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Approved For Released/0'NT91I,Qlf@M-fRff0250001 ftftftT NO. COUNTRY China 4. The 21-room administration building, on the south side of the airfield, is shaped like a 'T9 when viewed from the north end of the field. 5. On 9 i;jovember 1948 the following aircraft were at the field: SUBJECT Air Information: Chinese Commniat airfields at NO. OF PAGES 3 Chiamussu and BMutanchiang PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. July - 9 November 1948 25X1X6 field. The two hangars on the west side can house 7 and 12 fighter planes respectively, and the other two can accommodate 16 large-size aircraft. Taxi strips connect the hangars with the runway. At the southwest corner of the field there is a 12-room single-story warehouse, with a 12-room basement, where fuel is stored. On 30 October 1948 the warehouse contained 260 53-gallon drums of aviation gasoline. Chiamussu iirfield WON TO CIA U 25X1A2g 1. The Chinese Communist airfield at Chinshantoun ( ii.; ), south of Chia- mussu* (130-21,46-49) and on the w_-et bank of the Sungari hiver, was improved between July and September 1948: The single runway, which runs north-south, was lengthened from 1,400 meters to 2,000 meters, and widened from 90 to 160 meters at the north and and from 160 to 200 meters at the south end. Planes usually take,off from the south and land from the north. 2. Of the four hangars at the-airfield, two are west and two northwest of the 25X1A2g DATE DISTR. 16 + ar 1949 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) ' . SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 3 two-engine transport planes 6. Vehicles at the- airfield included two 3?-ton trucks, two medium-sited and five small-sized vehicles. Japanese 12 Type-97 fighter planes 6 Zero fighter planes 2 Type-92 reconnaisance planes 5 San Ryo (=- *) training planes 7. The following personnel are stationed at the airfield: as. Fifty-seven administrative employees under the supervision of HU Ting-nien Document No. ?C3$ -Mae NO CWkNCF- j r, Vass. ^ DEk..^':. ~O TS S Approved. For Release 1999/09/, MWOHVMi IA p T CD NO. CIA-RDP82-00457RO62hb6oltog=9' I Date: MAY .$y; Qt:& Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : A C.'(11I 57R002500010008-9 .25X1A2g `NNTIAL"cdY 1 1-. An operational staff of 39 pilots, 2 navigators and 3 radio operators, under KU Ch'ing ( 'i), air force corunander. The operational staff consists of 26 Chinese, 12 Koreans and 6 Mongolians. Q. Fifty-two aviation cadets-who are training at the field. 8. The cadets, all intelligent youths with junior high school education, were drafted from the Chinese Communist Army. None are native Manchurians. They are divided into two training classes, and their curriculum includes: a. Taking off and landing practice b. Air operation c. Reconnaissance methods d.~ aerial photography 9. KU Ch'ing is head of the cadet training,; K'a-sou (t, Jh, j), a Russian, is the chief instructor; KILT Tae-sul ( ' -k ,), a Korean, and TAKaA Tomohoshi a Japanese, are assistant instructors. ?utanchiang 4irfield 10. i1utanchiang Airfield** has been renamed Suining trfield by the Chinese Communists. This field, which lies southwest of Mutanchiang (129-37,44-35), is approximately 26 kilometers from the eastern bank of the M4utanchiang River between the villages of Hsikangyaokou (05 'Vo ij) and Tat'angtaokou ( M A ), .3A and is northeast of the Haliho River*** ( .1 11. The airfield is about six li north-south by about five li east-west, and has two runways (one north-south and one east-west) which form a "T" at the southern'and of the north-south runway. The north-south runway, about 90C) meters long and 130 meters wide, is the main runway. The east-west runway, about 600 meters long and 70 meters wide, is seldom used. i3oth runways.,have black tarred surfaces. Planes generally take off from the south:and land from the north. 12. Fifteen meters south of the east-west runway there is a-14-room office building with a two-story log building on its roof. On top of the log building is a wind sock on a 30-foot pole. On one side of the office building there are five rooms for guards, and behind the office building there are another three rooms for the message center. The radio antenna installed at the message center is several times higher than the wind sock. Forty meters west of the office building there is a 5-room gasoline storage warehouse. 13' South of the west and of the east-west runway there are one large and three small hangars. The large hangar can accommodate 16 transport planes and the small hangars can house 11 or 12 fighter planes. The hangars are con- structed of steel, and their roofs are made of black oiled paper and sheet iron. 14. Personnel at the airfield include: a. A field staff of 22 men under HS11L1 Chin-te ( ,f, . HSIuH, a native of Honan Province, was graduated from the Chinese Communist Aviation Training School at Mishan (132-06,45-35), and has recently returned from training in the USSR. Five message center workers. The chief of the message center is a Russian who has two assistants, one Chinese and one Japanese, and two Chinese servants. i.;01 'ID . t 'lhL CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-F?ADP82-00457R002500010008-9 CO quNTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA~DP82-00457R002500010008-9 NVA'C' Gy 25X1A2g, One platoon of guard troops (46 officers and men), who are permanently stationed at the airfield. This platoon is under the jurisdiction of the Suining Provincial Military District Headquarters. d. Four pilots (three Koreans and one Chinese). T'AX Ch'ang-ha (# g ;QJ), age 26 (a native of SeouKorea) is the flight leader. The Chinese pilot is I,U Wen-kuei ( f), age 23, a native of Shensi Province 15. 25X1A6a 25X1A2g 25X1A6a 25X1A2g 25X1A6a and a graduate or the Liahan A tion School. There are usually three reconnaissance planes at the airfield. orment. For previous information on Chiamussu airfields, Qaa IL.-- 1P- rL ar_ ,... . .. ..~ Comment. Possibly this field is the field formerly called Wenchun Airfield. For information on Wenchun Airfield see - and baps No.26, No.27 and No.64, Comment. This river is known locally (sic) as the r7rtaoho River Approved For Release 1999/09/09: CIA-RDP82-%457R002500010008-9 25X1A2g