and sectional meetings were to be called. Then an order appeared for a Christmas day celebration which would honor "Dedek Nraz" (Grandfather Frost) which the Soviet Union has been celebrating for the past ten years. "Grandfather Frost" was intended to replace thesuperstitdons of the Catholic church". Food rations were to be increased for this holiday and every effort was to be made to achieve a great public response. When Christmas day arrived, however, it was discovered by the authorities that great numbers of Christmas trees appeared on the markets and much enthusiasm was noticed on the part of the people, so much so that the authorities were tearful that the Catholics would take advantage of the holiday to celebrate according to their custom. They conesquently issued an order once more calling for as little activity as possible during the holiday. 7. In the political field, the Yugoslav Communist is never quite sure whether or not he should sing the praises of "the great Stalin" or to complain about the injustices dons to his comrades by Titols YUgoolavs. The Yugoelav not on an official level can be sure only of criticizing the satellites and of permitting only the leaders to criticize the Soviets. 8. New court trials were held an &result of certain persons receiving the Matjazev Glas from abroad. Pavia Be Comolli, a clerk at the Ministry for Public Works was sentenced to 12 years at hard labor; Jose Komljanec and Cdster Janko received steilor sentences. A Dr. Bartol received five years at hard labor. New trials are being prepared for the Lajovic group and the Liberal Party supporters in Ljubljana, on charges of spreading anti-Communist propaganda and having illegal radio transmitters in their possession:, . Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : A -RDP82-00457R002400020006-1