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POHM NO. 51-4A _ SEPT. 1948 CLASSIFICATION 6,I,..ZACOTITROL'-- L`.S. OFFltiAIS ONLY 25X1A2g INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. K AA Approved For elease 1 1NT 9IO9 : CE -RDP82-00457A~83f 5 ENTRAL COUNTRY France DATE DISTR. SUBJECT Unrest and Dissatisfaction in the NO. OF PAGI Rassemblement du Peuple Francais (RPF) PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1A6a NO. OF ENC (LISTED BELOW) 25X1A6a DATE OF I SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1X6 REPORT NO. b. Setting up of militant organizations: Having lost a number of ? members as a result of the rn ~;e which was effected, theIff is attempting to substitute quality for quantity and hopes, by means of militant organizations, to create, a favorable atmosphere for its activities among the masses. The strongest of these militant organizations is the Service d'Ordre. Other groups are: Comity de Defense du Rassemblement (CDR); Action Professionnelle et Sociales (RPF Groupes dtEntreprdses); Action 1funicipale (RPF municipal elctees)political organization which is presently being formed will be called the "troupes do Iiilitants" . There also exists the Rassemb:Cement de la Jeune le Francaise (headed by Colonel Remy), but this group is presently without great significance. c. Close cooperation between Militant groups: The Service dtOrdre is working in close liaison vri.th the CDR and the Groupes d1Tntreprises. ? vt tied '?,Lt a 'i'ce ? 1*. -. 1. There is considerable di.ssati_sfactiatfiaon with General de Gaulle i_n RPF circles, according to a secretary of Louis Vallon, head of Action Professionelle et Sociale section of the RPF. 2. The faultfinders (who claim that de Gaulle directs RPF propaganda badly and that he lacks the g1:.alities of political leadership essential to a party chief) are to be found principally in the entourage of Vallon and Jacques Soustelle. 3. In addition to the dissatisfaction manifested by these groups, there is a general feeling of discouragdment in RPF circles. The rift between the RPF and the Rassemblement des Gauchos Pepu.blicaini s ((1.GR) is becoming more and more pronounced and many of the RPF adherents are growing weary of waiting for de Gaulle to core to power. To meet this "moral" crisis, the PPF has, under the personal guidance of the r'Teneral, taken I e following steps: a. Purge: New statutes have been put into effect which have made it possible to eliminate from the local and departmental committees all elements of an "arriviste" or RGR tendency. FICATI .,~, -, t STATE 7 i"J _ ARMY f AIR FBI 1 1 7%h 1 1 1 J, T7 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP8j2-00457R002400540008-2 C"NTltAL INTELLIMNCE AGENCY -2- IAL/CONTROL - U.S. -OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1A2g 4. The RPF is also _faced with a financial crisis. The budgets of all the services of the Party have een cut considerably and personnel is being dismissed. The stamp canpai n was not as successful as anticipated. Although about 300 million francs were collected, publicity and propaganda expenditures which were deducted from this amount were high. 5. The Treasurer-General of the PPF, Alain Kozel, has authorized the Service 81Ordre to collect funds for its own use. (Up to this time this independent collect .on of funds was prohibited to the various i'.PF services. This autonomy is subject to supervision by the RPF Financial Services. 6. The Service d'Ordre in the Paris Region will shortly launch an issue of "boas de sou.scr:i.ptionsr signed by Colonel Poncbardier. These bonds will be in denominations of 500, 1000, 5000, and 10,000 francs. Any one lending financial help to the SO 0 11 receive bonds as counterpart. CON L` ;?"TML71CO 1TROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY wurni nt Nn. 60 INS.'"C8kht3'? D TO: TQ tom' hrl,rr. CEc,LA.SS I.A I:+ D 0 'rH4NVGf I n ^1 . c ApprovedtFer elect I9$ LQ9/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002400540008-2 Dates .-4 M4Y-.ig7a Pv :