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CLASSIFICATION Approved For R WRMOS CIC X82-004$MP4i012VW COUNTRY raumlor INFORM T CD NO. SUBJECT Latin American Continental Control fsadq arters 25X1A6a PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED p18TE? sEWW) DATE OF INFO. Prior to 22 N ebruaxy 1949 SUPPLEMENT 25X1 X6 REPORT NO. '~Iern to CIA Library 1. Pedro Saad, Acting Secrotary Gsner 1 of tf ~ QrtLdo omunista del Ecuador (PCE - Camramist Party of 7,ouador) who has been devoting hinself .xolueively to the handling of the Party's international correapandence, has recently rocoived instructions fron Europe through clandestine channels to collaborate with other Canrmniet portico of South Arerioa in establishing a 1!rondiosse plan of coordination and inter-relationship between all Latin American branches. This plan, which Roberto ttorena, Ornailian mist and e'iepected ^.ominform agent, diocuosod with Ecuadoran Conrunist leaders in 1948,* provides for the estabtishrsent of a "Latin American Continental Control Iieadququaartera***whioh will naintain direct liaison with its Ezuropean counterpart, the Cominform, and direct the "Regional Control Headquarters" which will. be nde up of repre- oentativna of the various Party branches operating in each rogion. These regions arc as follows: a. 0rancolombian Regions Venezuela - Headquarters, Cartons Colombia Ecuador b. Central Regions Brazil - Headquarters, Rio ao Janeiro Paraesay urugmy a. Southern Regions 'trgentina - Headquarters, Buenos liras Chile d. (Regional assignment unknown) Peru Bolivia Guiana a. Ca.ibbean Regions (Composition unknown) f . !-addle American Reglonr` (Composition im mown) CLASSIFICATION Auth: 25X1A2g TO: TS Apr 77 Date; Mav - ....................... -_- ' -.. X838 .-$y d ? ~< Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002500190010-7 NO. OF PAGES 251 A2g DATE DISTR. 23. Mar 1949 Approved For Release 199 CEN 9 : CIA-RDP82-00457ROO25001 g 2. No infoi`mation is available to date regarding the location of the Latin American Continental Control Headquarters. Contact within the regions is to be rsinta.ined by special couriers, and a different set of couriers will be used for liaison between the Regional Headquarters and the Continental Control Headquarters. 25X1A2g 25X1A2g 25X1A6a 4. Although the above elan is not motually funotionirg at this tine, conrier rums have allegedly been established between the respective branches in order to i*eplement the plan of or niaa-tion and control. The over-all clan, according to Pedro Saad, is to be known only to a select few leaders in each brmoh, and, in the case of reuador, the full details are known only to Saad. . - reported that Moscow was studying the organiza- tion of a Latin American Department within the Co inform. This Department w-:s to bo an infor tionsl body rather than the controlling and directing organization outlined above. Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002500190010-7