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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 7, 1949
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25X1A9a CLASSIFICATION Approved For ReleattNW/ iNFOR COUNTRY Lebanon SUBJECT Cottroniert Party Att3 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF IN 25X1A6a 7=1AL Al3Jibr10457R9%4SR9q490 25X1X6 1.? 141%O. 25X1 A2 DATE DISTR. 7 iler 1943 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. CAM BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1X6 25X1X6 1, The Cazaminist?Party oet a?diine of 29 Jen for the release of Ilustara tArts, 1iaLth flirr 2n8. the otJaer demons The Comuniets have followed up the fixo4 of telegrams in protost of the arrests by efforts to orgmalse ticycnatratians. On 26 &assay Qadri Qalsji, Ibrahim Astular and %J:kaitLiit.h Ltisri went to Tripoli to oentaot Comunist leaders there in regard tc, .3taging demonstrations, GOCIOLIELtato In Beisnt and its suburb? were alto considering such activities, sours* states, 2, The Comunist Party :Lsi.u- the redoration of Unit= as its cover and issues tracts in the nare cf the Federation, signed by George Furahaho Source says that tontine% col' the Federation are not conducted according to Union procarbtra, but a* restricted to personal contacts nada by asaitaah. who placed 'Aria as Secretary General of the Federation* Ilasinah notiallies zsmbers of tho activities) which the Federation proposes to unclertake, and the Conaunikt Party prints all tracts 2 tho n " ame c'' the l'ederationP using the alAlapth "datin P g reedo grrg iu P 25X1X6 3, it hes toast proved to hint that the Omenentats are using the type of sal al-Gbarb pahich.they roved to the oiXices of the aWIariq reviler, tielorringiv.tyrat alpTtssayni) to print their tracts and Sone Cortsunirrto leotings are held in the al-Fferitt offices at night, 25X1X6 40 The Corauniste held arJec,titags whieh wee divided into two parts, at Antelias on the CiVelle 21 3smery 1949. The first took place ea. ti house of Ilyas Shoitin ands bosidee',Shahin, was attended by the followings A rent Ilaidad, a :linr Corrantist Aim a1i4leru3 village, near Wu* al-tinrgaiYr trasib 'Mize Salim ,Alm.14cartes Asiad 13,yus ..7hc1:!xt Salin Nosri 'Azar a loading '...:ornmaist from Ilaifa An unspeatied Pelectiro Ccumanist soh? is a cousin of Mari !Azar, STATE RAW ARMY opt MR CLASSIR T im Zoomealfrite, SO CHANGE In Claes. 0 DECLASSIFTSD Class. CHANGED TO: TS DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-0044PROJIMM0009* 4,1,0442. ity I eigaiamb Approved For Release 1999/06/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002400550009-0 VNI-IlltNI IAL ? """riftssra 2 5X 1 A2 ZEELL/GVZ At ? These men discussed' atagitg "aronstrations ani strikes in the variovs" workshops, if lAris,Ia1b r, and their OX3tedee rAire not m110,154,44. At 10:00 o?clock the sal? :aing they went on to the house of , Asrad Vley joined by MOre Gom:aunista, and continued their discussions. Thoy 4ded to stage auth demonstrations, and to take such measures to obstr*t activities of Ilisb alf4awarl. al-Suri (PPS) as to provonit renlitatilem of the Greater Syria projnet? 2 5X 1 A6 a a easy 8ztcoe pad on gArin and his on February u 4 Cobablzr the result a strong bidden preieure 25X1X6 in his favor fro= same sotirce in tbe government - probably Riad Sulh. Jt1D121ZIAL CONFIDENT! Approved For Release 1999/06/09 : CIA-RD 2-00457R002400550009-0 2 5X 1 X6