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Publication Date: 
March 3, 1949
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CLASSIFIGIIION Approved For Release...1 COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE /.0QUIRED DATE OF INF 25X1 X troo t 25X1 A INFORMA 25X1 A - v =MI 04 00457F s. ? REWOWO b. rith DATE DISTR. 3 ? CONFIDENTIAL Ilartiatni. Arty Cells of santiago No. OF PAGES RI TO NO. OF ENCLS. atm) Balm SUPPLEMENT TO a 1343 1. The following ins La e given to the various cells of the Corramiet Party of Chile (PCCb) by the Regional Committee of Santiagot a. No ?covenant must at himself to be =eb- b. In propagating the aigetzr line, militants mist avoid identifying it directly as the line of -the Cormunist Party. o. All Party funs ona %till be held in the name of the ?mute Nacional Democratic? (JT D). d? Pally every retard!** militants Oust buy the newspaper El ?Wag* in order to find the latest instrietions sonceraing meetings. Under present air- casustances every effort will be' made to inform members of the meeting places, but way a few bourn In advance. All kinds of provocaticea must be avoided. Communists must not answer any individuaLa in the street who make slurring remarks about the Communist Party, and they must ant join iu mots of sabotage, participate in illegal strikes or ether eats which might lead to violent repressive measures. ? S. Violation of any of these instructions mot be reported to the cell leader. 2. In the operatiamal Sans of he POChs the work of the street cells, which are grouped according to residence of the members is divided into two types. The first oconisto of study tad mrparation and the second involves Sanediate eon - (trete tasks to be deve1opa4 3. The work schedule or the west beginning 24. January 1949 has been furnished by sourest as typical of a reguinr week. a. Theory Study of the Chimes Civil, gar as the second world-wide agent since the Bolshevik Bortaution of 1917. Each cell must study tin mr- periences of the Civil 'Oar, the manner in which the Camminist army has pre. ? pared soldiers end revolutionaries, and the application of Marzism and Leninism to this eiteati/n. The person in charge of preparation of each cell must make a moo& -aid the members of the cell. must participate in a full disauselon. CLASSiFiCATIONs PRATT I Lx",s*vv # ii< tene --..? IINWL:1-2,-1.2.-Lornimminii . .. - I ARMY Di ea M # sres NI IN 1.16A1 II Palf111111111CIP , Dec C ON FfE) Et \ MA I NO in acc.ordance with the ootiment is hereby regraded to DEC etter of "1.3 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligenc 004 P82 e to the 44600- Archivist of the United Stake. - 999/09/09 : CIA-RD 1 Date; ,Class. Next Review D,ir dopbr Release ro e Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002400280006-3 411.4, 25X1A at vi LIMA; AGCY CONFtDENTiAL b.Inandiato worts .tieal fields the calls bine received in- striations eras their local" col:lettuce to fraternise with the Edina:rho of the parties of the AIM Ind not to provole 'quarrels with ambers ot the Agreries-Lebor Party, 410 ratter that the official attitude of parties liker be. Along lattit this fraternisation with the militants of the 7W, facteavkleat,lom tit% members of the Radical Party will ba pro. noted in an effort to attract them to the political line of the Pronto ?kw:tonal Dwooratieo. a. Ilactingst As a gmonaral ordr all the militants must appear at **oh of the meotiege eriPeasod hy the PM. Attendance at thus mass meatings is obliges:7. Each call :War must note those militants who do not oPpeer? old they must present their muse beibre the oeLl the rollout's, looks Xf tbs.reason ipso is act justified in the judipant of tho cell the own of the mill** vdll be handed. over to the Disoiplinary Tribtual, 4. Oalls Arnaud same business enterprises haws a different obaractor from that, of the regtaor street mils. Their tasks are concerned with =ion natters and planning projeots. Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002400280006-3